The Post That Rambles All The Way To Nowhere

I’ve spent the last couple days in sort of a general fog and funk – it’s what happens to me when I stay in the house for more than 24 hours straight. The irony, of course, is that once I have been home for 24 hours straight, I sort of never want to leave. Is there a personality type called “circumstantial extrovert”? Because I think that’s me.

Yesterday I didn’t get out of my pajamas at all, though I did clean the house and wash clothes and take care of my “chores.” So at least I haven’t been unproductive. I’ve just had too many nights in a row with not enough sleep and too many days of busy-ness when awake. I believe that’s what the experts refer to as “life.” And yesterday, life caught up with me. As Diane would say, I was TARD.

Then last night I was fixing supper, and I decided to bake potatoes differently than I normally do – all because of something I saw on Food Network (note: when I’m in fog and funk mode, my television doesn’t budge from HGTV or Food Network unless something REALLLLY special is happening on another channel, like, say, the “Project Runway” casting special, but that’s another post for another time). Anyway, my fancy new potato cooking method caused my entire house to smell like Old Burned Oil, which left me slightly out of sorts because I had spent the whole day cleaning, and THIS was my reward? To be trapped in Old Burned Oil House? With nary a hint of April freshness?

So finally around 11 last night I just got in the bed, which prompted D. to look at me and say, “Um. What are you doing?” Keep in mind that I am Official Night Owl in these parts, and I don’t go to bed before midnight if I can help it.

My reply? “I’ve had enough.”

So today I got up to a house that still smelled of Old Burned Oil, at least until Alex’s breakfast was ready, at which point the house’s smell magically transformed into Old Burned Oily Waffle With Syrup. And this was before Alex had an accident in his big boy underwear, but I can’t talk about that right now or I’ll throw up. And really, I’d rather not add that to my plethora of olfactory sensations (don’t all these delighful smells sound like a recipe for some exclusive air freshener? to be sold in specialty boutiques nationwide?).

ANYWAY, after lunch D. took Alex to run a few errands (ah, the perks of a husband who works from home – perks for which I will be forever thankful), and I decided to, you know, bathe. And change out of the pajamas that I’d had on since SUNDAY NIGHT (I’m hoping you won’t be appalled – surely you’ve been in the same boat at some point or another – but if you haven’t, please don’t judge me, I beg you).

A bath! Even though I didn’t have anywhere to go!

So when D. and Alex got home just a little bit ago, D. said, “OH! Did you take a bath?” Apparently the very notion that I had Chosen Cleanliness was surprising to him, given the fact that I had seemed pretty content to be in a foul mood and wear the same hot pink tie-dyed t-shirt for the last 36 hours. I was proud to tell him that yes, I had in fact bathed – and felt much better as a result. Clean helps, you know.

And an olive oil and coriander candle that Emma Kate’s sister gave me helps, too. Because the Old Burned Oil smell seems to be fading. Of course, it’s being overshadowed by the smell of Hot Boiling Chicken, but the candle has definitely helped. In case you were wondering.

And I feel like my regular extroverted self again. But I’m soooo getting out of the house tomorrow.

So how are y’all?

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  1. New storage shed gets delivered needing to be assembled …

    Rain, wind, lightning and thunder ….

    Husband determined to take kids and put up shed …

    in rain, wind, lightning and thunder …

    ‘Nuf said.

    Buy hey- I got pictures.

  2. This post makes me think I’ve fallen in love with your blog. Seriously. :)

  3. Boomama, could you do me a favor?? Read my little post, on my site for today, then the next time you post mention it on your site, you have so many more viewers then me and I would like people to be praying for this young family.
    Thankyou so much…

  4. Paulette – Will do. :-)

  5. I’ve had times like that where I wouldn’t get out of my jamies for a couple of days too. The magic bath always seems to work wonders for funks!

  6. Well, when I talked to you last night I wondered what on earth was wrong with you…but was afraid to ask. :)

  7. A mom from my daughter’s old preschool used to always drop her kid off in the finest suit with matching bag, make-up, and Texas hair. I, of course, was glad to have on the “proper undergarment that one shall wear in public, ya know the one we wear up top”… I just can’t type that on here. Anyhoo, this mom was a Mary Kay pink cadillac driver at age 30 something. She always looked put together.
    But one day she told me that on Saturdays she hangs around the house all day, does nothing and doesn’t even brush her teeth. That made me feel much better. ;>)

  8. Oh, so funny! “Oh, did you take a bath?”!!! Glad I’ve never heard that here :-) And yes, I’ve done the cleaning/stinking house thing before. I love your site! (Oh, checked out your recipes, too. Yummm!)

  9. Olive oil and coriander candle? That sounds scrumptuous! After the bath. Burning in the kitchen, perhaps?

    Everyone deserves a funky day now and then. I’m longing for a whole day at home. And a nice, long bath. I do appreciate my shower, but it gets old…and hurried.

    Tomorrow is another (and hopefully better) day!

  10. You always make me laugh!

    We are good.. moving into our new home this week (or next).. Painting up a storm.. and then painting some more. ;)

    Where you going when you get out of the house?

