Limitless Paper In A Paperless World

Tonight’s episode of “The Office” tonight was all-around hilarious, from Michael making his directorial debut to Dwight’s Second Second Life to Darrell composing a theme song (and re-mix!) to Phyllis going to the mall in the hopes of recruiting Sue Grafton for the Dunder-Mifflin commercial.

A few of my favorite moments:

“Who let the ‘Nard Dog out?”
“People person’s paper people”
“Call Indian Kelly for your business paper needs”
“That would be quite a coop!”
“Break me off a piece of that Chrysler car / football cream / Grey Poupon / Fancy Feast!”

And don’t even get me started about Jim protectively wrapping his arm around Pam at Poor Richard’s.

But the thing that made me laugh the most? The part of the commercial where Dwight hands Phyllis a piece of paper that says, “You have a son, and it’s me.”


And Dwight and Angela? Totally on the path to reconciliation.

Can’t wait to read your favorite moments in the comments!

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  1. Donna (coaching in GA) says:

    I LOVED Pam clearing the calls from Michael’s line. “Boop, boo-beep, boop, beep ba deep boop – it’s all clear.”

  2. Donna (coaching in GA) says:

    Just remembered a few more funny lines…
    1. Jim allowing people to think that Dunder Mifflin sells mufflers, muffins or mittens.
    2. We can tell your time is valuable “I don’t get paid by the hour anymore. I get paid by the year.”
    2. Kevin’s impression of the kool-aid guy.
    3. “Come back in never-hundred hours.”
    What is supposed to be so entertaining about the mini bee movies?!

  3. We got so spoiled with the hour long episodes that I didn’t want it to end.
    1. Michael’s idea for the commerical starting with a girl and a flower.
    2. Dwight sleeping under the cushions of the coach.
    3. Most Creative Boss award in the commerical.
    4. The string clearly visible in the commerical attached to the paper airplane.
    5. Dwight’s second life.

  4. Who let the ‘Nard dog out may become my new catchphrase.

  5. Y’all are gonna make me start watching this, aren’t you…

  6. Oh my, that final commercial literally brought happy warm fuzzy tears to my eyes. Precious! I love them!


  7. i was really disappointed when it was over, i felt that there was so much more!

    1. pam clearing the lines–was michael watching her doing this?
    2. michael offering to make a rap-mix
    3. “less urban aunt jemima”
    4. “Oh-D!”

  8. The Kool-Aid guy impression was my personal favorite moment. And I enjoyed the Oh D celebration. But Jim claiming Pam at the end. Oh! I actually had to rewind that and watch it again. Those two are just make my heart mushie.

    Glad it’s back to it’s original size though.

  9. Don’t hate me… but I absolutely can not stand this show. I didn’t like Seinfield either… plotless, pointless, humorless… okay… I do LOVE your blog tho… so don’t shoot me..

  10. We are fans of the Office too. It is rather “sophisticated comedy” don’t you think!. Blessings.

  11. ~~Mrs. J.~~ says:

    Pam will you clear my phone line?

    And then when Pam made the silly noises on the phone – I just fell out!!!!!!

    Mrs. J.

  12. …and thus, Michael Scott sealed his own destiny…in a good way.

  13. I have nothing to add really. All these are so great, but I do find myself oddly rooting for Dwight and Angela (Dwangela!) just as much as I was Pam and Jim.

  14. The surprise of Meredith standing in the parking lot waiting for Jim, and her “loving” way of asking him to get in the car.

  15. “When I was a kid I wanted to be in commercials. Then I realized I had a brain.”

    Creed air guitaring during People Person’s Paper People

    “We’ll have to change the names. But Angela we’ll leave the same. The other we’ll call Dwight.”

    But I think the kool-aid face was THE BEST of the night!

    I saw on the Today show this morning that it is The Office convention in Scranton, PA today. They are expecting a zillion people.

  16. Everything about Meredith is just so creepy and dirty, but I love her!

    I wish it was still a full hour. :/ I love Scrubs, but I’d sacrifice it for more Office-y goodness.

  17. #1 – Pam clearing Michael’s phone line, that was HI-LARIOUS
    #2 – Creed and the air-guitar solo
    #3 – Jim’s avatar (and his conversation with Pam about it)in Dwight’s second second life game

    I am shamefully addicted to this show.

  18. I have started waiting to watch the Office until after I read your blog. You never “give away” anything big and I really notice more of the “little” things going on during the show. Love it!

  19. “I hate being titillated.”

  20. Hehe I just tuned into this show this season, and I love it! But I’m confused – why were some episodes an hour but last night’s was half an hour?

  21. So many funny moments last night. My favorite was when Pam cleared Michael’s lines.

    I’m glad they went back to 30 minute episodes. It seemed like the hour long started to drag. I’m disappointed when the 30 minutes end but it makes me anticipate next week’s episode more.

