Hey, internets – welcome to the 2008 Christmas Tour of Homes!
I’ll go ahead and confess to y’all that I panicked a little bit last week when I realized that this tour-o-homes business was on the horizon and, HELLO, MY HOUSE LOOKS JUST LIKE IT ALWAYS DOES AT CHRISTMAS, OH SWEET MERCY THE PRESSURE.
But then I remembered that there are a few little traditions that I’ve never shared with you, and as you can imagine my relief was palpable.
First, though, let’s look at all the stuff that looks just like last year!

And with lights!

Oh, we are very fancy. And once again I can take absolutely no credit at all for my tree, because Mama decorated every single bit of it. Thankfully she didn’t take any tree-related tumbles this year, though the decorating was briefly interrupted by a pesky stomach virus. Obviously she rebounded and finished the task at hand remarkably well.
As always I decorated the bar in our living room. For those of you who aren’t familiar with why there’s a bar in our living room, here’s the gist: our house was built in 1974, and apparently early-70s homeowners felt it was imperative that beverage service be located within ten feet of the television. For whatever reason I get a kick out of the fact that the wet bar now boasts garland, lights, Christmas stockings, and a one-armed monkey stocking hanger.

See? That’s our one-armed monkey stocking hanger. The monkey used to have two arms, but then he tied up with a certain two year-old a few years ago, and the two year-old won. The monkey still does an absolutely beautiful job holding a stocking, though, and I smile every single time I walk past him.
(He’s also completely broken in two at the waist, so it stands to reason that he could use some encouragement.)
Our Christmas card tree – which is a 6 1/2 foot tree that we got for free and now use to display Christmas cards in the playroom – is one of my favorite traditions. It brings me untold delight, especially around December 24th when it’s chock-full-o-cards.

And, as always, I LURVE me a festive table.

For the last several years I’ve put my parents’ aluminum Christmas tree (from way back in ye olden 60s) in our little boy’s room. He loves it because it’s shiny (it’s also very lean-y) and because we put Mickey Mouse lights on it. All the ornaments on this tree are from my childhood – my brother’s elves, my sister’s carolers, my handmade stuff from Sunday School and kindergarten – and it’s so much fun to see how much the little man enjoys it.

And another fun thing in his room? This giant stocking hanging from a curtain rod.

In the past I’ve always done garland and lights outside our front door, but this year I wanted to do something a little more simple because, well, I just wanted to do something a little more simple, AS IS MY PREROGATIVE AS A FEMALE, OH THANK YOU. So I found this cool iron container at TJ Maxx for $9.99, and I filled it with some pieces of a shrub that’s in our backyard.

And just to clarify for all you gardener people, I believe that the Latin name of the greenery I used is shrubae in our backyardae.
Be sure to look for it in your favorite horticulture journals.
The container tends to clang against the front door when people walk in or leave, so it also works as a bell. Who knew my $9.99 would provide me with a container for greenery and an entry notification system? I’m completely undeserving of such good fortune.
Finally, when we were visiting my brother and sister-in-law last weekend, I was totally captivated by the Nativity scene they have in their foyer – and I took a picture of it just for y’all. Because I love how every single creature in the stable is looking at the manger and anticipating the arrival of Jesus.

