The Big Boo Cast, Episode Three

This week we cover a range of Deeply Important Topics: what to do about bare legs in the wintertime, how we like to spend our spare time, our ongoing efforts to develop a vast media empire and why marriage seems to be so difficult for celebrities.

Plus, we talk about Christy Nockels. But this is really nothing new.

And as an added bonus for those of you who have had a difficult time telling our voices apart, there’s a dead giveaway on this podcast: I’m the one who is on a cell phone and sounds like I’m participating in a really sub-par radio remote.

It is sure to be a tender memory.


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  1. Ooh what do you do with bare legs in the winter? I really need to know this!

  2. Y’all sound exactly like my cousins!! What a hoot!

  3. Oh goodness, I haven’t sat down to listen to number 2, now 3!! I’ve got to make a pot of coffee and do something with the youngun’s for a little while!

    You two crack me up.


  4. Your intro music, well, it just cracks me up.

    I’m with you on bare feet in a closed toe shoe thing. BUT, have you tried those little slipper/sock/footie things that are the shape of a ballet slipper, but really a sock, and you can wear them with pumps but you can’t tell your’e wearing socks? They even have half ones for clog/mule type shoes (which, bytheway, I think are terrible names for shoes).

    And, I realize that was a little bit of a rambling definition.

  5. Another, quite fashionable, way to solve the bare leg problem….especially if you are very short….is to wear a dress. These dresses, however, must be for ladies of normal height. In doing so, the dress hits you at your ankle, and no more problem. People might look at you strangely, BUT….no more bare leg!

  6. Love the remote from BooMama as she drove to TN. Too funny. I have a fashion topic for you all. What to wear to church or an other dressy event in the fall when it is still 80 but you don’t want to wear a pink sun dress or anything summery anymore. This always is a perplexing issue to me every year.

  7. I’m thinking of wrapping my in cellophane; a la leg warmers and an inch pinching body wrap all in one (patented on the spot, btw). ;)

  8. Oh girls, y’all make my little heart smile :)

  9. you know what?

    ya’ll ARE the wave of the future! what other blogs that the majority of your readers frequent (okay, stalk would probably work better in my case) have a podcast?

    none, ladies, none.

    by the way, i just have to come clean with this confession: my daddy, when i was little, called me bethie-boo, and my husband picked up this little term of endearment. well, boomama, when i was pregnant with our first child, he made the mistake of calling me “big boo.” oh. yes. he. did.

    funny thing, i guess i didn’t really mind, and it ending up kind of sticking. he still calls me that on occasion. like when i tell him he’s allowed to. ;o)

    glad you’re back safely from nashville!

  10. This Yankee is lovin’ the podcasts! I washed the dishes–how glamorous–and listened and laughed. My husband thought I was going nuts!

    Thanks so much and keep them coming!

  11. The “Broadcast News” music is what keeps me coming back to your fine podcasts. I love the scene in the movie when the two news-theme writers are playing it on their little Casio keyboard…”and the big finish!”

  12. I have listened to all the podcasts. Ya’ll are too funny. There is one major thing this Texas girl has noticed. You both seemed to be trying very hard to control your southern accents on the first podcast, but ya’ll have gotten really comfortable now and are letting that southern drawl really come out. One topic that would be really fun would be tales from Martie and Sissie along with Tuna, Texas. Thanks for the laughs.

  13. Clemntine says:

    Is it scary that I’m now obsessed with having you say my name on the podcast? I’m wracking my brain trying to think of a relevant, podcast-worthy question, and the best I can come up with is, “Do you prefer your highlights ‘chunky’ or ‘blendy’?”

    I know! Lame!

    I’ll come up with something better, because my life will not be complete until I hear my name rung out for all of pod-dom to hear.

    Oh, the pressure.

  14. LOL @ Clemntine! And you would just have to call her your darlin Clemntine. I can just hear it in my mind.

  15. I think that my very most favoritest thing about the podcasts (and I’ve not even gotten a chance to listen to #3!) is that now, when I read your blog, I read it with an accent. (In my head, I mean. I’m not sitting here, reading your blog aloud like a crazy person or anything!)

