This post of Angie’s is one of the best things I’ve ever read – and hit me right where I’m livin’ on this fine Saturday afternoon.
Well, it actually hit me where I’ve been livin’ for the last four or five days – but that’s really neither here nor there. I just felt the need to clarify.
You know me. I tend to ramble.
Thanks, Kelly, for the link. It’s a good ‘un for sure.
She is sooo deep. I find myself reading it everyday to see what God has to say through her. Since we share similar experiences, it is like reading everything I ever thought about while growing through my grief although not so eloquently.
You don’t have to have lost a baby to totally understand the words she expresses, only live your life and you will be able to identify.
Thank God I am a work in progress with someone (God) who began a good work in you and me and will be faithful to complete it.
Have a blessed weekend.
Hi BooMama! I tried to click on the link to the post, but to no avail. Thought I’d comment, though, and let you know that I read your blog alllll the time! You make me SMILE! I emailed you once a while back about blogging help. May not remember…but FINALLY, I have entered blogworld. I’d LOVE, just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE for you to come by and visit…
And then just maybe, MAYBE, you will one day add me to your Totally Rockin’ Blogroll. BTW…you’re on my Way Cool Blogroll. (Totally Rockin’ was already taken! ;0 )
Thanks for sharing your world with us….God uses you in that personality of yours…I have a daughter named Sophie, btw….I know, I know…like there are no other Sophies out there. But one day she will know about the one called BooMama and she will surely feel honored to have that name. :)
The link isn’t working… :(
But thought I would let ya know that I enjoy your blog every day!
I agree. I love the way Angie writes…and that post brought me to tears this morning. God is so good!
Link’s fixed. :-)
Oh my goodness that might be the best thing I ever read. I can’t stop crying, but it was beautiful.
thank you.
I have the privilege of knowing Angie in real life, she is amazing and I know she appreciates everyone’s prayers beyond belief. Thanks, BooMama, for sharing the link to this.
Just crying right now – Sophie I hadn’t a clue what I was clicking through to experience – maybe you could use like a huge kleenex symbol? a warning to some of us weren’t aware of who Angie is and what is her story – powerful incredible blessing and heart breaking. God IS good – incomprehensible at times but good. I’m not going to break a pitcher tonight – but someday soon – there will have to be an awful lot of hot glue available!
That is so powerful. Wow..was all I could say…
Wow. That’s what I needed tonight. It’s amazing to me how God always knows what to send to us. He is amazing. and I am thankful, so thankful for my many cracks so that he can pour the light out from within.
I have loved reading Angie’s posts. Her heart of love for others is huge. In fact, just today, I was telling Chris about her going and visiting a person she did not know personally, who experienced similar circumstances to theirs this year. It blesses me to see people like Angie be so much of a servant and blessing–always looking to bless.
Thanks for this link–I loved her idea.
I’m definitely a put-together broken pot myself.
Love you, Sophie!
ok, you need more of a warning with a link like that. I spent 2 hours on that site, reading all past posts. I can’t remember the last time I cried so much. Very powerful.
I read her post last night and cried. It’s such a neat idea and I plan on trying it in the near future. I know God is going to use her in such HUGE ways!
Yeah, ditto to all the above. Been sitting here blubbering all evening. Thank you for sharing that.
Let’s see…I first clicked on your post around 10:30, went to visit Angie’s site around 10:31ish, and now am finally done over there – at 1:42. I read every word that she has written. I have used every tissue in the box. I can’t see out of my right eye because it is so puffy. What an amazing, unbelievable, incredible story. What an even more amazing, unbelievable, incredible testimony that she is sharing with us. But even more than that is the Amazing, Very Believable, Incredible God that is using her for His glory. Thank you for sending us over there. It was worth the 3 hours!
I am off to find a pitcher. Thanks so much for telling us about this post. It is unbelievably powerful.
That was amazing! Thanks for sharing!
thank you for sharing. I had trouble accessing it but knew somehow I should keep coming back and trying, and now I know why.
That was an amazing read, that’s for sure… so powerful.
I love your bloggity awesomeness thingy and linky…you are just terrific!
What a beautiful story! Thank you for hooking us up. God gives some people such a gift of writing and touching deep feelings. Angie has the sweetest spirit and you are so sweet to share. I love reading you everyday. You may me laugh,and you make me cry. Good tears. Love ya, Trish
So glad I’m not the only one crying my eyes out after clicking over there. Poor hubs thought I was completely off my tree! I too read the entire site and just cannot fathom how someone suffers a loss like that and is able to put one foot in front of the other, let alone see God’s amazing provision in all of it. I realize it’s God who helps make the breathing in and out possible when you’re in that place. But I’ve never been in that place, so I can’t imagine what it’s like. At least not til I read her blog. Completely amazing. Thanks for blessing us with a link to an even greater blessing.
That is the most beautiful thing I’ve read in a long, long time. I’m so glad you passed that on.
And…you wanna be in a skit?? At Siesta Fiesta?? just kidding.
I’m right with ya sista! :)
That was the best! I cried right with her. I went all the way back and read the entire story from January to now. Amazing. She has such a wonderful way of expressing the love of God has for each of us. Thank you for sharing their story with us.
It always breaks my heart just a little more when I hear of another bereaved mommy, but I’m glad to meet them, for I never feel alone in my grief anymore.
Thank you for sharing the post.
More bad news at Angie’s site today…