The Big Boo Cast, Episode 405

Melanie and I are coming in hot with this week's episode, because our quick trip to Dallas meant that we had to record today (Wednesday) - which is also when the episode releases. Add in the fact that Mel had to record outside and I was babysitting … [Continue reading]

The Big Boo Cast, Episode 404

Melanie and I were a little tired when we recorded this week, but all it took to create a little energy was a conversation about big trucks that carry limbs or maybe even gravel. We found our voices for sure and then managed to have discussions about … [Continue reading]

The Big Boo Cast, Episode 403

This week there was more than Melanie and I could fit into a single episode - and I'm sort of sick about it because I had a whole Amy Grant / Jamie Golden story that I didn't have time to tell. NONETHELESS, we talk about an unfortunate series of … [Continue reading]

The Big Boo Cast, Episode 402

I recorded in a hotel room this week - with my old microphone at that - so a thousand pardons for my sound quality as Melanie and I catch up on the last week of life (truth be told, I think my microphone stopped working about a third of the way … [Continue reading]

The Big Boo Cast, Episode 401

It's an Olympics-palooza this week as Melanie and I talk about cheering for sports we already love as well as sports where we're still in a learning curve but no less enthusiastic. 'Tis the season for "U-S-A!," marveling at the French scenery, and … [Continue reading]

The Big Boo Cast, Episode 400

It's episode 400 for our little podcast, so this week Melanie and I do a little reminiscing and reflecting. We're delighted as always to visit with our most frequent podcast guest, Travis Cottrell, and we also revisit some audio clips that feature … [Continue reading]