This is a compensated review by BlogHer and HP.
A few weeks ago I got an email asking if I’d be interested in reviewing a new HP TouchSmart 600 computer. And yes, I was interested, because I am a nerd and always terribly entertained by anything that plugs in and has a screen, but since I’d never seen the TouchSmart before, I had a mental image of a big, clunky desktop coming into the house. Besides that, we haven’t owned a PC in about ten years, and part of me wondered if accepting the HP was some unforgivable act of Mac betrayal.
But then I remembered the 10 year-old Mac desktop in my office (that, bless its heart, can’t run more than two applications at a time before it starts to wheeze), and I got over my reservations. BRING ON THE HP.
The new TouchSmart arrived a few days later, and y’all, I cannot tell you how impressed we have been by this computer. We love it. It looks great (do you see how skinny it is?), and when David was setting it up, I actually asked him where the rest of it was. It’s essentially the same size as a flat-screen TV. In fact, it can work as a TV – you just plug in your cable and you’re good to go. It can also work as a DVR (CAN I GET AN AMEN?) or a BluRay movie player. There’s even a remote. Be still my heart.
And I wish y’all could have seen my husband’s reaction when he realized that you can mount the TouchSmart on the wall. Suffice it to say that his eyes lit up and then glazed over and I thought for a brief moment that he might need to sit down and put his head between his knees.
We started using the TouchSmart approximately 53 seconds after we set it up, and while I didn’t know how much I’d use all the bells and whistles in our day-to-day routine, I have to say that the touchscreen features are actually my very favorite part. Besides the fact that it makes me feel like Tom Cruise in “Minority Report” when I move my finger around the screen and resize pictures and create collages and pretend like I’m some sort of technological wizard, it’s just so EASY. I can write notes, save recipes, browse the web, play a movie via our Netflix account, laugh at something on Hulu, listen to my Pandora playlist, edit photos and so much more – all without touching a keyboard or a mouse. The computer HAS a keyboard and a mouse, of course (they’re wireless!), and you can use them with any of the TouchSmart applications – but once you get the hang of the touchscreen, it’s oh-so-convenient and fun.
I really could go on and on – about how Alex loves it, about how the touchscreen is COMPLETELY intuitive for a child, about how I adore the Recipe Box feature that lets me add any recipe I happen to run across on the web and will even READ THE RECIPE OUT LOUD TO ME while I cook. But I’m going to quit talking now because we need to get this giveaway started. I think it’s time.
If you’d like to win an HP TouchSmart 600 computer, leave a comment below and tell me where you’d put the computer if you won. Family room? Office? Playroom? Kitchen? Inside Mama’s closet where NO ONE ELSE CAN TOUCH IT? On top of a thrift store desk that you overhauled with turquoise spray paint?
Or, if you’d like, you can leave a comment with a link to a post about the HP on your blog.
And whatever you do, please make sure that your email address is correct.
This contest will begin December 9th and end December 24th.
Before I forget:
1) If you’d like more information about this computer, just click on over to HP’s official site.
2) Rules!
• No duplicate comments.
• You may receive an additional entry by linking on Twitter and leaving a link in the comments.
• You may receive an additional entry by blogging about this contest and leaving a link in the comments.
• This giveaway is open to US Residents, aged 18 and older (I’m so sorry, Canada).
• Winners will be selected via random draw, and will notified by e-mail.
• You have 48 hours to get back to me; otherwise a new winner will be selected.
• Please see the official rules here: Official Rules.
The winner will be selected using
Also, there are four other bloggers giving away the HP TouchSmart 600 (that means there are five free computers up for grabs, people), so check out the special offers page for links to their sites. You can enter to win on all five blogs.
Happy TouchSmarting, everybody!
Thursday 12/10 at 8:40pm – comments seem to be working just fine again. Thanks for your patience!
This giveaway is now closed.
i would put it in my guest room where my lovely desk is…thanks a ton!
ooh, i’d definitely put it in my living room!!!! Since it’s so skinny and all, y’know– and I can keep an eye on what the kids are doing on it!
I would put the computer in my bedroom so that I could finish the book I started. Plus the kids could use the living room computer more! Thanks!
I would put it in our office. My current computer does a LOT of “wheezing” these days!
In the family room – so we can keep an eye on the kiddos and their activities :-)
I would put it right here on my desk where my current ancient wheezing computer sits. It took me five minutes to pull up this page, that’s how bad I need this computer.
I would put it in the office right next to our kitchen…we have a dinosaur desktop that I would LOVE to replace!!
