Just Like You Read About In Those Fancy Romance Novels

This morning D. woke me up at 7:30. He mentioned last night that he wanted for the three of us to go to McDonald’s for breakfast today so that we could celebrate Alex’s first week of school, but I sort of thought he was kidding because I rarely go anywhere on Saturday mornings. Unless, of course, I travel a little deeper under the covers as I do my very best to sleep late as possible.

But in the spirit of family fun, I got out of the bed. I stumbled down the hall and helped Alex change out of his pajamas, then started the process of trying to make myself somewhat presentable. Which means that I pulled my hair back with sunglasses, put on some extra-cute flip-flops, and off we went.

(My outfit does not bear mentioning because it didn’t match even a little bit. I pretended that it did while we were at breakfast just to make myself feel better, but that particular bout of denial has since worn off. And the truth of the matter is that I was a one-woman early morning sartorial train wreck.)

(People tried not to stare, and for that I am thankful.)

While Alex and I found a table, D. ordered our food. And that reminds me: I don’t know if y’all know this, but you can get McDonald’s Big Breakfast for about cheap dollars and thrifty cents. It’s such a big meal that Alex and I usually split it – he’s a fan of the pancakes and hash browns, whereas my loyalties lie with the eggs and sausage.

This is riveting information, I know.

I guess I’ll have to ratchet up the excitement by telling you that D. ordered me an EXTRA sausage patty because he thought I might enjoy having two pieces of sausage with my scrambled eggs. And as he was unloading our tray-o-food, he presented that extra piece of fried meat product to me as if it were a diamond resting on a pillow of clouds. Then he said, “Now you can go back home and blog about how your husband loves you so much that he ordered you an extra sausage patty at the McDonald’s this morning.”

It was the kind of romantic gesture every young girl dreams about when she’s twirling around her house wearing a princess costume and crown: the day when her handsome prince will look deeply into her eyes, place his hand on her shoulder, and offer her a plastic McDonald’s tray that holds an extra sausage patty wrapped in waxy paper. And then she will blog about it.

That dream came true for me today, y’all.

It is a precious, tender memory.

And I will carry it in my heart – lo, in my very arteries – for the rest of my earthly days.

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  1. He knows you oh so well!

  2. boomama,

    that little gem, nay, CHEST full of shinies, brought a tear to my eye.

    you know it’s TRUE love when your man will bring you a pork product, without having to be asked.


  3. ROFLMAO!! “lo, in my very arteries” That’s hilarious!

  4. (Wipes away a tear) You are one lucky broad, Boo. You hold on to that one with both (greasy) hands.

  5. I never sausage a romantic gesture.

    Some husband! Radiant! Terrific!

  6. *sniffles*

    That’s beautiful, just beeyootiful.

    I knew the south had it all, I just knew it.

  7. The replies here are as funny as the posts! *smile*

    I love your blog.

  8. I now know what i’m missing when i don’t go out with dad and the boys each Saturday morning!! That really was a precious moment in the fam. And its scary that we could all relate.

  9. I agree – I come for your whit AND your readers’ comments. They are both a riot!! Have a great evening.

  10. When the husband and I got engaged, my sister sent him a congratulatory card full of MacDonald’s and Blockbuster gift certificates. She said, “This is so you can keep Veronica in the manner to which she is accustomed.”

    So I hear ya.

  11. You have a wonderful husband if he knows you need to blog about the sausage (mine still doesn’t get it, but I’m working on him :)

  12. I love it! This fits right in with Hubby letting me share his french fries last night at dinner after I ordered something new and ended up not really liking it. He is soooo sweet! (especially considering how much he likes his fries)

    Thanks for sharing this touching family moment with us. :-)

  13. Awww… I am tearing up over the tenderness…er..as in the sausage was tender… :>) Who says romance is dead!?

  14. Nothing says love like sausage. Especially from Mickey D’s. Everyone knows theirs is the best.

  15. Who says there are no TRULY romantic men left in the world? Yours is living proof. What a guy. It reminds me of the “bag of fast food and small Butterfinger Blizzard” during the move.

    He knows how to keep his woman happy.

  16. I don’t know that too many people are critiquing fashion choices at the McDonalds on a Saturday morning, so you’re probably safe.

    Also, I don’t think I need to tell you that you have yourself a gem.

  17. Love it! He’s a good man! I know I am speaking my hubby’s love language when I ask for 5 bbq sauce packets at Chick-fil-a, even though it embarrasses me. Now, if only I could get him to stop ordering his sandwhich without pickles because, HELLO, I would gladly take his.