May the same be true of us, sweet friends.
Thanks so much for joining in the fun today – I hope you have a great time touring and commenting and visiting and whathaveyou. Remember, as I’ve said before, this is a marathon, not a sprint, so PACE YOURSELVES, PEOPLE. Drink lots of water, eat lots of protein, and please, as always, no wagering.
Oh, I kid. But y’all make this so much fun, and I am grateful.
Four quick things before I go:
– It would be great if you’d leave a comment when you visit the blogs that are participating in the Tour. Even a short comment can encourage someone so much!
– Here’s a refresher on Christmas Tour guidelines.
– Everyone who leaves a comment is eligible to win a very special door prize from Engraved Euniques. I’ll draw for the prize this Friday, December 19.
– Please make sure to leave a link for YOUR POST’S SPECIFIC URL, NOT THE GENERAL URL OF YOUR BLOG.
Merry Christmas, y’all!
I’m all decked and ready to go! Bring on the tinsel and eggnog!
Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Oh I can’t wait to see all the wonderful homes!!! THis is so much fun!! THank you for all your work getting this together! I did a Mr. Linky 1 time and it took me all day to get it to work!!!!
Just beautiful! And I love your Christmas Card Tree! Thanks for doing this. It will be fun!!!
LOVING blue feathers!
Girl, your home is beautiful as always. I heart TJ Maxx!!!
Thanks again for hosting this, you’re such a blessing.
Boo Mama, Thanks for hosting this tour!
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s beautiful homes!
I love your home, I borrowed your idea for the Christmas card tree last year :-) Thanks for hosting this, I love seeing everyone’s homes.
Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas.
Love your shrubae! Love your post. Thanks for hosting. The Nativity is wonderful…
Beautiful decorations- I am so impressed that you have a tablescape AND a small child. That is quite an accomplishment! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Boo Family.I’m glad that you Mama didn’t take a tumble this year.
This is so much fun! Thanks so much!
We love it- so beautiful! We are so excited about a fun giveaway in honor of women we are having as well, and a Christmas one coming up!
So excited to see all the homes!
kari & kijsa
I just love the warmth your home exudes. The soft lights and the beautiful nativity…all say Merry Christmas, Boomama. Thanks for hosting, and by the way, your Latin is very similiar to what we call “road-sidia” for the beautiful wildflowers we pick beside the road. Blessed Christmas!
I feel like I’m at one of those secret sales where all the women are fighting each other to get the best stuff! How fun to stay up and try to see what place we can get!
Now I need to go back and read your post. Hate me.
Beautiful decorations- I am so impressed that you have a tablescape AND a small child. That is quite an accomplishment! Merry Christmas!
Love your home…so fun and festive. Love the Christmas card tree. What a wonderful tradtion. And…is that Heritage Hall dinnerware? I have it, too, if it is!
Thank you for doing this awesome tour. So excited to participate this year!
Blessings & Hugs!
Those fabulous feather trees on your dining room table and your Christmas card tree will be my guiding inspirations as I shop all the post-Christmas sales. Thanks so much for doing this! I’m a first-timer and having been looking forward to this for WEEKS :)
Boo- your house is most lovely.
I especially love that little silver tree! How fun.
And the anticipation in the stable- amazing. Truth.
I just LOVE the idea of a Christmas card tree.
Great….now I have one more thing to add to my to-do list.
Thanks for hosting this Boo Mama.
Merry Christmas
Beautiful! I used shrubae backyardae in my decor as well. Thanks for hosting the tour. It’s my first year and I have been chomping at the bit!
OK, this must be some crazy wild home tour. I signed on, got the #1 spot and did a happy dance, and looked again and I was #14!! There must have been a bunch of us at the same time. Can’t wait to go nosing around in everyone’s homes!
Thanks for doing this. :)
I love your Christmas card tree and your dining room table!
I love this tour – it’s SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO very fun – thank you for hosting every year!!!!
Merry Christmas Sophie and Sophie’s family!
Love the Christmas Card tree! What a wonderful idea! Will have to do that.