  16. I am ca-rack-in’ up! I totally get all wrapped up in the same details when I think about “history”. It was so hot! They didn’t have a/c! The body odor had to be a huge issue! They didn’t have frozen waffles to feed the kids for breakfast! They didn’t have toothpaste! They didn’t have disposable diapers or sanitary pads! I just really think God knew what He was doing by letting me be born when we have electricity.

  17. Great job multi-talented and multi-tasking Boo Mama!!! Hope your weekend was awesome – can’t wait to read about it!

  18. Oh, Ladies! Thank you! I am beyond thrilled that you discussed my question! I can rest easy tonight knowing that you take your fans’ concerns seriously.

    It was so sweet of you both to speak so kindly about my blog. I feel just like that girl in high school on the debate team, the one with the braces and the unfortunate perm mishap, who just walked by the cheerleaders and they asked her where she got that “I’m Baby Soft” t-shirt. And she gets all flustered and breathy because, well, the cheerleaders just noticed her!

    Not that I have ever been in that situation, mind you.

  19. Amy in Idaho says:

    The blooper at the end with you choking cracked me up….. that sounds so terrible, but I just giggled all the way through the pod cast and then you played the theme music and then there was that little gem at the end! Well done ladies! Thanks for making me smile!!!!
    Can’t wait to hear about Deeper Still…. Was there a Beth Moore moment? I can hardly wait to find out.

    Amy in Idaho

  20. Great podcast!!! Love it!

    My question is: Who is your favorite TV/Personality Cook and why?

  21. “There is nothing uglier than a leg at the end of the day that has been wearing a knee high!” I AM SO CRACKIN UP!!!!!!!!

    I love ya ladies!

    Heather’s Brain…the right side is just crackin up!

  22. I’m laughing out loud over this fun podcast. I especially like the “on the road commentary”. However I think maybe you should concentrate on the driving. As my kids say whenever I drive and talk…mom watch the road.
    Question: What’s your advice to someone who is thinking about starting a blog? Should they come up with fax names for privacy, should the be open and honest with names but leave out some details. How do you balance keeping some things in the family yet sharing the funny things that happen with the World Wide Web ( Thank you Al Gore for creating this monster).
    Jill from Omaha

  23. I am trying to email a question but I can not open your address. UGH!

  24. Go read LPM’s blog NOW! She talks about YOU! :)

  25. Hey Clem maybe they can sing my Clemntine with a tambourine solo thrown in for good measure. That way y’all can send it as an audition to be opening acts – just saying!

  26. It think marriage ,at times , is difficult for every couple including celebrities.

    I would like to share a post about this topic:
    How Becoming Parents Affects Your Relationship

  27. That was great fun yet again. I was making carrot muffins while listening and while spooning the batter into my mouth, oops I mean the pan, I was giggling and so there ended up being quite a mess on the counter but it was worth it.

    And I just realized that as I type this comment, I’m actually doing so with a southern accent in my head.

  28. I don’t know when last I have listened to something so entertaining, so riveting, so thought-provoking. I loved podcast#3! My husband and I were rolling at your descriptions of why you can’t get into historical fiction or Little House on the Prarie.

    I want to hear your thoughts on Britney Spear’s performance at the MTV awards. I didn’t watch but it was on the news….even here in Africa! The clips I saw were sad. I felt embarrassed for her. Just wondered what you and Big Mama thought.

