– I have been working like crazy to catch up on all the TV I missed when I was in Nashville. It is a grueling task, but I am committed. Right now I’m taking a little break because I thought I’d better get something to drink. Because I find that when watching excessive amounts of television, it’s always wise to stay well-hydrated. It helps with the leg cramps.
– This next sentence will only make sense to you if you’re watching “24,” and if you’re not watching “24” feel free to skip to the next thing, but I just need to say this: Y’all, I cannot believe that Tony Almeda. THE NERVE.
– I do have a picture of Amy Grant from the ASCAP dinner, but I haven’t gotten it uploaded yet. The picture doesn’t show off her hair in its full glory, but it will definitely give you the general idea. Also: I did not take the picture because I was too afraid to talk to her. However, we did make eye contact very briefly and I smiled. THAT WAS THE BEST I COULD DO, Y’ALL.
– And speaking of the ASCAP Awards, I have another post or two that I’ll put up sometime very soon when the DVR is no longer demanding so much of my attention.
– Earlier this afternoon I was talking to Annie, and she told me that she and her family were about to go eat at a restaurant that serves fried green beans as an appetizer.
“Well,” I replied, “I’m going to need to hear more about this.”
Apparently this restaurant takes whole, cooked green beans, batters them, and then slaps them in a deep fryer until they’re golden and crispy.
I don’t know when I’ve ever been more intrigued by a fried food that I’ve not yet experienced.
So Annie told me she’d send me a picture from the restaurant, and as my mama would say, IT CAME THROUGH ON THE EMAIL just a few minutes ago.
Have y’all ever heard of such?
Yes! And they are delicious! You must try them =). Just looking at for ya….
TGI Friday’s has them. They serve them with a cucumber-wasabi ranch dip – VERY YUMMY!
Tony Almeda?! I KNOW!!! Jack is soooo going to kick his butt.
The fried green beans look delish.
Our fave Chinese restaurant serves a fried green bean dish on the vegetable menu, but the batter is lighter than that in the photo. Unfortunately.
Nate’s Mom
YES! Fridays has them but PF Changs has them better! I believe in my heart that that is the way vegetables were meant to be enjoyed…I am sure they will be on the banquet table in Heaven! Mmmmmmmm.
Tony is a bad bad man!
Friday’s has those, as well as a place called Joe’s Tavern in South Bend, IN. They are so, so yummy! I also love deep-fried jalapeno peppers…SO YUMMY AS WELL!
Oh you have GOT to go get you some deep fried green beans!! They are SO good!
They fry pickles at a local restaurant. Since I don’t eat pickles, they rank up there with the Crawfish Broil.
I have not, but I just finished planting a whole mess of pole beans- I will definitely be trying that this summer- if you’re in Nashville, give me a ring and we’ll do a little experiment!
Wow. I need to move to the South.
Girl I have a box of those in my freezer right now! Trying to get the kids to eat their veggies :) they sell them at target. It’s their brand even…worth a try. Love the “came through on the email.” hilarious
Mark called me about two years ago when he was in Georgia to tell me that he had just eaten the best things he’d ever tasted. When I asked him what, he said, “Fried Green Beans.”
Also, TGIFriday’s has them, if I’m not mistaken.
I’ve seen them on the menu before at a couple of restaurants but never tried them. If I’m having a fried vegetable I prefer FRIED PICKLES! YUM! YUM! YUM!
Fried green beans are okay, but they are no fried pickles. Fried pickles and ranch dressing are where it is AT, mama.
Also, Tony? That scoundrel. I’m so disappointed in him.
We have deep fried green beans in MN…have had them several times and they are SOOOO good. You must try them. I can’t think of a more divine way to enjoy vegetables.
I must say that the fried green beans are a new one for me. I am willing to try them if I ever see them on a menu anywhere.
Had them @ TGI Friday’s!! They are super YUM!!!
I think TGI Fridays deep fries the green beans, too. I’ve never had them, but I’ve heard of it… It doesn’t sound super appetizing to me, but I’ve never met a green bean that I didn’t like – so I suppose I could choke them down.