Thanks for hosting and Merry Christmas to you and your family! Blessings on you and yours.
Thank you for hosting the tour…it’s always lots of fun! Your home is festive with lots of great Christmas touches!
This is so much fun – thanks for hosting again this year!
I love your festive table, the christmas card tree and the one-armed monkey the most. : )
I smiled REALLY big when I saw your brother and SIL’s nativity because my mother has the same figurines. At leat I know the angel and the wisemen and some of the animals are the same for sure.
Merry Christmas!!
Thanks for the tour! I enjoyed seeing your home and I am a loyal reader of your blog. Merry CHRISTmas Boo Mama. =)
Oh my-so many tours to go on and you just posted! Wow!
Your home looks very lovely and festive. My son, now 22, loved a tree in his room. I have the box in his room now, waiting for his arrival home from PSU.
Merry Christmas!
I was so excited you were hosting this again this year. What a lovely home you have. Thank you so much for sharing your home with us…but more so…Thank you for sharing your life with us. I am richer for it!
God bless and take good care …
I loved doing this and can’t wait to tour everyone’s homes! :o)
Your home is lovely BooMama! Thank you kindly for hosting the Christmas tour.
Thanks for hosting this! How fun!
Merry Christmas BooMama!
TOTALLY LOL-ed over your “shrubae in our backyardae.”
And the whole explanation as to the bar in the living room. ;D Great fun.
Thanks for hosting and Merry Christmas!
Wow! Look at all the people who have lined up already, and here I thought I was showing up early! Can’t wait to see what everyone has to show us. Thanks for hosting the tour! -Julia :-)
Thanks for hosting. This was fun!
Your tree is just beautiful and I love the silver tree in your son’s room.
Thanks for being a great hostess. Blessings to you and a very Merry Christmas.
LOVE the giant stocking – our kids would have great expectations of it being filled, right where it hangs!
As always thanks for linking us all up, and I hope if you get a moment (cause there are so many of those to spare at this time of year) that you manage to pop over and see me in Northern Ireland. Thanks to the wonder of the internet, you won’t even suffer jet lag or suffer the joys of airport security!
Christmas Greetings to you and yours at this special time of the year.
Okay, honestly? My first thought upon glimpsing your tree was about your mama under it. Tickled that you mentioned it.
I, too, love the blue feathers.
And I’m SURE I would be begged for an aluminum tree if Drew saw that picture of Howard’s room. So it’ll just be our little secret, mkay?
That one-armed monkey is awesome. The arm broke on my Willow Tree Angel of Happiness, and I kept asking my husband to fix it. He kept forgetting, so one day I fixed it myself, I did, and I love it even more now because, ya’ll, I FIXED MY OWN ANGEL OF HAPPINESS. That’s some deep symbolism there. Not sure if the monkey is symbolic, but he’s still cute.
Oh, I am so excited. I got to visit each blog last year…and this year I get to join the fun. Christmas blessings to you and your family!
Mama is a tree decorating genius.
And I must find me some feather trees. Because they are fab.
Thanks so much for hosting again this year. This is my third year participating. I love your table and that HUGE stocking…and most of all your nativity. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
I love the feather trees on your table, and the silver tinsel tree!
Thanks for hosting this fun party.
I just have to say: I can not believe how many people are up so late at night – me included. I was having a hot flash and couldn’t sleep – so I thought I would get a jump start on the link thing. This is amazing! I’ve never seen anything like it! I’m cooling off a little, so…Good night, everyone… :-)
Thank you for hosting such a great party. I can’t wait to visit all the lovely homes.
Your home is lovely. I am right there with you anticipating the arrival of Jesus!! Thank you.
My goodness!! 78 people in twenty minutes?!?!?! Wow!!
My favorite things are…
the monkey
the blue trees on the dining room table
the vintage tree in your son’s room
the huge stocking hanging from the window (my mom has one slightly smaller from when I was born. My b’day is Dec 22nd so the nurses brought me to her in a big red stocking)
and my most favorite thing is the nativity…If I only put one thing out it would be our nativity. There is just something special about the baby Jesus. Or baybee Jesus as my family says :)
