So Melanie, Shannon and I are in the beginning stages of planning for our little bloggy seminar at SheSpeaks in June. Honestly, I’m a little surprised that we’re planning so far in advance – because typically I don’t plan anything way in advance unless I’m trying to set some very ambitious hair goals.
And there’s still time for that, my friends.
Anyway, we’ve started to talk about what we’d like to cover during our first session, and we’ve realized that we would benefit from some insight and assistance from the internets.
So if you wouldn’t mind, it would be really helpful if you could briefly answer these questions in the comments or in an email (and no need to answer here if you’ve already said all you have to say over at Mel’s or Shannon’s, unless of course you’d just like to repeat yourself, and that is perfectly fine with me, I repeat myself all day long):
1. What part of blogging brings you the most joy and satisfaction? Relationships? Having an outlet for writing? Reading? Commenting? Building your traffic? Something else?
2. What is the most frustrating part of blogging for you?
3. If you had to give someone one piece of advice about blogging, what would it be?
4. What do you know about blogging now that you WISH you had known when you started your blog?
5. What draws you to the blogs you read regularly? What elevates a blog to “daily read” status?
You can answer any or all of these, and if you’d like to do that on your own blog, that’s great – just send me a link to your post.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some hair goals to solidify.
I mean, June will be here before you know it, y’all.
And time’s a wastin’, oh yes it is.
1. I love the reading and the writing. And I get SUPER excited (like a freak excited) when someone links to me.
2. Writing something of value. I share a blog with my sister, so I have it easier than most. I want to make sure there is always something for the reader to take away.
3. Always make sure what you write won’t hurt those you love.
4. Hmmmmm…still fairly new to this. Our blog took off right away. I kind of wish we had more time to slowly figure things out.
5. Inspiring, funny, make me think.
The thing that draws me in is the bits of humor here and there, and the actual weaving of the story.
That is what I would love to know….how to weave the story.
I also go to blogs for pictures.
One of the most frustrating things about blogging for me is that I am such a boring person. I run out of things to blog about.
Figure out #3 early on, know what you want to get out of blogging, and that will help build parameters around it. Otherwise you end up spending too much time, whether it’s out of obsession or obligation, and you lose what you were going after to begin with. I know the conference is going to be great!
I just left a way long reply on Big Mama but need to give you some bloggy love as well. Here are some thoughts.
4. What do you know about blogging now that you WISH you had known when you started your blog?
I wish I knew more about the technical aspects. Also copywriting my materials and how to get people to read it without looking desperate.
5. What draws you to the blogs you read regularly? What elevates a blog to “daily read†status?
I like a mix of blogs. I prefer Christian mom blogs because I am a Christian mom. But I read other blogs as well. I like blogs that are real and there is a difference between being real and TMI. I also like to have some humorous blogs and some devotional blogs, and some crafty blogs.
And to be honest, I do make sure that I read the blogs from people who take the time to visit my site. I won’t not read a blog just because a person may not visit my site, that would be silly. But If I knew someone was visiting my blog daily and really cared about my life, then I would want to know more about her as well and return that love. Make sense?
Thank you for asking us.
1. Being able to share things with others, whether it be recipes, crafty things, or personal experiences. Keeps my family in touch with our house since we live away from everyone.
2. Most frustrating is the time I put into it sometimes and then feel like no one is reading it .. lol. My regular readers don’t often comment .. hopefully I have a few lurkers out there :) Also proofing the post .. no matter how many times I read through it and think it’s ready .. as soon as it’s posted on the internet and I go to see how it looks, it shoots a typo right between my eyes!
3. It is an addiction …. reading other peoples as much as working on your own …. addicting I say.
4. I wish I’d researched more ideas on doing my layout. I’m thinking about renovation as we speak. I love designing backgrounds and am ready for a facelift.
5. I read the ones daily that make me laugh. Humor keeps me smiling. Good way to start my morning. But I also go back to some of the same ones because of recipes and photography … two of my passions. I’ve learned a great deal from other blogs … you can start with a morning cup of coffee and can go from link to link to link to link and before you know it .. it’s supper time! I think I mentioned … addicting.
1. Relationships. Having an outlet for writing, which is my first love. Feedback. A sense of accomplishment at a time in life when much of my daily work can be rote and repetitive.
2. Simply put: Time. It’s hard to fit in the time, and when I do, I often feel guilty, thinking of the other things I could/should be doing, or the little person I’m “neglecting.” Sigh.
3. What you put IN is what you get OUT.
4. People will find your blog whether you want them to or not. Be ever so careful what you write.
5. Feeling as if I know the person writing and truly caring about them personally. Laughter. New perspectives. Great new ideas to try.
6. BONUS: One thing that has happened as a result of my blogging that I never expected: My relationships with my family – my only sister, my Dad, even my AUNT, have deepened, all to varying degrees. I absolutely do not/can not express myself quite as clearly or openly in person as I can in writing. And I’m usually not remotely funny. My family (I surmise) has learned more about me, and I’ve learned more about them via my blogging and their responses. MUCH to my surprise, I think all this family connectivity is very likely the reason God led me to blog in the first place, though there are many, many other benefits as well.