Speaking of choking, I would murder that Tony Almeda via choking if he wasn’t so lucky to be a fictional character. I don’t know if I’ve ever been more shocked, followed immediately by saddened, by a turn of events on TV.
Love me some fried green beans! You have to try them. YummY!!
Oh yes, but I’ve never tried them. However I love fried mac and cheese (have you had that?) and fried green tomatoes. Oh and fried squash. However my favorite fried food of all time is fried pickles!! Now I’m wishing I had some. And as far as I know… Lubbock doesn’t have a restaurant that serves fried pickles and I’m sure I’d mess those up if I tried to do it myself. : )
If you like Amy’s hair, you must be thrilled that Jillian is the next Bachelorette b/c that means that we get to covet her voluminous Canadian hair week after week! My joy knows no bounds!
Also, my mom bought some frozen fried green beans at the store recently and last time we visited she said I just HAD to try them. They were the TGI Fridays brand. Is that where your friend was going?
OH! And the fried broccoli @ “the” Red Lobster? Mouth-watering!
they are delicious… you can get them at sam’s and such, but they aren’t as good as the ones at friday’s.
Next time you are in Nashville on a Sunday you can go to church with me! Amy goes to my church and sits about 3 rows in front of me! And her hair is always fabulous!
I have to find these. YUM!
Ever tried fried pickles? My absolute favorite… DELICIOUS!
How can we get off course with fried green beans when we are waiting to see AMY??? (Now, fried Awesome Blossoms? I could wait a little more patiently for Amy.)
We have them here in Oklahoma City at the Paseo Grill. They are delish!
Lunch. TGI Fridays. Soon. Fried green beans. Call or text. Nuff said about that.
i have not only heard about it, i found a recipe online through “copycat recipes.” i haven’t tried it out yet because i’m not really good at the deep frying thing. but i have the recipe for when i dare to brave the hot oil!
Yum! Have you ever tried green bean “chips”. I don’t know how they make them but they have the crunch of a chip but they still look like green beans. Yummy!
Oh yes m’am, and they are absolutely DELISH!!!
Oh, those green beans are so good. I’ve had them at TGI Friday’s and at PF Changs. YUMMMMMM.
Agreed on Tony. I mean, SERIOUSLY? SERIOUSLY! (I watch a little too much Grey’s Anatomy, k?). I’ve only been watching since about the 3pm-4pm hour of 24 but stillllllllllllllll TONY???
On a totally separate note, I had never heard of Louie Giglio. Well okay, man, I am blown away. Utterly, completely, tears in my eyes, goosebumps on my arms blown away. Where can I get more of him????? Oh and Laminin… that’s pretty wonderful. Evident. Astounding. No doubt created by God :)
Yep–I’ve eaten them and they’re delicious! PF Changs, a Chinese restaurant in the are, is where I’ve had them. You should try them, because I think a true southerner like yourself will love them!
First, Tony Almeida, make up your dern mind. Pick a side!
Second, PF Chang’s fried green beans are awesome! They have a spicy, cheesy sauce for dipping. Who wouldn’t like that??? I think TGIFriday’s has them too.
P F chang’s has them (I think several people have said that) but I have to be honest – they are no fried pickle. I like them but I certainly don’t sit around dreaming about them.
Fried green beans are good, but you MUST try fried asparagus. Oh, my word.
Yes! They are yummy and you would totally love them!
Yes, I’ve had the fried green beans from PF Changs and their 20 kinds of awesome!!!!
Yes!!! We have those at our State Fair (and other places). They are nummy. :)
Tony has absolutelly lost his mind. I’m really wondering/hoping for/expecting some kind of twist and maybe it was all a dream. :) I doubt it though.
And the green beans are great. You can get them at our Sam’s Clubs here in NC. They come with the sauce too. Very yummy.
I have heard of fried green beans but never tried them. I have, however, made bacon wraped fried asparagus. yum yum
I’ve heard of fried green beans and that they’re supposedly really good. I’ve never been brave enough to try them.
Heard about this on KLOVE’s news this morning and figured you’d be blogging about it! LOL
OH! Hubs’ favorite restaurant here serves those fried green beans, and they are a marvel. Maybe if you end up coming for a visit, we can go do some samplin’.