I can’t wait to see everyone’s decorations! Thank you for hosting this lovely event!
Thanks for the tour! Your tree topper is beautiful and I love the card tree. So clever!
Your one-armed monkey just stole my heart. He’d make me smile every time I’d walk by too.
Thank you SO MUCH for hosting this, BooMama…as evidenced by the rush of linkage at midnight, it was a much-anticipated event!
Oh girl – I just LURVE your festive table and everything else. I esp love your son’s tree.
I was going to decorate a tree for Jackson’s room and show it off this year since my decor is all the same as past years.
BUT I got me some DOUBLE, antibiotic resistant mastitis going on, so no extra decorating happened. :(
So my post is sparse and quick, but at least it will be a quick stop on people’s touring.
MERRY CHRISTMAS dear friend!! Susan and I LOVE YOU!!!!
What a fun, fun thing! Thanks so much!
You’ve got some great ideas…, the cards on the tree and the giant stocking I love! Merry Christmas.
I love the card tree idea! It may…MAY have just inspired me to go out an saw down another spiky thorny evergreen from the pasture…LOL!
Or maybe I’ll just buy one at the Dollar Store?
I love visiting all the homes featured! And I made cookies for all the guests :)
OHHH !! I LOVE THE TREES!! BUT we need to get ya’ll a new stocking holder asap :-)
great job loved it all.Merry CHRISTmas !!
(pajama mama)
Merry Christmas, Boomama! I love your decor, and am so glad you did this again!
Your house is beautiful! And now on to the nativity scene…
Any idea where your brother/sister-in-law purchased said nativity scene? Was it a recent purchase? I’ve yet to find a nativity scene that fits my exacting standards (the usual cast of characters, PLUS 2 angels, shepherds, all three wisemen, preferably 3 camels, a cow, a sheep or two frolicking about, and most definitely a donkey). This one looks like it’s close to fitting the bill…
LOL in the time it took me to get the post up the house tour went from ‘not up yet’ to ‘you are # 90’
now if my DD hadn’t dragged me out all day, the post would’ve been all crafted and ready
i love your table setting…so beautiful.
and the “entry notification system”…too funny!
Lurve it all, girl! You done and gone out did yurself now! Good stuff and with the witty personality to boot! Wonderful!
Hey all from Australia, had a little trouble posting my link. Got it right in the end. So I’m on there 3 times. Doh. Sorry. Happy Christmas everyone. Can’t wait to look at everyone’s tours.
Cheers Niki x
Love the aluminum tree. Love the broken monkey stocking holder. Love all of it. Merry Christmas!
Hi there from New Zealand. My first time participating in the tour, but I loved visiting the homes last year.
Thanks so much for hosting this, LOVE your tablesetting, and a Merry Christmas to you & yours BooMama!
Cate x
Thank you for hosting! Merry Christmas everyone!
Beautiful home, Boomama! I’m new (VERY new as in less than two weeks) to this blogging thing so I’m looking forward to have some guests of my own.
Happy holidays!
Love the blue feather trees..actually love everything..thanks for sharing!
What a terrific group of Holiday Homes parties is going on. I’ve linked to my home tour that I just posted as I’ll be away for a few days, but can’t wait to visit all upon my return.
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
I love your holiday decor, and thank you for inviting me into your home. Merry Christmas! ~Arleen
Wow, thanks for hosting this! I love your tree & I like the way you’ve got the lights around the stockings. I like the aluminum tree too!
Such fun….I have been gone for 9 days, and didn’t have any of my pics with me. Walked in the door and did what I could at 3:00 am… :)
Lovin’ it!
I can’t believe it’s 2:22am and I’m actually up posting:) What a FANTASTIC and FUN idea for a blog party!! Thanks!
Your house looks lovely Boo! Since joining the ranks of blog land I have enjoyed the Christmas Tour of Homes more than anything! It’s late … and I had to re-do some links so I will visit in the morning over coffee to see the other lovely homes. Oops … I also need to edit the link to the button back to your tour page … dag gone it!
This is my first Mr.Linky and I think I doofussed it up a little. Oh well, hopefully everyone will still be able to find my post and visit my decorations! I just love your holiday decorations…thank you for posting them!
