Mark your bloggy calendars, everybody!
Feel free to steal the button as well, but for the love of pete, keep it small. Because the resolution? Not so great.
(But this is as good as it gets button-wise because I nearly ruptured a retina scrutinizing my humble button-making efforts.)
(I’m enjoying the use of the word “button” coupled with a hyphen, if you can’t tell.)
(I’m feeling somewhat button-challenged.)
Anyhoo, I only ask a couple of things if you’re planning to participate in this humble little tour:
1) That you actually post pictures of your holiday decorations (and by all means, if you celebrate Hanukkah and not Christmas, please join us).
2) That you don’t mock the season. Or the Reason. Or the people who are participating. And I shouldn’t even have to say that because MY WORD WE’RE A BUNCH OF GROWN-UPS, PEOPLE!
As for what kind of pictures we’re going to post…well, I’m thinking pictures of your tree…pictures of a particular collection that you love…pictures of your favorite nativity scene…pictures of your front door…and pictures of your outside decorations if you’d like to share them.
So basically, you know, whatever.
And really, it’s only fair that you should provide some refreshments (I mean, you ARE inviting us over and all), so I think it would be great fun if everyone posted his or her favorite quick and easy holiday recipe along with the pictures.
Just an idea. Feel free to ignore.
Let me know if y’all have questions or suggestions…and remember, I’ll put a Mr. Linky up the morning of the 15th, and everyone can link away!
Feliz Navidad, y’all.
what a great idea!
can’t wait! :)
What a fun idea! I will definitely be joining in and hope to see everyone over at my place on December 15th!
You did a fine job on your button. I can’t wait! I’m dusting off my nativity scene, and desperately looking for the baby Jesus this very morning.
Linked to ya ;)) Can’t wait.
I’m in! I think…
Ooo, fun fun, I’m surely in!
Thanks for the advance notice, I tend to be so clueless until the morning of and then I’m wondering what everyone’s looking at.
Putting a link over at my Christmas & Advent blog.
Can’t wait ya’ll!!! :)
Oh, and by the way, I like your rules this time :)
Yay! Looking forward to it. The button is great, the rules are great, you’re great. I love the idea of including a favorite recipe. Way to go!
I just KNEW you were gonna’ do this! Fun, fun!
Yay!! I’m so excited! I loved the Tour of Homes this past summer.
Oh, and I wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog. It makes me LOL every day. You are a great writer! :0)
So, I am supposed to have my decorations up by the 15th?
You’re killing me, woman.
LOVE IT! I cant wait!!!!
Woohoo what fun, I am looking forward to this! Can’t wait to see everyones decorations. :-) T
Sounds great and like a lot of fun. Looking forward to seeing everones decorations!
Sounds fun!
Sounds great! I can’t wait to participate!
Can I take part too? What do I have to do to get signed up?
can’t wait to participate!!
loved the other tour :)
Yay! I can hardly wait.
Oh, this will be such fun!
What a super fantabulous idea! Excellent! Today is cleaning day so I better get back to it…
DELIGHTFUL! Can’ wait… :)
Me too please! This is a great idea. You don’t mind international tours then? I am in England.I have no idea how to link but I will work it out.
Came by way of kathleen( stranded in the mountains). Would love to take part!!
Okay, this just might get me motivated to get my butt in gear and get decorations up before Dec. 15th. Thanks!
So, what you’re saying is that I need to start working out my wrists and fingers and clear my calendar for December 15, so that I can surf the net for eight hours and still only hit half of the 500 links??
Sounds like fun! I’ll post a button, too!
I’m thinking I could probably participate in this one. Now all I have to do is find those decorations…
Bless your heart Boo Mama! I am so excited about participating in your Christmas Tour of Homes! :)
I want to do this, but I will be out of town on the 15th. I could have one of my daughters post mine for me, but I won’t be able to view anyone else’s until we get back on the 18th. Can I still be part of it, even if my visits are late? Or should I pass until next year?
I look forward to the tour of homes and hope I can figer out how to join all of you……..
looking forward!! :) thanks for hosting :)
Guess I’d better get busy putting up my decorations!
this sounds really cool. BUT I don’t have a blog or website. How can I participate? Will I at least be able to “tour”?
Will do my best to participate, too! Looking forward to it!
Yay!!! I have been hoping you would do this!!
I have it on my calendar and I look forward to the 15th!!
Ooh, oooh, ooooh, I wanna play! The huge button is in my sidebar – oh yes it is!
i’m so glad you’re doing this!
I’m a first-time visitor to your blog; but I think I’m going to attempt participating in this! Sounds like fun!
I’m in!!!
Can’t wait~this will be my first Tour.
This might be just what it takes to inspire me to figure out how to link photos to my blog!
Sounds like fun!!
I came to visit from Donna’s place, and would love to join in! I’ll give it my best shot, after the washer repair guy and the HVAC guy leave. :-) What a delightful idea!
Coincidentally, I just did a real-life home tour with my house all done up, and have the pics. :D Count me in!
Was surfing knitting blogs and yours is such a delight I had to join your Christmas Tour. Thank you
Count me in!