  18. boomama:
    LOLs again and again!!!
    i’ve just gotta ask, bc i’ve genuinely been wondering this for a few weeks:
    were you born this funny? or is this an acquired art?
    can you give us a history of your funny-ness please?
    just a mere request from a mere blog-fan-of-yours that’s ready-to-start-a-fan-club! :)

  19. your man, he got you sausage
    a token of love it’s true
    when it comes to bein romantic
    he sho knows what to do!

  20. You are sooooo funny. I loved this post, and you have a very thoughtful hubby.

  21. If I tried to write this post, it would just say, “We went out for breakfast this morning.”

    You are amazing.

    And Jeana’s comment totally cracks me up.

  22. Not only did that crack me up, but you made me look up a word in the dictionary on a Saturday night (I’m not ashamed – it was “sartorial.” At least it wasn’t “sausage”).

  23. So happy for you. I know you’ve been waiting for this day to arrive. I hope, one day, to know the happiness you now know. :)

  24. It is the little things that keep life worth living . . . .

  25. Ha Ha Ha. I am laughing my tushie off here. I wonder if this post, dripping with sarcasm, is quite what your prince had in mind when he did this grand gesture. Hee hee. You’re a funny lady.

  26. That’s one sweet guy you got there girl.
    I remember reading Erma Bombeck saying that her husband was a keeper because he kept a big piece of pickled cauliflower from the gardini even though their kids had wanted it. She said it was quite the thoughtful gesture. So see, you’re just like Erma.
    Actually, seriously speaking, maybe you could become syndicated like her. And then write books. And then have a made for tv movie about BooMama! Oh the possibilities!

  27. This goes in the BooMama classics file! I loved his comment about you now being able to go home and blog about the extra sausage. Back in the day when I worked at McDonald’s I never would have guessed those little compressed sausage patties could be so romantic… Little did I know!

  28. Hey your funny! I just wanted to let you know that when I read your blog I hear Paula Deen’s voice in my head. I’m from California and it makes me laugh any time someone ends their sentence with ya’ll. Do you laugh when we end our sentences in dude? Or do we just sound stupid?:)

  29. LOL…and then a little louder because that was so funny. But at the same time, I was a little jealous having not eaten breakfast yet and loving me some McD’s sausage patties. MMMMMMMM! Mm.

  30. The stuff dreams are made of! I’m glad you got your prince in shining armor.

    Georgia Mom

    PS. I discovered the value the Big Breakfast years ago. I have one daughter that loves sausage, but hates hash browns and another that’s the opposite. And they both love the pancakes. And I eat the eggs and biscuit! Three meals for the price of one!

  31. Janet (aka JT) says:

    I guess I don’t need to tell you not to ever let that man go. After P’s post on Big Mama, I asked my own hubby to tell me something that he thinks is special or particularly wonderful about me, and then waited with giddy anticipation.

    “You keep a real clean van,” was his reply.

    In my sweet hubby’s defense, he does speak my love language, which isn’t extra sausage from McDonald’s, but instead is really smooth, expensive chocolate. I just have to eat it quickly before he sneaks it for himself.

  32. Janet! “You keep a real clean van.” I’m laughing so hard I’m crying. You poor dear sweet woman. That is one of those questions I’ve learned to avoid because the answer rarely lives up to my expectations. Also on the list “What’re you thinking about, hon?”

  33. This is such a random fact that I have to share, but did you know McD’s gets 60% of it’s revenue from the breakfast hours? They have a few restaurants offering it all day long in some test markets.

    Glad your hubs knows how to express his feeling so well. =)

  34. Amazing how after about umpteen years of marriage that flowers and jewelry has been replaced with greasy fast food! Bigdaddy knows that the way to my heart is a big sack of cheese Krystals with plenty o’ketchup!
    Whatever your choice of fast food is- You’ve reached true marital BLISS!

  35. I can tell it is true love because he is ordering fatty foods for you with reckless abandon.
    I discovered there is a time in marriage when the husband realizes mama is not going to exist on salads and diet cokes, and if he embraces this fact he is a keeper!

    I am similarly blessed by a husband who is frying me up some crispy bacon while I blog in my jammies. Romance in your thirties! Woohoo!

  36. And they mean it with all thier hearts………

  37. Yes, yes, I feel your joy. It was akin to my warm and fuzzy moment of this morning. I took a shower, put on my brand new white, gauzy sundress and lightly spritzed myself with my brand new “Dream” perfume and my husband comes downstairs, looks at me and says (in that come hither voice I love so well)…”hey, you sure look comfy”. Comfy. Yeah, that’s what I was aiming for. I’m going back to bed with my bon-bons and hot cocoa. I’ll show him “comfy”.

