A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet: A New Book by Sophie Hudson from Tyndale House Publishers A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet by Sophie Hudson

A Cheerful, Funny, and Tender Account of Sophie and Her Very Southern Family

Video: A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet

There's nothing quite like family - and some people would say that there's nothing better. But in a world where we sometimes know more about the Kardashians than we do the people sleeping right down the hall, it's easy to forget that walking through life with our family offers all sorts of joy wrapped up in the seemingly mundane. There's even a little bit of sacred sitting smack-dab in the middle of the ordinary. And since time's-a-wastin', we need to be careful that we don't take our people and their stories for granted. Whether it's a marathon bacon-frying session, a road trip gone hysterically... Read More

With an urge to document the hilarity of family life, Sophie Hudson began writing her blog in November 2005. Since then she has seen her blog readership grow beyond what she would have thought possible. Sophie hopes that through her stories, women find encouragement and hope... Read More

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Here's What People Are Saying About the Book

"If you're not familiar with Sophie Hudson already, you're about to find out why all of us who know her want to be her best friend. Whatever your love language, Sophie can speak it. If you need to laugh, she's your girl, but don't be shocked to find yourself moved to tears minutes later. She's all the things you love most in a woman of God. Have a blast with her!"

Beth Moore New York Times bestselling author and speaker

"This is Jerry Seinfeld in a skirt and a huge heart for Jesus. This is laugh-out-loud, hold-your-side funny. This is one unstoppable book- once you start reading, there's no stopping!"

Ann Voskamp Author of the New York Times bestseller One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are

"Sophie Hudson has managed to capture all the heart and humor of growing up Southern in A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet. I devoured this book. I laughed out loud, I cried, I smiled, I talked back. For the first time in my life, I've found a book I wish every woman in my family could read together. There isn't a woman, no matter where she is from, who won't connect with the heart of this book. But the Southern women? They will feel it deep in their souls. That's the kind of book this is; the kind you read and feel and love and share."

Annie F. Downs Author of Perfectly Unique

"The very first blog I ever read was Sophie's "Boomama" blog, and I have read it every day since for the last six years. Her writing style keeps me coming back with her mix of HILARIOUS stories and the ability to make everyday things interesting. Sophie is the epitome of all that is Southern, and her writing brings that familiarity with it that makes you nod your head and say, "Uh-huh" and "Yes" if you were raised anywhere in the Southern states. A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet has made me laugh until I cried and has made me a little nostalgic for my family and childhood. It was everything I had hoped it would be and more!"

Kelly Stamps Author of the kellyskornerblog.com

"Well, it's official: I'm in love with this book. Sophie Hudson is hilariously appreciative of her very Southern roots, and she shares tales of all the experiences (and the lovably eccentric relatives!) that shaped her. Threads of love, family, and faith hold the stories together, but it's Sophie's laugh-at-life humor that sings forth from every page. She writes as if you're sitting on her front porch drinking a tall glass of sweet tea, and it's impossible not to come away from each chapter without feeling like you know her a little better. I can't remember the last time I had this much fun reading a book."

Ree Drummond #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Pioneer Woman Cooks

"While she is still the same kind, sharp-witted, heart-infused writer we have all come to love on her blog, there is a depth of artistry in this book I wasn't prepared for. It is, in short, one of the best books I have ever read.

"I was constantly underlining phrases and giggling out loud from Sophie's sheer ability to let words dance.

"Sophie, you are a gift, and your writing makes us all appreciate the overarching story being written around us every day. Well done, friend."

Angie Smith Author of I Will Carry You and What Women Fear