I would love a computer! Let’s see…where would I put it… I’d probably put it in the living room so it’s in the ‘public eye’. And I’d have to find something to put it on, like from Anthropologie or something that looks Anthropologie-ish but isn’t as pricey – something like your turquoise painted desk (LOVE IT!).
In our living room, replacing my wife’s ancient laptop!
Interesting. I’d put it in the office, but could move it into another part of the house after experiencing the wonders of touch screen.
I would put it in a desk in my closet at which point I would ban the husband and kids from ever touching. Holla.
Awesome!! I would put it on my new desk from Ikea that I hardly ever sit at because my computer in there is ancient. Oh, I so hope I win ;-)
It would be put in the guest room, my Momma needs a new computer!
It would go in my lovely office…..
I tweeted. :)
Oh, I also tweeted about this but I’m not exactly sure how to link to my tweet??? I’m a new twitterer (tweeter?) so I may be doing this all wrong!
I would put this computer in my husband’s home office. He would love this!
It would go either go in our office on the desk (if my husband has his way) or on the wall in the kitchen (if I have my way) so I can use it to access recipes, television, etc…
I would put it out in the kitchen so I can check my email and make chocolate chip cookies at the same time!
I think I would put it in the office. Or my closet, depending on how things are going when I win :)
I would put it on my desk at home because my own computer is broken and I have to use my husband’s work computer and it’s not always home when I NEED it!
I would definitely put it in the closet where no one can touch it but me!!! LOL!
Probably in my kitchen.
Oh my!!! I would put in on our computer desk in our kitchen!
I want one of these!! I would mount it on the wall of the living room so all 5 of the techies in my house could fight over it!
I have a thrift store desk as well and that is where I would put this computer. I’ve actually been thinking of buying this computer…so, I should totally WIN!
seriously? you want to know where i’d put it? right where my OLD HOOPTY one is right now. the one that takes 22 minutes for me to check email.
yes, please. merry christmas boomama.
OH.MY.STARS! I would LOVE one of these…wouldn’t it be fabulous in the office? I have an old desk, by old I mean pre-computer times, and my computer FILLS IT UP, leaving no room for pen and paper (I know, who needs pen and paper, right?). Anyway, this would certainly “clear up” my space problem (funny pun) and I might even be able to do some crafty goodness on the desk! :)
Oh how I’d enjoy that computer. I’d put it in my office to replace my 6 yr old Dell! Gotta love giveaways…
Lisa C in TN
I would put it…. Ummm. I don’t know! I might build it its own room. That work?
In my family room so the whole family can play on it.
So cool! I would put it in the guest room where my old outdated computer is.
I totally linked to your post here:
This computer is AWESOME!
Wow, I would put it on my desk in our home office to replace my 2003 laptop which is on its last leg (sniff sniff!). Thanks!
I would put this in our office because the desktop up there is slower than molasses. AWESOME HP! :)
I would put it in my kitchen for easy recipe access!
I would put this in our office to replace the old, beat-up clunker we have there now.
I would put it in my bedroom on the desk where my currently dead computer is taking up space and collecting dust.
I tweeted about this:
I’d put it on the desk in our home office….as soon as I clean it off.
oh my word I would LOVE this! and i’d probably put it in the family room even though i wouldn’t want to share!
I blogged about this:
What a HUMONGOUS little prize!! I think I’d put it in our sunroom-turned-office, though the reading the recipe out loud thing might earn it a place in the kitchen.
I would put on the built-in desk in my kitchen so I could browse recipes online in my kitchen! Yes indeedy!
I would hide this computer in my office/craft area-no sticky fingers allowed!
I would have my husband mount it in my kitchen. Which would of course require a complete kitchen remodel. I don’t suppose you are giving away one of those tomorrow…
I would put it in the kitchen!!!
I would love this computer so much! I would probably mount it on the wall (yay!) in my craft/sunroom all for me! That would be so wonderful! :)
I would put this in our back room which is our son’s domain. I’d even share it with him! :)
I would put it in my bedroom. Thanks for offering the giveaway!
Wow! How awesome is that computer! I think it just might have to find a home in the family room for all of us to play on. lol.
Great giveaway!
Definately in the family room so it could double as a tv.
I would put it on my second hand computer desk in my living room. It would replace my second hand computer that has come to me in various parts to me from my son-in-law has donated to me as his office replaces computers. I would love it and give it a good home.
If I won this I would tuck it in real nice next to me in bed.
This would totally go in my bedroom (on a yet-to-be-purchased desk)and I would be oh so greedy and keep it for myself!
This lovely HP Touchsmart would go into the schoolroom, where it could be used by daughter, myself, and my husband!