Great. I am eating my dinner of asparagus and shrimp alfredo while I’m reading blogs. Everything was fine until I read about the grean beans.
Now I want some of those.
I should rephrase…
I want some of those now.
Thank you.
Where I’m from, you can fry just about anything and call it dinner. :)
Soph, I had fried green beans just last night at a restaurant called Jack’s in Bay St. Louis. Very good, but I like the fried artichoke hearts better. :)
I have heard of such but I haven’t eaten them yet! Goodness they look good!
You know Paula Deen would be all about this. :)
Anything that looks like that must be very yummy!!
As for 24, we have just finished season 2….so I will just tuck that lil’ piece of info away for later :0) Chris would have my head in a gym bag, if I told him. He’s serious about not knowing what’s going to happen.
I bet Amy thought, “What a beautiful smile! Wish she’d talk with me…”
fried green beans from TGI Fridays changed my life. For serious because they are definitely healthy right?! . . .
OH YES! TGIFridays makes them! SOOOOOO YUMMY!! I go there just for them!!
I’ll be trying it tomorrow! I’m drooling
I’ve not tried the green beans in person (not having a TGIFriday’s nearby) but they sell them frozen at the store. I’m pretty sure I saw them at Winn Dixie. If it wasn’t WD, it was Kroger, but I’m pretty sure it was WD.
I wanna go to the BMI’s or the ASCAP’s. Could I go with you next time? I am not afraid to talk to anybody. (I used to be but hanging around with enough writers got me over it. They are such great people!) :-)
Where was your friend Annie eating? We’re always looking for new places to eat when we’re there.
I haven’t tried them, but I did see that you can get a big bag of them from Schwan’s to cook at home of you can order from them!
That’s one way to get your kid to eat your vegetables. (for some reason I am suddenly craving fried pickles.)
24- I kept thinking, “No, Tony. No! Not you, Tony!”
We order these all the time at one of our fave restaurants. But I live in Mississippi…so this does not seem out of the ordinary by any means!
Am I seeing this right? Fried green beans are served with – mayonnaise?!
Yes, fried green beans are DELISH! You have to try them. TGIF’s has them as an appetizer for like $5. Your tummy will be dancing afterwards. Yummo!
No, I’ve never seen them, but they look yummy. We have a food business and my hubby will fry up anything, pickles, mozzarella cheese, cauliflower…. I see some green beans in his frying future.
We try to keep all our customers eating healthy!!!!
How have we never heard of fried green beans? And then Daphne zings in with fried artichoke hearts? I’ve never wanted a big plate of fried vegetable more than I do right this second. I want it all: green beans, artichoke hearts, pickles, eggplant, tomatoes, squash…
And a diet coke, of course.
OOOOhhhhh Tony, Jack is SO gonna jerk a knot in your tail!!!
I have heard. I have eaten.
My life was changed.
You must try them.
We record 24 every week and then marathon it at the end of the season and you’re killing me! I’m itching to sit down and watch it.
I was skeptical of fried green beans when I first heard of them, too. But YUM! (And I live in the middle of nowhere Kansas!)
Fried green beans are AMAZING. I was grossed out at the thought but tried them and they are so good.
schwanns sells them too!!!
I’ve been reading for about a month now and this has made my list of favorite blogs. “It came through on the email” reminds me of a phrase my MIL uses .. “call me on the cellio phone” … it cracks me up everytime!
I LOVE TGIFriday’s fried green beans! They are really good! You should give then a try.
My most favorite thing right is some fried pickles on a sandwich. I’m tellin ya its divine. And they call this chicken sandwich a “frickin” sandwich. Get it? fried pickles and chicken!!!!
Being a fellow Mississippian, I’m wondering how we could have possibly missed deep fried anything! I thought we had that whole thing all locked up!
Yes, I have heard of fried green beans, and since green beans are one of my favorite foods, I just HAD to try them! They are DELICIOUS! Interestingly, I haven’t found many places that serve them. You’d think they’d be served in every restaurant in the south, since they’re fried!
I work at a BBQ place called oakwood and we serve fried green beans too…They are so good…. Come on to Florida and I will treat you to some.