1. Outlet for writing and amusing others.
2. Building traffic and finding the time to post.
3. Go ahead and spring for a good template. A good one can be pretty inexpensive.
4. It’s worth your effort to at least try to be funny.
5. I like blogs that are funny and have useful information. I stay away from blogs that are used by the blogger to rant and complain about something/someone, especially if I think that someone might really be hurt by what’s said. Not cool.
The magnets for my daily reads are common interests, topics discussed, how well it is written, humor, information I can use and seeing how God IS working in the lives of other moms.
Thank you Sophie!
2.I have only been blogging since the last of October. I don’t view myself as a writer, I am an Encourager. I started my blog to be an encouragement blog for a certain group of people that I knew. However, those people I found did not make time to fit blog reading into their life. I found this frustrating at first but I find that now, it is okay. What I found, is that people that I didn’t know would enjoy it, are enjoying it. That includes me.
1. I find I love to blog about memories and silly funny things that happen during the day and the way I feel God present with me every step of the way. I never liked to journal in a dairy, but this blogging thing, is so much fun! I have a small readership of mostly old freinds and family. They don’t just like it, they love it, and it encourages them and makes them laugh hard! So as far as I am concerned, it is a success.
I personally have not tried to grow my readership by placing it on alot of bloglists. I get enough hits for people trying to find out if their dogs can eat bacon. I post pics of my daughter and the more I promote my site, the more she would be exposed and I really haven’t wanted to do that yet. I would rather people stumble over it coming from sites I am commenting on or listed on.
I do use site counters because I think it is fun. I don’t obsess about it, but it lets me know pretty much where people are coming from and how long they are staying on the site.
I also have learned lots of computer stuff and have had a sense of satisfaction in knowing that I am smart enough to figure things out if I really want to. I felt like a dummy when I first started.
5. The blogs I read regualary are always evolving from one link to the next. I like the ones that are funny or have something quirky about them like Fashion Friday or your American Idol recap. I found that many I came across were homeschooling blogs and moms that stayed home and most I just didn’t connect with. I work full-time and my kid goes to public school. I probably stick with 50% Christian blogs and 50% other-I can’t read 20 devotionals a day, and that is what some of them are. I also have found some blogs belonging to people in other countries that I like. I am even following a few animal blogs because that is something I find funny-I even have some of that combined in my own.
Hope I didn’t give too much info, but have fun sorting all this stuff out:)
I did a blog entry on the answers!
good luck!
1. I get the most joy out of meeting (mostly) kindred spirits and connecting with them in a way that is tough to do face-to-face in our fast-paced culture. It’s like letter writing used to be, only instant, and with WAAAAY more people.
2. Not *really* being able to fellowship with these super cool people, or just being able to bring them a casserole when their hearts are broken. :(
3. If you want da comments, you must leave da comments.
4. Keep it in perspective. The computer can be a massive time-sucker.
5. The same thing that I look for in a friend. Someone who loves their God, someone who has a sense of humor and isn’t afraid to use it, and someone who is REAL (this is a biggie). On the flip side, I can’t take preachy, whiny, or self-righteous. Just can’t do it.
Oh, I have another thought…really a question—how does one get more readers and get people to subscribe to her site and how can you tell how many subscribers you have? And how are blogs rated?
most frustrating? not taking the time to do it every day or when i am inspired to post something i think is important. as a perfectionist and an ocd gal, i beat myself up at how many fun opportunities i miss to share things. but i can’t justify the time it takes–when i do blog, i beat myself up because i’m not cleaning something or doing something for my family, etc…
it sounds like i have deep emotional issues here, but i promise it’s not that bad!
i just don’t know how you and big mama post so frequently and so well, stay at home with your kids, cook, and maintain seemingly tidy and decorated homes. then again, my girls are 2 and 4 months, and we’ve opted not to participate in mdo/preschool, etc.
I so wish I could attend the conference. I think you should encourage the ladies that they need to be real with their blogs. Sometimes I will come across a blog and I feel like the writer is just trying to be the next Beth Moore. If something has happened in your life and you let God teach you through that event, then please share it but I don’t have time nor enjoy reading a 3 point sermon with no personal application!
I hope that doesn’t sound too preachy!
I’m going to copy this comment and leave it on Bigs and Rocks blogs as well!
I will be praying for y’all!
1. Relating to other moms, most definitely, and the creative writing outlet it provides me with. Receiving feedback – feeling connected to others.
2. Trying not to be concerned about stats and trying to find the time to blog. Some days it’s either read or write – it’s so difficult to do both.
3. You only get out what you put in. If you’re not willing to invest the time, you probably won’t have a very interesting blog.
4. How much time is needed to invest for it to be a quality read that draws people back. How difficult it is to come up with fresh and interesting material.
5. Honestly, people who are real. I don’t care for blogs that spend a lot of time complaining (I prefer looking at the bright side of things and am drawn to people who do the same), and I prefer Christian mom blogs, because that’ what I am. Daily read status is made when I’ve read several posts and they all capture my attention – when they are well-thought out and not just a basic rundown of the day’s events. Humor. Oh how I love humor.
