I Just Found The Fourth Amigo

This afternoon Alex and I ran by the bookstore so I could pick up a copy of Beth Moore’s new book. The book is called So Long, Insecurity, and I’d be glad to tell you all about how I sometimes struggle with insecurity if I weren’t so worried that you wouldn’t like me afterwards.

We hung out in the bookstore for a few minutes because, well, I have determined that bookstores are officially the most relaxing places on earth. Every once in awhile I even think about carrying a blanket in the bookstore and then settling in for a quick snooze, but maybe it’s better if I just stop right there before I run the risk of oversharing and thereby alienate at least half and maybe even three-quarters of you.


Anyway, after we left the bookstore (FOR THE RECORD: I DID NOT FALL ASLEEP THERE), we ran by Walmarts. I’m usually not a very enthusiastic Thursday night cook because it’s my Bible study night, and given the amount of meat we cook around here, I hate to walk into Bible study and know that the girls can smell FRIED MEAT all over my clothes. Lucky for me David was totally on board with having nachos for supper – mainly because he is completely and totally addicted to the salsa recipe I posted yesterday – so I only needed to pick up a few things at the store.

(Do you know what else I should’ve bought at the Walmarts?)


(Would’ve done me a world of good.)

So Alex and I were making our way around the store, and when we got to the end of the chips aisle (it’s my favorite!), the little man said, “MAMA! LOOK!”

And do you know what? Not three feet in front of us there was a sweet lady handing out samples of a new flavor of Cheez-Its – which, as we all know, is the very best snack cracker in the history of all snack crackers in the universe and beyond and even in heaven.

Don’t tell me there are no Cheez-Its in heaven. Because I will not believe you.

The boy and I both took a sample, and I admit that I was skeptical. There have been all sorts of new Cheez-It flavor combinations over the last couple of years, and after an unfortunate experience with the Smoked Cheddar / Monterey Jack combo, I’ve tried to stick with old school Cheez-Its.

You know. The ones that God makes.

But let me tell you: after we sampled the new flavor, I looked at Alex and he looked at me and after a few seconds of wide-eyed staring he said, “Mama, these are DELICIOUS. We’ve gotta get some of these, Mama.”

So that’s exactly what we did.

A little child shall lead them, y’all.

A little child shall lead them into exciting new snack food options.

And just in time for the Super Bowl, at that.

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  1. Destiny D says:

    Thanks for the tip! We are also devoted Cheez-It fans. As a matter of fact, they’ve been on my grocery list every week for the past seventeen years without fail. We love nothing more than a BIG Cheez-It and pepperoni sandwich with a side of Pepcid. Nothing like it, right before bed! BURP…

  2. “The ones that God makes.” Can not stop laughing. Thanks for completely cracking me up tonight–I needed that!!

  3. Oh, I heart Cheez its. But not Cheese Nips. No. They are not as good. But Cheez its. They are divine. :)

  4. Just goes to show you: sometimes you CAN mess with success. And you can never have too much cheese. Too bad they don’t come with bacon….

  5. You are too too funny and so real!!! I always find chuckles in your posts and so much truth. I love the posts about the sleeve lengths. You often put into words so much of what I am thinking and inspire me to be what I am called to be. Looking forward to reading the insecurity book.. Honey that has my name written all over it.. Love ya!!!

  6. Cheeze-Its…isn’t this one of the four main food groups? My boys always considered them “dairy”. Now made with FOUR Cheeses…definitely, they are part of the dairy group.

    This Beth Moore book sounds interesting…she is a good teacher. I have used (taught) several of her studies over the years.
    Jane (artfully graced)

  7. Oh how I wish it was socially acceptable to curl up in a chair in Barnes & Noble and take a snooze. I bet I could get some serious REM sleep there.

    Nothing tastier than a Cheez It! I only keep the reduced fat at home b/c I eat them by the boxful. I had a regular Cheez It at work the other day and I swear I heard angels singing…

  8. My copy of SLI is on its way to my house as I type (or maybe still sitting in Amazon’s warehouse-boo!). Can’t wait to dig in! Insecurity has been such a Bad Friend to us.

    In light of that, I’m going to tell you what happens to me in bookstores (libraries too).

    I GET THE SUDDEN URGE TO PASS GAS. (And if no one is around, sometimes I do.)

    I’m not kidding. I keep meaning to do some scientific research. Is there some correlation between my excitement level whenever I’m around books and the chemicals in my body that just can’t handle that much happiness?

    Let’s just pray that none of MY friends/blog readers stumble across this comment.

    Because humiliation.

  9. You are on a roll tonight. So funny!!!
    And those cheese its are now on my grocery list. OH YUM!

  10. I bought some of those today at Publix! My kids will only eat white cheez-its, which is a shameful thing, but it is true. I’m hoping they will eat these, and quickly, before I have to.

  11. Boo Mama, I could read you all day. I mean it.

  12. ok, i am CRACKING UP at marla’s comment!

    and you’ll be so proud to know, on the way home from ballet this week, my four year-old daughter asked me if there will be playgrounds and cheez-its in heaven!

    to which i replied of course there will be!

    although to be honest, we don’t buy them at our house. we’re a cheese nip people! :0)

  13. Is it just me or are you especially funny today? I think it’s you. Thank you for all the chuckles.

    BTW I agree with you that Cheez-Its are nature’s most perfect food. Cheesy, salty, puffy and crunchy. The four main food groups finally together in one perfect food.

  14. Oh, love. Love love love.

    Also: Cheese Nips fell from heaven along with Lucifer.