I’ve heard of them and honestly, I think they sound gross. I know, I’m in the minority, but give me plain green beans. Somethings fried…cool, but green beans? It seems like some people will fry up anything. My mom’s whole family is from the South (which I believe you are as well) and they even fry up the skin of the chicken and just eat that. Ever had fried oreos? Me neither, but I’m willing to try them! Come on! It’s oreos!
I tried a deep fried twinkie for the first time last week. Next time I may try the fried oreo!
Just please please tell them they don’t list it as a vegetable!
Oh, gosh yes! I always get these at TGIF. Also, we have a couple of restaurants here that serve the fried dill pickles. Oh, so good!! Gotta love the south.
they are surprisingly quite good and addictive like fries…. the basket disappears very quickly. but at least you can waddle out of the restaurant feeling good about getting in those extra servings of vegetables!
I had fried green beans just last night for my birthday dinner. My 9 year old thought they really rocked!
Oh my stars! Yes. I was just introduced to these beauties about a month ago. So bad, but so good. Who knew?
Ummm… yum! I do see some batterin’ in my near future. I’ve got a fried asparagus recipe that I’ve been dying to try.
Cellio phone?! Hilarious! “The email”! I love it! Reminds me of my granny (rest her soul). Does the vegetable factor cancel out the fried factor? Either way, I may have to get me some. :)
I think Friday’s has them.
But I stay far, far, far away from the green bean.
Far, far away.
PLEASE tell me you’ve had Corn Nuggets… fried little gobs of corn?
we did a deep-fry fest with the teens at our church on good friday, or as we called it, good FRYday. just kidding. (my hubby is the youth pastor) and we fried snicker bars, twix bars, zingers, hot dogs (and the bun!), donuts, jelly beans, cookie dough, and oreos. anything we could find we dipped in the pancake batter and threw into the boiling grease (in our turkey fryer.) It was awesome!
I had to come back and read that first paragraph. It inspired me so much.
IT’S THURSDAY TV!!! I have a reason to liiiivvveeeeee!!!
this is the ONLY reason that i ever eat at TGIFridays and if i didn’t feel convicted about it i would only order those green beans and iced tea. they are amazing! you MUST try them.
Friday’s has the best ones I’ve ever tasted. Ooooh, what you have been missing!!!
And The Cheesecake Factory has some fried zucchini that will make you slap your mama.
Friday’s friend green beans ROCK, and the sauce they serve with them is yummy :)
First time I ever had one was at a Japanese restaurant. The word “tempura” in front of anything pretty much guarantees deep fried goodness! Green beans, asparagus (don’t get me started!), yam (!?), radish (!!??)…you name it! Way better than the raw fish! Although I have to say, the raw fish is starting to grow on me. In a good way, not the “get it off me!!” kind of way. ;)
Oh, the fried green beans are delicious!! You mut try them!
They look delish! (Says this southern-girl-at-heart that is trying to make a move back to her roots!)
We have a place here that serves them. They are awesome! And yes Tony does have a lot of gall but not to worry — Jack will handle it. I feel sure.:))
Haven’t had fried green beans but the picture looks exactly like the fried jalapeno sticks we have up here in the Panhandle – yum!
Husband hasn’t caught the 24 episode yet because of working late this week…so I haven’t heard about Tony – I’m watching it vicariously through my husband since it seems that bedtime is elusive with the little bits around here.
They are delightful- sadly grease can make even a green bean craveable!!
Sams club sells them in the frozen apetizer section in my State- maybe you could check there- they come allready fried- you just heat them up in the oven- same sauce as the resteraunt!
Tony, you are dead to me….again.
I only heard about them at TGI Fridays. But, OH MY WORD…you MUST try fried zuccini (sp?). Maggianos (Italian place owned by the Chilis people) has AWESOME fried zuccini on the app list. I want to go JUST FOR THAT!!! I just had it last week, but I must.have.more.!!!
Marie Callender’s has them here in California. I am excited about visiting Wisconsin this year so I can get caffeine free Mountain Dew and go through the drive thru Italian restaurant!
TGIFridays has them and oh my word are they good! I’m getting all drooly thinking about it.