I think that, especially for moms who are home even part of the day, blogs are a link to the outside world. Women are SO relational. We need lives to invest in. So if we’re isolated by our circumstances, reading blogs gives us a connection to other women. We learn from each other, swap hacks and ideas, and get to step outside of our worlds for just a minute. No matter how much I love my kids and my life, it’s nice to peek into someone else’s world for just a minute. It’s the equivalent of standing around the water cooler at work. I guess, I never had a water cooler at work…
I write my blog as a record of our life. With almost five kids four and under, odds are I won’t remember much of this when it’s all said and done, so I want my kids to have my memories before I lose them. Keeping the blog has drawn us closer to friends and family who we would have lost touch with all together. It’s unnerving to discover who all is reading, but it’s really a compliment and I’m thrilled to have such a large network of people who care about us. It makes my world feel much bigger, even as it brings us all closer together.
The blogs in my reader are a hodge-podge of people I know personally and people I’ve no hope of meeting. For the second type, what makes them a must read is either they make me laugh or I find something I can relate to. We may have very little in common, but there’s something on their blog almost every day that interests or challenges me.
And now that I see how long this is, I realize I should have put this in email. Sorry.
1. I would definitely have to say relationships. Whether I’m reconnecting with old friends & distant family members or making new friends in blogland.
2. Daily content — time to post
3. Be yourself. Write about what appeals to you. You can’t please everyone and if there is a subject that’s dear to your heart it makes that blog post much more personal.
4. I know NOTHING about blogging unless you count how to comment as “knowing about blogging.”
5. Humor/wit, wisdom, family friendly, snippets into someone’s daily life (it makes them seem real)…a connection that makes me feel like I could totally be friends with this person IRL. (What elevates a blog to “daily read†status: see above)
For number 1, I would answer “yes” to all of them, even thought that’s not want you were looking for.
2. Frustrating thing? Writing a post and then having it disappear, or not being able to sign on to my blog when I want to. Fortunately, that’s only happend a couple of times in the past four years.
3. My advice to a new blogger is BE YOURSELF. Whenever a blog starts to see some success, I notice a lot of copycat blogs popping up. Now, I know everyone is influenced by who they read, but there’s only one, say, Pioneer Woman. Ree’s style works for her because that’s who she is. When someone is trying to copy someone else, it becomes very contrived. A lot of blogs that are not necessarily funny are not widely read, because they are well-written and sincere.
4. I wish I would have known more about html and such when I started. But the only way to learn is to try, so I don’t know how one could have that figured out ahead of time.
5. My daily reads are the well-written blogs that are updated regularly. If someone goes weeks at a time without posting (as I have done on more than one occasion), it’s easy to forget about her.
Good thing I didn’t criticize lots of typos, as that would make me a hypocrite. I meant to say, a lot of blogs that are not necessarily funny ARE widely read, because they are well-written and sincere.
I think it would be fun to have a blogging weekend where all of your friends that you have made via blogging meet and actually get to know each other in person. There are so many neat Christian Ladies that encourage me each day thru their lives and families! Just a thought!
I don’t have my own blog (yet) but I love reading your and a few others….Is there any chance some of the sessions you are talking about will be available to view after the conference online?? God Bless, Pam, South Bend
I did post on BigMama’s, but I’ll answer your questions, too.
1. Definitely the relationships. I blog to keep in touch with friends & family, and to make new friends. I also enjoy the creative & spiritual inspiration I find on blogs, and enjoy inspiring others.
2. Blogging etiquette – it’s hard to keep all the rules when you don’t know what all the rules are, and when the rules keep changing!
3. Set boundaries – for your security, and to protect your relationships! I often see blogs where people have shared intimate and embarassing details about family members, friends, or coworkers that should have been kept to themselves, not displayed on the internet. (Eph. 4:29)
4. I still wish I knew how to organize my blogging time. I want to be consistent, but not let the blog take over my life. I want to read & discover new blogs, but not spend all day reading blogs.
5. Creativity, Humor, and Biblical encouragement. My favorite daily reads are the ones that are frank, yet funny. Those bloggers that recognize that life IS hard, but God IS good, and that “A merry heart doeth good, like a medicine…” (Prov. 17:22).
I know you asked us some other questions, but I’m going to pretend like you asked what we wish you would discuss. I wish the 3 of you would talk about how a mediocre blog could be great. For instance, how a “Frontier Lady” might take her blog to the next level if she would just post a few more photos of her hunky husband, “Winston Man”. But, my word, don’t use any names, you wouldn’t want to embarass the poor dear.
1. I think I like it all. Mostly, I appreciate it as an outlet for writing, an opportunity to practice putting my thoughts into words. I like reading other blogs, and receiving comments on my own posts. I also have to admit that I like the free stuff I receive — books and music to review, etc.
2. Coming up with the time and material to put together good posts on a consistent basis.
3. Decide what you want from this whole “blogging thing” and then go for it. If you want a place to record your day and the things your kids said, go for it. If you want to build a popular blog and try to make a couple bucks from it, then do that. But it’s a good idea to have some idea of where you’re heading before you jump into blogging; otherwise, you may flounder around quite a bit and wonder why you’re even doing it.
4. There’s no “perfect” way to blog. You have to make your blog into something that fits your desires, circumstances, time, goals, and personality. There’s a whole lot of freedom under the title of “blogging” in which to create something that works for you.
5. I read a wide variety of blogs and that’s one thing I appreciate about them: variety. I read Mommy Blogs, author blogs, technology blogs, etc. The one common denominator, though, is good writing. Some writers use humor, others use cutting-edge information or helpful advice, but each of them puts their posts together in a way that keeps me reading. Things that turn me off are: excessive whining, diary-type entries without added humor or a “point” (First I did this…then I did this…then I went to bed), and horrible grammar that makes it hard to figure out what the writer is even saying.