  38. So next time you go, you’ll know to push back your hair with a tiara rather than sunglasses.

  39. LOL- He sounds like the same kind of romantic my hubby is. Aren’t we blessed? :)

  40. LOL that is love!

  41. Yes, those romantic gestures are just precious aren’t they? Funny how that happens after you get married!

    So nice to visit with you! :)

    Rhoda in B’ham

  42. If I had a husband I think he would quickly learn that all is forgiven, or that your my BFF or that we are truly in love with a Hershey choc. bar. And maybe a tall glass of ice cold milk.

    I think you r husbands middle names ar”Prince Charming”.

  43. Is’t it grand how the hubbies give us fodder on a daily basis? And good for you for blogging about it! :)

  44. Extra sausage = love.


    Well, my husband would probably agree with you. :-0

  45. Oh how I have been waiting to see your sunglasses take up their rightful place atop your head. I am sure they have been missed.

    Sounds like a fun celebration!

  46. Ah….There’s nothin better than chilvary at the Golden Arches! What a man! :0)

    Course…..You know whats comin right??

    I’m distracted AGAIN!

    Yea I know you’re thinkin….”What could she possibly be distracted by THIS time????”

    There are no pictures….
    No adorable HA stripeys….
    No upside down butter…..
    Not even ONE smooshy sweet cheek of Alex to be distracted by…
    Nothing for the eyes AT ALL…

    The absence of Two. Little. Words. is making me twitch uncontrollably….
    So much so I think all the pork products in my fridge are feeling it too! I can see them seizing up as I type!

    Just tell me one thing….
    Was there MAPLE SYRUP involved in any way??
    PLEASE tell me your sausage was drenched in that lovely golden brown Maple tree nector?

    NOT just touching….
    Not just drizzled…
    And for heavens sake NOT dipped….
    I’m talkin sink me to the bottom of the pool baby!

    Please do tell Boo Mama…

    Are you one of those crazy pork drownin chicks like me??…

    You know the kind?? Crazy enough to drain the very last drop from a Maple tree just so you can rest easy knowing said pork product has been sufficiently submerged??

    Do tell before I twitch myself outta this seat because you know….I just can’t even stand the thoughts that you MAY have eaten it….ahhh..I can barely say it….

    PLAIN! Eeeeek!

    Above statement only applies to Sausage and Bacon.
    No hot dogs or Ham were harmed during the typing of this.


  47. Elizabeth says:

    I love that you used the word “lo”, and I commit to adding it to my vocabulary.

  48. Bailey's Leaf says:

    My husband’s romantic gesture on our 10th anniversary this past February was to buy me– get this– a rock tumbler. I didn’t mean to feel a bit thrown by the gift, but being that 10 is, well, officially two digits and all, I thought that I would be receiving rocks (or a rock) all right– just not one that required polishing. (That was a horribly long sentence.) At any rate, he was so proud for buying me something that he knew I longed all childhood for. It was very sweet and very thoughtful and very much taken care of by mother’s day when he kept bringing me things. He realized that his gift wasn’t so anniversary-ish (which no, I didn’t tell him, but someone must have.)

  49. funny! My husband’s idea of romance is clearing the dirty dinner plates from the table and setting them on the kitchen counter! Now — THAT’S romantic, isn’t it???

  50. Oh, I’m with Trina all the way!! And hubby gets extra points if he brought you more than one package of syrup.

  51. Wash yo greasy hands and hold that man tight!

  52. I had McD’s for breakfast on Saturday am also. Except hubby graciously let me sleep in and he took ALL the kids by himself and then they served me my pancakes and sausage in bed. How Awesome is that???

    However, one of the boys did eat my hash brown before I got the chance.

    Oh well, life is never perfect.

  53. You truly saved the best for last. That last line is a classic!

  54. Sweet and silly. I love it!! Great post!

  55. “cheap dollars and thrifty cents” is added to my favorite, of’t used phrases. I commit to using it 3 times in the next 3 days so as to make it my own.

  56. I know you’ll treasure that greasy gift forever! When you are old and senile, your great-grandchildren will come visit you and you’ll say to each and every one of them, “If you loved me you’d bring me sausage!”

  57. Normally I don’t laugh hard, I chuckle. And I never cry when something is funny. Reading your post, I just laughed so hard I cried. Thank you! I needed that! I’ll be back!

  58. How precious! A “meatie” from your sweetie!