And how much do I love that you HAD to paint that desk the week of Thanksgiving? That is one of MY tricks!! LOL
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win this. We were talking about getting one for the kids for Christmas. It would go on our desk in the Kitchen so the kids could play within my full watching powers :)
I will put it on my desk in my bedroom so my roomies can’t touch it!!!!
I would put it in our living room at the desk. We keep our computer centrally located for all to use and all to see. This one looks amazing! “I love Technology”
I would put it in my living room because it is so pretty!!! Thanks so much!!!
Oh my goodness…what a prize! I’m in the process of turning my sunroom into my office and this would be perfect for that room!
This would replace our dinosaur desktop that currently resides in the dining room.
I would put it in our family room so we could all enjoy!
It would reside in my home office and replace my dead desktop- yea!
I would put it in our “Keeping Room” on an antique desk.
This is the most adorable computer I’ve ever seen!
Would probably go in the kitchen. So perfect for our upcoming entry into the homeschooling world.
My kiddos would LOVE this! They just got desks to do their homework and a computer would be perfect. Thanks! Very cool!
WHAT A FUN GIVEAWAY!!!! If I was fortunate enough to win, I would put it in my kitchen. That is where I live…and the kids live!
It would stay in our family room where I current pc is dying. Boy could we use this!!!
You weren’t kidding…it’s an awesome give-away!!!
Wow! This seems too good to be true! I would put the computer on my kitchen counter… where I do all my multitasking and blog-writing!
In family room to replace my poor poor sweet hardworking laptop that is entering it’s golden years.
ON MY DESK!! (that used to belong to my husband’s grandpa) My husband will kill me if I win a PC.
I would put it in my kitchen – I have always wanted a computer in my kitchen, and what a cool one this would be!
Thanks for doing this!
I would put it on my leaning desk in the living room. How exciting!
In the KITCHEN!! Wowee. What a giveaway!
It would go in my daughter’s room. A laptop is at the top of her wishlist.
This looks unbelievable! I’d probably put it in my kitchen, ya know, for the recipes and all! Also, that’s usually where we do our homeschooling, and this would come in mighty handy.
I would put it in the kitchen at the bar so I could use it all the time!
Thanks for the chance to win.
I would put it in the study upstairs. It’s the logical choice as the built in desk in there is just calling for a new computer!
I would place it on the kitchen desk!! I am keeping my fingers crossed with the hope I win!! :o)
Dang girl. What a giveaway.
This computer would ABSOLUTELY go into my closet. But we live in a small space, so that is also known as Mommy’s office.
I would put it in my brand new office!
I would put in my kitchen!
I would put it in my husband’s home office. He’s works from home all day and works off of a mini laptop. This would be a HUGE improvement for him!
I would put it in my closet where NO ONE can touch it.
just kidding (I think.) I would let my husband use it. Sometimes.
Oh. My. Word. I would love it and pet it and call it George. And I would take very good care of it. And I would put George in the family room where everyone could use it and appreciate the magnificence that is George.
it would go in our office- where our dear faithful laptop is now on its last leg…
I would put this upstairs in MY office (well, I do let dh come in now and then) but never the children! :)
I would put in my craft room so that I could hook up my Cricut to it and blog all at the same time!! Im crossing my fingers on this one!
This would be fabulous on my corner desk!
I would put this smack dab in the middle of my desk in my office! Of course I’d have to move the chair because I would be doing a happy dance in front of it everytime I walked over there. :-)
I would put this in our school room (we’re homeschoolers) where my kids would LOVE this!! It wouldn’t even feel like school work!! :)
Probably in our office. Keeping my fingers crossed!
oh how awesome! i would put this in our office.
Whoa. I totally need this computer. I would probably put it in my kitchen because that’s where I tend to use the computer most and because having this guy in the living room would completely not help when I’m HAVING IT READ RECIPES TO ME WHILE I COOK! Good heavens. That’s awesome.
I would put the computer on a desk in our tiny house…..but we could (I’m sure everyone says this) really use a new computer!! I’m praying. Thanks for saying yes to HP.
Wow. I don’t know what’s more amazing…this computer or the fact that one of us can actually win it!
I think if I were so lucky, I’d probably tuck it away in the corner of our living room labeled half-jokingly “The Office” since there’s NO WAY I could keep this magic hidden from my tech-nerd husband!
In my bedroom. What an awesome giveaway!!!
I would say that it could go in my home office…but with a machine as beautiful as this one, I might have to switch the “home office” to be part of the family room for everyone to enjoy! What a great giveaway!
I would put it in the playroom, so I could have the other computer to myself in the office! You wouldn’t believe how many crumbs I just cleaned out of my keyboard (of course they belonged to the kids!).