As I just told Melanie, I cannot WAIT for this! I’ve got my reservations, now I just need to get a plane ticket squared away.
Here are my answers.
1. What part of blogging brings you the most joy and satisfaction? Relationships? Having an outlet for writing? Reading? Commenting? Building your traffic? Something else?
Yes. :-)
2. What is the most frustrating part of blogging for you?
Time management, and finding the appropriate line between being real and protecting my privacy.
3. If you had to give someone one piece of advice about blogging, what would it be?
Be yourself!
4. What do you know about blogging now that you WISH you had known when you started your blog?
Hm. Wow. I could write a book on that. This is a minor detail, but one that I tell everyone when they are starting out. Build your blogroll slowly. It gets out of hand fast, and I like to keep mine short and sweet. I’ve ended up separating mine to try to keep them manageable and useful to my readers.
5. What draws you to the blogs you read regularly? What elevates a blog to “daily read†status?
Humor, mostly. If it’s not entertaining, I won’t stick around. But I don’t want it all funny, all the time. I appreciate the posts that are real, and share a glimpse into the blogger’s thoughts and mind — fears, joys, etc. It’s a balance.
Great questions, Boomama!
1. The creative outlet & relationships.
2. The amount of time it takes.
3. Do it for yourself, not to generate traffic.
4. The amount of time it takes.
5. If they make me laugh, I’m reading. They become a favorite if I feel that I am connecting with the person. If we have a similar perspective of life. I love a blogger who is honest, yet doesn’t take themselves too serious.
You girls will be great!!!
I am not a blogger, but I play one on T.V.
Just Kidding.
I would like to say that I keep coming back when I can feel a connection between myself and the author of the blog. When we have things in common, like a sense of humor, or kids, or The Savior. If I can relate to it, I am in for life.
1- All the above! I’ve enjoyed the people I’ve met online and it’s been fun to keep up with real life friends through my blog. I enjoy writing, reading and commenting! I wish I could build more traffic, but still unsure how to do this.
2. Not getting comments. Sometimes I spend hours working a post and I think it’s pretty good, then no one posts or I get very few posts. I know people read my blog (they tell they do in real life and I can track my hits), but yet there are many times I get no comments. That’s frustrating!
3. Do it for fun, not for money (if that happens along way, yea for you!) or fame (has anyone become famous from blogging? Only the lady with the Pokemon cards and ebay is the only one I can think of. Well, you’ve become famous and Pioneer Women is pretty famous, so I guess it can happen) But, do it for fun and to learn something.
4. To categorize my comments better. Pace yourself, you can burn out quickly.
5. I go back to blogs when I’ve connected with someone. Maybe I have something in common or they respond to my post with an email. I enjoy blogs that are funny, interesting and where I learn something. And I will go back time and time again if they start posting or reading my blog. I’m loyal like that!
Great questions!
5. What draws you to the blogs you read regularly? What elevates a blog to “daily read†status?
1. I enjoy the community with people all over the country and sometimes across the ocean. It is unbelievable that I could know the daily life and times of someone I had never met face to face from thousands of miles away.
2.The most frustrating part is not having more time to read other’s blogs.
3. I would give the advise to be yourself, blog the mundane and the exciting (it’s real), and challenge others to comment by asking questions of your readers.
4. How to make a Mr. linky thingy or make my own buttons. Still having trouble.
5. The people who frequent my blog are more likely to have me go to theirs everyday. Also, comment, comment, comment. I love comments and I love to leave them.
I’m going to come back this afternoon and read everyone’s comments. HOW FUN! But for now, just wanted to share something Compassion-related.
A couple months ago, I asked a question on your blog (can we visit kids we sponsor?), and Amber Van Schooneveld, who works for Compassion, e-mailed me and answered my question.
We’ve been chatting, and she’s wonderful. She just wrote a book called Hope Lives. If you haven’t read it, Boo, you’ve got to! You’d LOVE it! It’s a 25-day journey taking us from where we are to where we want to be–closer to the heart of Christ.
It has changed my life. And I thought of you and the Compassion bloggers so often as I was reading.
I’m giving a copy of it away on my blog today. Go read what I wrote about it!
Hugs to you!!
Big, fat, giant “ditto” to Gayle (westiecrew)’s thoughts. All of them.
1. Relationships
2. Those incredible women/relationships are not part of my “real” life.
3. Do it!! It could change your life! Post regularly and don’t be intimidated… everyone has a story that is interesting!
4. People in my real life will eventually find my blog and read it.
5. The blogs I’m really drawn to and always read do a few things:
*alternate between hilarious fluff and soul-searching deeper stuff
*give glimpses into their everyday real life
*point people to Jesus
*make me laugh
*show a picture once in a while
1. Since I was a writer in my pre-child life, my favorite part of blogging is the writing outlet. I’ve always written in my journal, but there’s something about writing for “publication” that makes it more exciting. But I love the friendships formed as well.
2. The most frustrating thing about blogging for me is finding the time! I have so many ideas in my head that I’d like to develop, I sometimes feel like my brain is going to explode. But I rarely get more than 30 minutes of quiet time each day to write, reflect or think without being interrupted.