  15. You don’t know it but you are my best friend!! :0) Surprise!! Thanks for the giggles.

  16. You’re such a hoot! Saw those in
    Walmarts (love that)on grocery shopping day. I didn’t have a lady handing out samples, so I left them there. Scared to mess with the original flavor. Thanks for filling me in. My boys will probably love them.

  17. I just put four cheese crackers on my shopping list. :)

  18. Oh, Cheez-Its! I LOVE them! And yes, heaven must have them. AND, since I won’t gain weight in heaven, I’ll actually be able to eat them ’til my heart’s content.

    I can’t wait to try this new flavor, but I’m really nervous. The plain Cheez-It is MSG-free, while the other flavors all have MSG. I’m okay with it, but it makes my daughter sick. Care to share whether MSG is in the ingredient list?

  19. I’ve always been a firm believer (and proclaimer) that Fritos will be featured prominently in all banquets in heaven. I mean, really. I bet they’ll be in a paper-napkin-lined basket right next to the Cheez-its!

  20. Not to steal the Sunshine bakers’k spotlight , but we’ve been attempting to make homemade Cheez-its here ever since I found a recipe at allrecipes.com.
    So far so good. Even Cindy keeps asking for more.
    I’ll send you some if you ask nice.

  21. We went through a box of those in one day at my house this week!! One day I tell you. Could it be because I had them for breakfast on the way to bible study and then for lunch on the way home from bible study? (Beth Moore’s Esther—Love it!)Regardless, we are on box #2 already.

  22. OH!! I love me some B&N. And so does my man. In fact, we took ourselves there for date night many times ~ still do. How’s that for relationship building? Going to a place where converstaion is as ok as the library? Well, maybe not *that* bad. But still.

    However, it makes us happy. And *does* give us something to talk about later as far as what we browsed and whether it would be worth buying right away or putting in an Amazon.com order =)


  23. So funny! I haven’t had cheez-its in forever! But now that you’ve talked about them, my mouth is watering and I may just have to get some with the excuse that they are for the guys for superbowl… but we both know they are really just for me:)

  24. I believe that manna was modern day Cheez-Its. I do. Really.

  25. I will trust you and give them a try. I’m pretty devoted to the originals and a little bit skeptical of new flavors..why mess with perfection? Four cheese sounds like it has potential.

    Have a nice weekend!

  26. Oh my gosh – every day I find something to laugh at with you, and something that reminds me that God makes us so alike, but so different. When I retire (or in the next 6 months if I win the lottery, which I’d better start playing if I’m going to win…but I am getting a little carried away here), I want to own a bookstore, or just work in one. Or a library. The books – they are my friend. I know the Kindle is the way to go, but the book, the newness, the smell, the crisp feel of the pages, aahhhhhh. Anyway – wonderful. And since you just found the book that apparently I have been waiting for my whole life – the insecurity..I am not liking you anymore…well, I’m just going to have to leave for my lunch hour and speed over to the bookstore and pick it up! Thanks for the good info and the chuckles. And you won’t drive me away, i need my morning boo mama laugh!
    Go Saints!

  27. “A little child shall lead them…” I am laughing, hooting, OUT LOUD here! And thanks so much for offering up a new snack treat when I can’t go out to the grocery today since we’re getting bucketed with snow here. But as soon as those snow plows come through, I’m headed out for the new Cheez-Its. I sure hope they have them here. It’s just awful when you hear about a new fun product and it hasn’t been released in all parts of the country. Have a super fun super bowl and eat lots of Four Cheese Cheez-Its for me!

  28. This has nothing to do with the Cheez-Its (although I’m positive they are delicious). I wanted to comment that I adore that Alex calls you “mama”. I have a boy about his age (he turned 7 last week) and he told me yesterday that his cousin calls him a baby because he still calls me “mama”. Made me tear up to think that one day he won’t… I will treasure it every time I hear it!

  29. Tabasco Cheez-its.

    Best. P.M.S. Food. Ever.

  30. AMEN!!

    GO COLTS!!

  31. I have seen those at WM, but haven’t tried them yet. I’ve been on a little Pepper Jack cheeze-it kick myself. :)

  32. You crack me up!!!

  33. Stephanie says:

    We too are cheez-it lovers. That phrase “old school” cheez-its was a wonder!

  34. I now must go to the store & buy me some of those. Cause, my, my, my we are a Cheez-it eating crew around here. Especially the party mix, which completes me.

  35. Yum-o, have to get Beth Moore’s book and snack with some of those!

  36. Boo Mama, I am a regular reader, although I seldom comment. All I have to say is you are one of the most likable person I don’t really know! Does that make sense? xxoo

  37. Too bad I buy the knock off brand of cheese-its from the Walmarts. Actually, we switched from Great Value Cheese Its to “Whales” the Great Value version of Goldfish.

    I wonder how long it will take Great Value to come up with Italian Four Cheese Snack Crackers.*

    Probably an eternity, so I’ll just enjoy my portion when I get to heaven.

    Happy weekend.

    *Compare to Cheese Its brand Italian 4 Cheese Crackers.

  38. Oh too too too funny!!! :D Speaking of funny, did you catch the Office?? =P

  39. Two words (actually two and a half words) that will change your life: Big Cheez-Its. Trust me. Go and be blessed…

  40. The White Cheddar variety are classified as a controlled substance at our casa! I have to dole them out into bowls (small ones!) lest we plow thru the CostCo double pak in an afternoon!

  41. FriedOkra says:

    Srsly my own mother used to nap openly at our public library in our teenytiny little home town in my tween years. I was mortified back then but now I have to admit, okay, pretty darned tempting! