Linky Interwebby Awesomeness 12.11.09

1) A few days ago a friend of mine showed me an old picture, and I was so overcome with joy that all my pea-sized brain could do was to sit there and rattle off a numbered list of all the things I loved about the picture (“ONE, your hair! TWO, your sweater! THREE, your glasses!”). I made it all the way to “NINE, your hands!”

This morning I had a nearly identical reaction to Melanie’s first ever gift guide for the outdoorsman, which was written by her hubby, P. And when I talked to Mel a few hours ago, the first thing I said was, “ONE, afield!” The whole post just DELIGHTS me.

2) The comments on my HP TouchSmart giveaway post are working again. For real this time. All reliable and stuff. Remember that you have until December 24th to enter.

3) Same goes for the $500 L’Bel giveaway. Comments on that one are open until January 8th.

4) This morning a friend of mine from college emailed to tell me that her husband had surprised her with a weekend away – he’d made all the plans by himself – and he was taking her to Jacksonville to see Travis, Shaun and Cindy in concert. WELL PLAYED, KELLY’S HUSBAND. And what a wonderful gift, you know?

Anyway, even if your husband doesn’t surprise you (again: WELL PLAYED, KELLY’S HUSBAND), you and your whole family will be so blessed by a GLORIA Tour concert. You can check out all the dates – as well as links for tickets and info – on Travis’ blog.

5) One day a couple of weeks ago I was cooking supper and started watching “Rudy.” It sends me into the ugly cry every single time – such a phenomenal story.


This morning I saw that Mississippi State’s senior quarterback, Tyson Lee, has been nominated for college football’s Rudy Award.

This is a guy who’s listed as 5’11” in the media guide but can’t be much bigger than 5’9″. He’s a walk on who moved up to starting quarterback at an SEC school. He loves the Lord. He wants to be a high school teacher and coach. He never gave up on our team. He drives from Starkville to his hometown every single Sunday morning so that he can teach Sunday School.


Have a great weekend, everybody!

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  1. I can’t comment on the HP giveaway. seems to be “broken” again. sniff.

  2. The guy who was the reader in my wedding roomed with Rudy in college. So that is my 6 degrees of separation claim to fame.

  3. VOTED! Let us know how it goes for Tyson.

  4. Tyson is a great friend of my nephew’s….I’ll go vote NOW and thanks so much for letting us know about this!
    Blessings this weekend and always,

    Go Tyson…go Tyson….

  5. I went and voted. What a great inspiration he already is and will continue to be in life!

  6. I voted! I hope he wins.

  7. That is just awesome. I had no idea. I heard the announcers saying some nice things about him during the Bama game, but I didn’t know all that.

  8. what a great story about your quarterback! i voted for him…twice. :-)

  9. Thank you! You often write very interesting articles. You improved my mood.

  10. Sally Green says:

    Thanks for letting us know about Tyson. LOVING that he goes home to teach SS. Now I’m a big fan!

  11. Hi Boomama,

    I’ve recently been given a blog award and I’m gifting it on to you.

    I’m new to your blog but I think it’s great.

    Just your award out at my blog

  12. Hi Boomama,

    I’ve recently been given a blog award and I’m gifting it on to you.

    I’m new to your blog but I think it’s great.

    Check your award out at my blog

  13. Saw the Gloria Tour last night and it was awesome!!!

  14. My daughter is in classes with Tyson, she is also a senior and in the same major, and she has bragged on him all year. He also travels to high schools all over north mississippi as a motivational speaker. I always wished the TV announcers would speak more of those kinds of things about him- thanks for taking that on yourself!