3. My advice? Find your own voice and be authentic to yourself. Maybe you’re funny. Maybe your thoughtful. Maybe your not Southern. That’s OK. Be yourself.
5. My favorite blogs are a mixture of thoughtful Jesus-follower and slap-your-Grandma fall-down funny. I especially love blogs that make me think and laugh at the same time.
I just started blogging today so I’m not qualified to answer most of the questions.I have however been reading blogs for over a year.The biggest draw to the read daily blogs is Christian woman going thru the same stuff.
1. What part of blogging brings you the most joy and satisfaction? Relationships? Having an outlet for writing? Reading? Commenting? Building your traffic? Something else?
Writing outlet, keeping in contact, building relationships.
2. What is the most frustrating part of blogging for you?
Feeling like my writing is subpar.
3. If you had to give someone one piece of advice about blogging, what would it be?
Take it lightly, but take the time to expend the effort.
4. What do you know about blogging now that you WISH you had known when you started your blog?
The internet is a large place full of strangers that will find you. Make sure you’re okay with that.
5. What draws you to the blogs you read regularly? What elevates a blog to “daily read†status?
Blogs that I must read have humor and clever writing, plus I need to feel some element of commonality between myself and the blogger–there needs to be some common thread to our lives or our world views. Also I always try to read the featured blogs in the blogher ad unit, just to see what’s out there and stay in touch with the community.
Well, I left Miss Melanie a book over at her blog, so I think I’ll turn this one into a post.
I get you the link after I’m done! :)
Oh, I will definitely give you my input on these questions. I’d be back (or I might post about this and give you a link).
I wish I can go to the workshop – waaaahhhhh! I’d like to go see and hear you 3 ladies speak …..
1. Blogging has introduced me to a lot of new friends and relationship I would have never had before.
2. The most frustrating part for me is never feeling like I have a good story to tell. Or getting stuck while writing it when I finally think I have something good to write about.
3. I have no advise. Im a newbie!
4. How to network.
5. Honestly I look for a fun blog. I love reading funny blogs too. I really look for the decor to draw me in. Colors designs.
Rather than leave a novel of a comment on your site – here’s my answers in colored form.
I really wish I could go this year – it looks like such a blessing!
I don’t have a blog, so I can only tell you why you, big mama, and pioneerwoman (and sometimes rocks in my dryer depending on time) are on my daily read list … I identify with you. You guys are all REAL and I don’t question whether or not your lives can be as perfect as you really portray … your lives are just as boring (sorry!), disappointing, and what have you as mine and all the folks that I know. But you all find humor in your experiences, you make the boring very funny, and then I can look at my own life and realize that its really pretty darn good. :)
Also, I feel challenged when I read your blog in particular. I think God speaks through you … and who couldn’t use a dose of God first thing in the morning!
You do a great job.
1. What part of blogging brings you the most joy and satisfaction? Relationships? Having an outlet for writing? Reading? Commenting? Building your traffic? Something else?
I enjoy blogging for many reasons. First of all, the outlet to talk about things that may be bothering me or things that are going on in my life. Secondly, the relationships. I have made some good friends in the bloggy world and met some people I would have never met otherwise.
2. What is the most frustrating part of blogging for you?
Sometimes not knowing what to blog about, the lack of material, or sometimes just not feeling up to it.
3. If you had to give someone one piece of advice about blogging, what would it be?
Be yourself. Don’t worry about what others are blogging about ,etc. Be who you are and people will love you for it.
4. What do you know about blogging now that you WISH you had known when you started your blog?
Be consistent. Engage people and tell them the stories. They will enjoy hearing them.
5. What draws you to the blogs you read regularly? What elevates a blog to “daily read†status?
Personality, being funny, being real, and of course being a blog I can relate to.
1. I love reading my own blog when it’s really good. Of course I don’t have a great following but I think I’m funny sometimes (Panic Attack)
2. No frustration yet.
3. I wish I had more time to think about and pick the name of my stupidly named blog.
4. I still want to know how to change my template to one that I can do on my own.
5. I love Minnesota Matron and Because I Said So and BooMama of course, they’re funny, they’re so like the frustrations in my life and yet I know at least one of them is the TOTAL antithesis of my persona so it just goes to show you that bloggers make strange bedfellows.
1. I blog. Therefore I am.
2. I know the right word is out there somewhere!
3. Write like you talk, man.
4. The stalkers and identity thieves only target the REALLY popular bloggers who teach seminars. So relax.
5. Finding humor and inspiration in the mundane.
I am completely unqualified to answer any of your questions. But I can say why I read the blogs I read…I read blogs to see how my friends are, my “friends” are and to listen to their hearts. Then I pray. That’s it. I don’t read them to get more information…got plenty of that. I read them because sometimes it’s encouraging to know that their toddler threw up on them, too or that they need to know that the LORD is watching over them, too. Some wise person ala Disney said, “We’re all in this together.” And that’s why I read the blogs I read.
1. The “relationships” with other bloggers, those in a season of life similar to mine. Sharing my day-to-day stuff on my blog.
5. Similar interests draw me to a blog. Humor, among other things, brings it to daily read status.
I did a post for you- so come over and check it out.
I hope that you guy can do a pod-cast type thing for those of us that can’t go. I would love to hear what you guys to offer- you 3 are my favorite bloggers.