  11. Sounds good to me! I think we all have to have some days there when we can stay at home and decompress…and not bathe. And it really is hard to get out of the funk and leave the house again when it is time.

    Here from 5 minutes for mom. Your site looks great. I think that is the best header I have ever seen (10s of people each and every day). Love it.

  12. Well, after reading that, I am laughing! It is funny, and I am not judging you at all. Clean does help, but sometimes it’s nice not to have that kind of pressure.

    I read your “best of” post, too, and I wanted to tell you that I’ve always loved your tagline. It’s the best. And my daughter was born at St. Vincent’s hospital, but I don’t know if it’s the same city, and I don’t know if that’s one of your secrets or not.

    I usually only pop by for WFMW or occasionally if Shannon tells us to, but I may have to come again tomorrow.

  13. I spent yesterday in my pj’s too. And I got a lot of housework done. I figure, why get dressed in clean clothes if I’m just going to get all grubby from the cleaning?

    And kudos to you for even trying to cook potatoes in any special way at all. We had green beans from a can!

  14. BooMama, as Paula Abdul would say, you are one funky white girl. I occasionally do the grunge thing on Saturdays if we have nowhere to go. Life has a way of catching up with you. Hope your outing tomorrow is wonderful!

  15. I’m not feeling so bad now that you spent an hour working up my award button. I kind of feel like I gave you something Highly Meaningful to do:) And the pj’s thing? Makes me like you even more. Who wants friends who highly value hygiene, and all?? ;)

  16. The cost of Doritos went up at WalMart. Typepad was down today. There is a strange black stain on my kitchen floor. I need to go the dentist. I wonder when picture frames will go on sale at Hobby Lobby again?

    All in all, pretty good, thanks.

  17. I love that you are so candid, I’ve had similar days and it always bugs me to wake up to yesterday’s smells! This is my first visit here so..”hi” and great blog!

  18. LOL! Really! You totally crack me up.

    Me? Ugh. Pastormac left at 6AM (after waking up all others in the house) with oldest daughter (another trip after being back for around a week from his last trip with other daughter) Will be gone for the next 5 days. I’m here with the other 4 kids. A very long day. The upcoming days don’t look much shorter. Hey, you asked.

    So, thanks for the laugh. I needed. it.

  19. Hey I finally figured it out! WeeHaw!

    This week I discovered (too late) that I had chosen the wrong can of KILZ to paint the kitchen. I discovered this because I set my teenage daughters to work and left the house, only to return to two drunken teenagers and a reeking kitchen. Mind you, it is 100 DEGREES here and I had to open the windows to sober up the family. YAK! I thought about lighting candles, but was afraid my house would blow up. At any rate we all survived and my kitchen has now been painted a lovely shade of blue. So I get the whole stank thing with you this week. Blog on, BooMama, jammies or otherwise.

  20. My wife, the retired professor, worked very hard for lots of years and deserves her retirement. She takes Mondays “off”. She says any Monday on which she doesn’t have to get out of her pj’s and into her underwear is a pretty good day.

  21. Even though I’m an introvert through and through, I still need to get out of the house regularly, or I get into a funk. And while I love staying in my jammies, I’ve found that that only compounds the funk. Fortunately, my 7-wk-old sometimes chooses to not nap unless he’s being driven around in the car, so I’m forced to get out of the house – if only to drive aimlessly around in order to lull him to sleep.

    Great post. Especially loved the “Old Burned Oily Waffle with Syrup.” :)

  22. I am tard (and I say it like that too)! :)

  23. HaHa! Staying in PJ’s all day is just so convenient at bedtime–no need to change into them! ;)

  24. Anyone who’s never stayed in their pj’s all day and skipped the bath just doesn’t know how to relax and regroup. We’ve ALL done it! Good for you.

  25. Staying in your pj’s, you lucky girl, don’t ever apologize for that!
    Too bad for the oil smell after all the cleaning. But I guess burning olive oil candle beats burning vegetable oil in pan? :)

  26. Love those days in jammies ALL DAY! But true, the next day I feel like I have to take a bath at some point. Glad we have the same personality! If I stay in the house longer than 24 hrs. I go nuts too. I literally start climbing the walls! Even if it’s a trip to Wal-Mart and back. I’m on the go ALL the time. Said reason of why I stopped watching my friends kids. I couldn’t stand not going anywhere. Oh well, lesson learned!

  27. I don’t know of another time when a bath, or really long shower feels so good as when you’ve been in pjs for more than 24 hours straight. Feels so girly. We all have those days when we just cant get moving. The day when I set my oven to self-clean is enough to run me out of the house for hours. The smell gags even the dog.

  28. Gracious. It took me longer to read the comments than the post! I would just skim, but don’t want to repeat. Of course, now I can’t remember what I as going to say…

  29. We get random visiters all the time so I rarly get to stay in my jammies. When sick, yes, it is a must on the road to wellness.

    Always a plesure reading!

  30. Boomama, I never knew that your husband works from home. So does mine! How cool is that! :)