    Angie at Angie’s World

  29. Loved it, Love it!! The whole live via the car thing was genius!
    Three things I want to bring up. Big Mama – did your middle name change when you got married? It used to be Anne with an e before you got married!!?? lol
    I am going to a wedding this coming weekend and up here in the northern states it is officially fall. This morning it was 39 degrees when I got up. So yes, I will be wearing panty hose/tights/fishnets whichever goes with one of the 3 dresses I found depending on the weather. Once fall is here you cannot wear sandals, your toes freeze. And a close toed shoe without hose is not for me. The dresses are just below knee length which is a perfect length for me. Fishnet stockings were popular when I was in HS and now I see the stars wearing them in People magazine. So I’m going with them! And yes, there is a whole hosiery section in dept stores now. I’ve never understood the bare leg/bare foot trend – very uncomfortable in shoes or heels. But very nice for summer.
    Also Historical fiction is one of my favs and I can narrow it down even more to ‘Pioneer’ stories. My favorite has always been Janice Holt Giles but Janette Oke is a good one also with a little Christianity thrown in. Little House on the Prairie books are still read in the school library by all the girls. I have also read everything about Henry VIII and his ‘forty wives’ or was that ‘forty thieves’? Well anyway Anne Boleyn was a fascinating story.
    Yes they were sweaty and yes they only bathed once a week, but for some reason I can get past that and enjoy the simple home lives of the pioneer era. Maybe simple is good in this hectic world – who knows why I like it. But since I learned to read at 5 in 1st grade, I’ve devoured them all. If you ever get a chance read “Hannah Fowler” by Janice Holt Giles – it’s fascinating and I own a copy now since it’s disappeared from library shelves. I bought it from Amazondotcom. And anything about the Holocaust is also on my hit list.

    I love you girls and your podcasts – so glad I stumbled onto you. I too wonder what happened with Kenny Chesney and Renee Zellweger. Such a shame to throw away a marriage before it has a chance to bloom.

    p.s. I am a school librarian/hairstylist/business owner lol.

  30. I just blogged about my love for the Boo Cast. My 7 year old daughter even enjoys listening when I listen in the car. She likes listening for Caroline and Alex.

    I love your accents. Personally I can’t tell the difference. It all sounds southern to me. I’m from MI so I even think the people here in Cincinnati have an accent. The locals think I’m Canadian so it all evens out.

    I just read the comment above about Britney Spears. Yahoo said she had a “paunch”. Of course I had to then watch the video to check it out for myself. Goodness gracious if she’s got a paunch then what would they say about me?! Believe me I’m far from being a Britney fan but now I kinda see why the girl shaved her head.

  31. I say this with all the love in my heart: You podcast reminds me of a Seinfeld episode. It’s all about nothing, but it’s still funny. :P

  32. About the accents–I also thought that there would be no trouble telling a Texan from a real southerner (as my Mississippi Mama used to tell people after they moved to Texas, “I’m from the deep south.”)–I wonder if your accent migrates to Big Mama?? I know that my Texas accent does when I’m talking to “real Southerners.”

    I wonder what y’all think of the wide belt??

  33. I have to say, I too laughed out loud at “There is nothing uglier than a leg at the end of the day that has been wearing a knee high!” And also, “Mmm, chicken!” You ladies make my day.

  34. Thank you for letting me know I am not the only one with freakisly large calves.
    I did not know that I had this affliction until I bought my first pair of motocross boots. I tried them on in the store with jeans and they were fine. However with all the gear on it took a Herculean effort on my husbands part to close all the buckles. That’s why it was a blessing when someone broke into our trailer and stole all of our gear. Thanks to our wonderful insurance agents we were able to buy everthing brand new from head to toe on their dime. All was going well until I was trying on boots aided by the very cute salesman and my husband warned him about my calves, his words were, “freakisly large.” Oh, yes he did. It is not enough to silently live with the affliction, he had to “out” me.

    I feel your pain, I feel your pain.

  35. Finally got through this one, darn kids kept interupting me when I was listening. Something to really discuss, what to do with husbands who don’t understand the obsession w/ blogs. You both are two people I have grown to love over the past 6 months, yet you have no clue who I am! Stalker comes to mind but where is that fine line?
    Thank you for the podcasts, they are brightening many a “desperate housewives” day.

  36. Loved Podcast #3. When will the entire first season be avaiable on DVD? Now that would be funny!

    You touched on how much you love to cook, BooMama, and I was wondering if y’all could discuss some dinner ideas and share some reicpes. My family is getting sooo tired of the same boring meals every week. Can you help us “spice up” our meal planning?