Hoo Boy…This means I have to dust off my brain cells and actually think, doesn’t it?
OK…I can do this. Groovy people DO think sometimes!
1. When I first started blogging, it was just a fun outlet for my writing and my crazy brain overflow. I knew a whole three people on Xanga and they were real life friends and we all faithfully commented on each other’s blogs. Then came some teen visitors who opened up to me the dark and scary world of anorexia nervosa.
Suddenly it was about the relationships. And it still is.
2.TECHNOLOGY (my lack thereof)
3. If you don’t like someone’s post, then don’t be a rude, anonymous jerk in your comments. Kindness is STILL the rule, even online.
4. How to post photos and active links.
5. Good writing, a quick wit, and/OR a gentle spirit.
1. What part of blogging brings you the most joy and satisfaction? Writing and reading. When someone mentions to me IRL something that I posted, especially when they say they liked it :-)
2. What is the most frustrating part of blogging for you? Very few comments. When I can’t access my blog stuff regularly (who knows what I’ll do when I’m traveling for a month this summer!)
3. If you had to give someone one piece of advice about blogging, what would it be? Enjoy it. If you’re not enjoying it, it’s not worth it.
4. What do you know about blogging now that you WISH you had known when you started your blog? Time commitment – writing, keeping it updated, reading other blogs, commenting on other blogs, responding to comments. But I do consider the time investment worth it because I enjoy it and it keeps me connected outside of my own little map dot.
5. What draws you to the blogs you read regularly? What elevates a blog to “daily read†status? That it has an RSS feed and I can read it using Google Reader. That is a HUGE requirement as I don’t have time (or memory!) to click through a bunch of blogs. Good writing with a strong sense of humor that discusses subjects that touch my life – motherhood, Christian life, missions, writing, marriage, housework, stuff like that. My goal in reading blogs is to smile, feel good about life, feel that other people go through the same stuff I do, stretch me to be better along with tips to do it (you know, like Fashion Fridays :-))
Oh how I wish I could go to She Speaks! But if I were going to be there I would love to know about gaining more readers without looking desperate!
What part of blogging brings you the most joy and satisfaction? Relationships? Having an outlet for writing? Reading? Commenting? Building your traffic? Something else? DEFINITELY THE OUTLET PART–AND FEELING LIKE I CAN CONNECT ON A HEART LEVEL WITH OTHER WOMEN (WHEN IT IS CONVENIENT) WITHOUT THE PRETENSE.
3. If you had to give someone one piece of advice about blogging, what would it be? DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU.THERE IS NOT FORMULA
4. What do you know about blogging now that you WISH you had known when you started your blog? AS MY CHILDREN ARE GETTING OLDER, I WISH I HAD KEPT MY LAST NAME OFF THE INTERNET
5. What draws you to the blogs you read regularly? What elevates a blog to “daily read†status? WHEN I FEEL A HEART CONNECTION WITH THE WRITER AND/OR FEEL LIKEI AM LEARNING THROUGH THEIR EXPERIENCES.
Reasons to blog-
Opportunity to write and rec’ feedback
meet new diverse people- i see blogging as a mission-field.
Opportunity to portray authentic Christianity with candor and humor.
What puts a blog on my must read list?
Honestly- usually humor and authenticity along with common interests. (could be as varied as a hobby or childrens ages…)
Advice to new bloggers- once in a while someone is nasty- just ignore them. Don’t quit.
Also- a tip-
(former pastoral counselor for what it’s worth)
I think it’s important to have permission to talk about an issue or situation on your blog- If I’m gonna tell a parenting story- (i have teens and a 6 year old- I have plenty of them;) I get their permission before I share it. Important to respect the boundaries of our families…although it’s tempting to see them as blog fodder somedays…. they will be with us long after our blogs have bit the dust…
and as my oldest says– “Mom when ypu blog about me- just remember some day you will be old- and I’ll be in charge of choosing your “home”..” He’s 18. ;)
sorry to ramble- But we’ve given away a scholarship to this event- (I blog on the Laced With Grace site) and I want to make sure everyone going gets the most bang for their buck! ;)
Good luck with the hair- some days I’d like to wear a wig;)
5. Daily read status: Now that I am blogging I have added people that are regular commenters on mine. I like that there is more of a conversation/continuity when you read/they read.
2. Most frustrating- Material-Do you find a schedule (Monday I’ll talk about X, tues. Y, etc.) or do you just blog what comes to you on that day?
1. Although I don’t hang my self worth on traffic, I really enjoy knowing that when I started a sitemeter in January I had 7 hits the first week…and now I average 31 a day. I also found out that someone in England has me on their blogroll-Who knew? I guess I like that people out there (besides my family) think that I have something of worth to say, which is a huge thing after being a SAHM for almost 9 years and not having that kind of feedback.
1) I get so much satisfaction and joy from being able to share my own experiences with other people and hope that in some small way I can touch them. And the comments usually just touch you, as a blogger, right back! And I so enjoy writing too, can ya tell?
2) Having the time. Oh Lord, I wish I had more time in the day!!
3) Just be yourself on your blog. I think there is a temptation to want to be more like your other favourite bloggers (just like I aspire to be BooMama.. kidding!).. but if that’s not who you are, then it ain’t gonna work!