  22. OK, I just watched this show for the first time (I work on Thursday nights, but I now have TiFaux, so I thought I’d “give” it a “whirl,” as the kids say). I… don’t get it. Like, I thought it was amusing, but I don’t get the rabid fandom. Or maybe it was just a slightly subpar episode? It really kind of bothers me that I don’t like it more.

  23. Maybe I’m odd (and why I like The Office so much) but I busted out laughing when Michael offered to foot the bill of the commercial because it made me think of him “declaring bankruptcy”. That might be the funniest thing on the show, but really it’s so hard to pick-Pam clearing Michael’s lines-classic!

  24. TO SANDY:

    Keep watching, maybe try to rent some old seasons and watch the episodes.

    Give yourself some time to get to know the characters, get to know their history, once it all makes sense you will LOVE it.

  25. I haven’t really watched it either, except on occasion. I bet it would LOVE it though because I’m guessing it has the same type of wit that the movie “Office Space” has??? Did all you see that or did you Boo Mama? That show has me in stitches and I can watch it over and over again. Anywho, I was going to tell you Boo Mama, that this morning, on the Today show, they were broadcasting from Scranton, PA at some type of “Office convention” – there were thousands and thousands of people there…..kind of interesting. I guess the show has a huge following!

  26. To the whole staff:
    “You are so much more creative than all the other dry, boring morons that you work with.”

  27. I, too, started watching this show because of this blog and I LOVE IT!!!

    Favorites from last night
    1. Kool Aid Man
    2. Philly Jim
    3. break me off a peice of that….
    4. Andy’s “aromatherapy”
    5. Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby bear

  28. LA LA LA LA – sticking fingers in ears so I can’t hear – oh wait – sticking fingers in eyes so I can’t read. I haven’t watched it yet – it’s waiting on my DVR!! Now I can’t wait!

  29. I have 2 words for you…

    Ohhhh D!

    LUV IT!

  30. Hi BooMama,

    I love your blog. I have seen that youare a big fan of “The Office” I am from Northeast PA and wondered if you know there was a big Office Convention in Scranton this weekend. Click on here:

    to get the local news coverage! Al Roker showed up on the campus of the U of Scranton and it looks like a great time was had by all. Click from “Kerry and Mark start the show” to “Catching up with the Cast replay”

    Hope you enjoy and thanks for your great blog! love your insight and sense of humor. I’ve never experienced shopping in Steinmart. But I do love Kohl’s


  31. Last night’s episode was hilarious. In fact, I think I’ll have to watch it again on DVR.

  32. Hi. I don’t post often, but read everyday.

    But, my husband and I love The Office. So, I had to add my 2 cents:

    Michael is on the phone with Ryan’s boss about the commercial and says “David,I’m glad you called. Ryan is being a (bad word) again.” and Ryan says “Michael, I’m on the call too”

    So funny!

  33. Andy’s description to Dwight of “necking” with Angela. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s totally hot”

  34. Ryan: It’s not part of your job. It’s like, maybe you can cook but that doesn’t mean you should start a restaurant.

    Michael: Well actually I can’t cook and I am starting a restaurant. Mike’s Cereal Shack. I’m thinking we’ll have as many varieties as you can buy in a store.

    And all the other stuff, too.

  35. “I hate being titillated”

    “Break me off a piece of that Fancy Feast!”

    And Pam clearing the lines. I am totally going to try that at work :)

  36. Hey I’m new to your blog. Like it a lot. And yes that episode had my side splitting. The ad was the best. Did you also by anychance watch My name is Earl? Loved it when Joy mixed in laxative into Carolina’s chocolate.

  37. 3. “I could either stay up all night with Michael editing in his office and Dwight watching Michael editing in his office or drive home and probably fall asleep at the wheel and die in a fiery car wreck. I passed out on my keyboard trying to decide.”

    2. “You’ll do costume design of course”

    1. “Break loose from the chains that are causing you pain”

    Let me clear my blog lines so everyone can continue commenting…

  38. Well, the kool aid face stole the show for me but I can’t believe no one thought it was funny enough to mention when Meredith said she loved to be in movies but wasn’t used to being in one with so many other people. :-)

    And the “nard dog” had me on the floor…

  39. The entire episode was LOL funny, but Pam clearing Michael’s phone line takes the cake.

  40. We laughed our fool heads off during the whole episode!

  41. I also loved the Limitless Paper in a Paperless World line- too funny. It was kind of sad going back to the 30 min eps.
    Pam clearing Michaels phone was great too.

  42. I can’t add any more to the comments because all the best parts have been covered. (Who am I kidding? It’s all the best!)

    But I do think if you haven’t watched the show from early on, it would be hard to get why people are so into it now. I’ve been watching from episode one and truly feel I might hurt myself laughing in every single episode. The writing (BJ Novak/Ryan) is subtle and superb. The ensemble is amazing. I can’t believe they keep coming up with more outrageous situations and discussions week after week – who knew selling paper could be so funny?

  43. I have an affinity for Pam, since I, too, am an office lady. This is my fav show. We’ve watched this episode three times now.