You have beautiful Christmas decorations, BooMama. My favorite is your Christmas Tree card holder. LOVE IT! What a great idea!
Thank you for putting together this Tour of Homes and for allowing us to take part in the fun. We very much appreciate it.
Merry Christmas and God Bless!
so excited! thanks for hosting.
I’ve officially lost my mind; because my laptop’s broken, I wrote this on our pc and I am ashamed to admit how long it took.
It’s a disgrace. Insult to injury? I couldn’t edit my pictures, which apparently I learned, is worse than scratching nails on a blackboard! :)
LOVE the tree in Alex’s room…that bit of nostalgia is the thing I love about Christmas tradition. Those ornaments could tell plenty of stories themselves.
Thanks, Sophie…last year after the tour, one of my childhood best friends found my blog! Now THAT’S magic!
Love the decorations.
This is the first time I’m participating in your tour of homes. Thank you for hosting it.
Beautiful! I love your Tout, Sophie!
I arrived at my sister’s home up in the Alps last night, and the first thing I did this morning was photograph some of her beautiful home!
Tour. I can spell. I think…
I BARELY got ready in time – – –
Oh, I am SOO Excited about the tour this year! Last year was so much fun, I just knew I wanted to be part of this year! And I am!! I just launched our blog last week with the intention of making BooMama’s Tour of Homes it’s “official” debut!! Come check us out! We’re #137 in the Mr. Linky above! There’s only four posts so not a lot to get caught up on! I can’t wait to see what everyone else has done this year. But tomorrow…I’m up way past my bedtime! ;) Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! This is my first year participating in the tour and I can’t wait to take a look around everyones homes. Thanks for having us.
I didn’t show my dining room. It’s is uncharacteristically covered in projects. Sigh. Your tree is beautiful—I can’t wait to take lots more tours!
Love your tree and all decorations. Your table is gorgeous! Thank you for hosting this tour. I’m anxious to make my way through the list to see everyones homes. Merry Christmas!
Oh, what fun! If only I could join. We have very few decorations up because the Army has yet to deliver our stuff. I’m sad. Looking at other people’s stuff makes me happy though, so thanks@
What a fun thing to do!! I have joined in for the first time this year. We live in Australia so it’s warm, no snow, & Santa comes in through the front door as we don’t have a chimney! Happy Christmas!
i can’t wait to return home from work this evening! i’m curling up in front of our computer with a cup of something warm and gonna enjoy the tours… thanks for hosting!
Thanks BooMama! I don’t know if I would have bothered decorating this year if I weren’t excited about the tour. I’m so glad I did!
I love the one armed monkey! Everything looks beautiful. Enjoy the rest of the season.
Can’t wait to look at all the pretty decorations:).
Thanks so much for hosting, this is my first time participating and I’m so looking forward to seeing everyone’s decorations!
Merry Christmas. Loving this idea as much as I did last year and your house is beautiful.
Very pretty. I love your door decoration, I like the unusual also. I will have to remember that idea. Love all your trees, you have a regular forest going on. The card tree is awesome.
Thank you for all your hard work in hosting this. I just love snooping in other’s houses to see their decorations.
Your plates are beautiful! Thanks so much for hosting the tour; this is my first year and I just love it.
You are funny! I’ll bet that’s the first time you’ve heard that.
The way you described the bar (this time) clicked into memory about the wet bar that is in my parents’ home — which we moved into brand-new around 1976. It is indeed 10 (or 12) feet from the TV, but it’s just one of those sliding door closet things. It has a sink of course, the cubbard under for the bar items, and the glass shelves for the glasses above. And of course behind the shelves is that type of mirror with the spider veins. It’s all very classy, and I don’t think we ever used it all.
Sorry about the linky thing, need more coffee. Anyway, love this idea and I hope to get around to every single home, maybe not all in one day, but it will be fun trying. Thanks BooMama for doing this.
Merry Christmas!
Long time fan, first time caller. Thanks for hosting.
And your home is beautiful….love the big tree. Thanks again.