4)Probably the time thing again.
5) Humour, originality and interest…
I am going to answer the ones that I feel I have answers to:)
1. The fact that I have somewhere to keep some memories. I can look back through my blog and find things about my children or family that I have not documented anywhere else.
2. Finding time to blog.
3. Don’t start unless you have time!
5. I read blogs that have good crafty ideas, are written by Christian women who talk about their walk and in so doing, help me with my walk, people who have things in common with me. If I don’t feel like I could talk to the person in real life then I won’t continue reading the blog.
Hope that helps.
Hmmm, well here goes.
1. I enjoy the chance to write without worries that I need to perfect my sentence structure. It’s a great way to update people when ya don’t like the phone, you have the choice to just go read about my day. And I do love reviewing how many people come to it and where from (and how–weird google users).
2. Not enforcing a “post a day” motto.
3. If you don’t like to write, make it more of a photo blog for personal updates, otherwise plan to start small with a blog to build up to a level of marketability.
4. ??
5. 2 criteria are usually met (usually with this 3rd one thrown in); Christian bloggers (without swearing or blasphemy), funny, and info about decorating/organizing/fixing up old furniture type stuff.
You could maybe also talk about blogs created by fav. Christian bands/singers/groups, or even by your favorite devotional readers (Lysa TK).
1. I love the outlet for writing. That’s the reason I blog. A side benefit is “meeting” people. I enjoy that as well, but it’s not why I blog. It is why I participate in the linky days, though.
2. I don’t know a lot of the tech stuff — for example, how do I do an RSS feed?
3. Keep your names, location and vents to yourself.
5. I love a carefully woven story. I also love humor. And I love seeing glimpses of God in someone’s everyday life.
1. Blogging satisfaction comes from somebody reading my ravings and finding a kernel of something useful, inspirational or amusing in the briar patch I laughing refer to as my mind.
2. Keeping up with it – to have something to write or post pictures about – I have to be having a life which requires time and ends up not having time to blog daily. Also – I’m not interesting enough to blog daily. Besides (I’m doing the rotten grammar thing in case Shannon reads this run on foolishiness) I have to work hard for my money (think Dolly Parton sound track)and it takes away my bloggity time.
3. Don’t get all puffed up about yourself and your blog – just like the Nekkid City (there was an old tv show called The Naked City) – there are a million (or more) stories out there and yours is just one.
4. How to post a live link without just cutting and pasting in the web address – I made so many dumb links before a friend wrote out the line of html. Also – I wish I’d known how many Christians or seekers were out there reading – it warms my cockles to know our connection.
5. Humor, pertinence (I read several about or by people with terminal or life threatening conditions – I check in on them to update prayer list), perverse curiosity and because I well – I just Like You (the generic You not specifically Sophie but I do like what I know of Sophie).
1. What part of blogging brings you the most joy and satisfaction? Relationships? Having an outlet for writing? Reading? Commenting? Building your traffic? Something else?
Definitely relationships. Knowing something I’ve written made someone laugh or cry or both. Also meeting women who make me do the same.
2. What is the most frustrating part of blogging for you?
* No-Reply Comment Bloggers! Make up a fake name email girls so I can talk back to you if I don’t have time to make a full return blog visit.
* Investing the time it takes to do new things through it. I’m ready to write a new Bible study and am planning a Garden Tour and driving myself crazy for what? I’m not on a deadline here! Am also dying to get Photoshop and learn some design but know I don’t have time to learn anything new right now.
3. If you had to give someone one piece of advice about blogging, what would it be?
It is the blog for you, not you for the blog.
4. What do you know about blogging now that you WISH you had known when you started your blog?
Same as #3
5. What draws you to the blogs you read regularly? What elevates a blog to “daily read†status?
An established relationship. I love to respond through comments and appreciate when someone responds to mine. If I am short on time, (Notice the time theme here?) I at least try to visit blogs of girls I feel I ‘know’ or who would notice if I hadn’t come around in a while.
I SO wish I could be at She Speaks…Hope you girls have a blast!
Hey Sophie! No blogging questions from me right now; I just wanted to stop in and say hey! I’ve been reading some of your Compassion-related posts and wanted to say thank you. We sponsored a little boy from kindergarten til college, but after he was done, we somehow didn’t get connected to sponsor another child. Then when you came back from Africa, it seemed like the perfect thing to do for my birthday. So now one less child in Thailand is without a sponsor, and I just wanted to let you know that it’s in part because of you :) I hope you’re all doing well!
1. I love writing and reading the most!
2. Hmm.. I’ll be honest, sometimes I wonder if anyone ever reads my posts! Then someone who I know will mention it to me through email and I just wonder why they don’t comment! I mean I don’t write JUST for comments.. but hey, it’s nice to know someone is reading what you write!
3. My advice: Be yourself and enjoy it! Write about what you love!
4. I still don’t know what many of the technical terms are.. like what in the world is a blogroll? Seriously.
5. I read blogs that are real life, mostly moms.. Christian moms and also women who are ministry wives. I always visit people who comment me.
1. What part of blogging brings you the most joy and satisfaction?…
Our family and friends are able to see what my family is doing. One of my friends said, “It’s like being there without all the travel.”
2. What is the most frustrating part of blogging for you?
Getting started.
3. If you had to give someone one piece of advice about blogging, what would it be?
Don’t sweat it. Do it for yourself.
4. What do you know about blogging now that you WISH you had known when you started your blog?
I have only been doing my blog for two months.
5. What draws you to the blogs you read regularly? What elevates a blog to “daily read†status?
The humor. I read you and Big Mama on a daily basis. I love that you are Christian women and you are not afraid to show it.
I did mine on my blog ;) xoxo melzie
1. What part of blogging brings you the most joy and satisfaction?
Having an outlet for writing. Especially writing down what I’m learning… what God’s teaching me. It helps solidify what’s going on in my brain to write it down. And I feel like it’s a goal that God has given me to share what I’ve learned with others. Not to be preachy, but just to tell the internet what truth God has shown me.
2. What is the most frustrating part of blogging for you?
Not knowing if people enjoy what I’m writing.
3. If you had to give someone one piece of advice about blogging, what would it be?
It may take you a while, but just find your style. It’ll work
4. What do you know about blogging now that you WISH you had known when you started your blog?
How addictive reading other blogs was going to be.
5. What draws you to the blogs you read regularly? What elevates a blog to “daily read†status?
Very simply is it something I’m interested in. Is this a person I care about in some way? Have I made a personal connection either by having an IRL relationship or through something they’ve written?
.2 Having had a grand inspiration of something to blog about… good phrases, ideas… conclusions… then sitting down to put it on the blog and zippo. zero. nada. the complete lack of any memory of what I’d been thinking of earlier.
(hah ~ or maybe just a realization that it wasn’t such a fabulous topic…?!)
1. What part of blogging brings you the most joy and satisfaction?
-All of it. My ministry in life right now is raising my family. It leaves precious little time for anything else. I love that blogging gives me a life outside these four walls, without having to leave home.
And I love the power that is EDITING. I’m a lot funnier when I have time to think about it.
2. What is the most frustrating part of blogging for you?
-Coming to grips with the limitations of my puny brain. The technical stuff is *kickin’ my boo-tottem*!
3. If you had to give someone one piece of advice about blogging, what would it be?
“Don’t worry about your stats,” said the Hypocrite. (snort!) Seriously, once I relaxed enough to do this for MYSELF, my hits SHOT THROUGH THE CEILING
4. What do you know about blogging now that you WISH you had known when you started your blog?
How to pick the best domain for me. I’m still not 100% happy and considering a re-lo.
I’m GLAD I’ve kept my blog anonymous. Because it lets me be WHO I AM, not who I am expected to be. Blogging. It’s cheaper than therapy.
5. What draws you to the blogs you read regularly? What elevates a blog to “daily read†status?
Make me laugh, people! Actually, my favorite reads are by the authors who have taken time to converse with me via comments and email. As I get to “know them”, their blogs take on a whole new flavor.
But if you can make me laugh, well then, I’ll be back.
I may be too late, or too irrelevant – – – but here are a few of my thoughts on the subject of blogging.
What I love the MOST about it is the communication/banter back and forth that can develop into friendships. This is only possible when readers become comfortable enough to begin responding by leaving comments or e-mailing. Not sure HOW we bloggers encourage the “lurkers” to shed their lurky skin and become speakers – – – but that is important to me.
Also, I avoid – – – like the plague- – – blogs that promote a “cause.” I’ve been caused enough.
I do gravitate to blogs that are real – – – but can see the humor in real. I can relate to those.
I want people to see Jesus in me through my blog, but not to be bashed so hard between the eyes with Him that they are repulsed.
And last but not least – – – I LOVE pictures. A picture is worth a thousand words.
Good luck with your seminars!!!!
1. What part of blogging brings you the most joy and satisfaction? Relationships? Having an outlet for writing? Reading? Commenting? Building your traffic? Something else?
I started my blog as a challenge to myself to find more positive aspects in my life. I also like reading other people’s blogs and getting ideas and inspiration from them. I also have found that blogging (and reading blogs) have shown me that I’m not much different from everyone else.
2. What is the most frustrating part of blogging for you?
Not enough time to read all the wonderful blogs out there and technical problems such as being unable to post something because of server issues.
3. If you had to give someone one piece of advice about blogging, what would it be?
Be yourself…
4. What do you know about blogging now that you WISH you had known when you started your blog?
Can’t think of any one specific thing right now.
5. What draws you to the blogs you read regularly? What elevates a blog to “daily read†status?
Interesting blogs, regular commenters on my blog, people I know or talk to on a regular basis outside my blog.
I’m not a blogger. Part of the reason I’ve never started is that I’m just not sure I have anything worth saying that isn’t already being said better by someone else. I haven’t found my niche yet. I suppose that would be a subject possibility. Also, the time commitment is more than I can handle right now. I don’t know how the mommy bloggers who have 8 kids and homeschool do it! Another reason is that I’m not sure I actually would want people I know reading it. I’m not sure I could handle that amount of pressure to write something funny and meaningful and all the things that we all want to find in a blog.
So I just write really long comments instead. :)
As far as the blogs I read regularly, I find that my regulars change. It depends on where I am in life and what I need. I do like funny, for sure. I also like deep. There’s one mommy blogger who always manages to say what I’m feeling, only so much more beautifully. I also read blogs about subjects I’m interested in, and I don’t just read people with whom I agree.
Sorry, I am late: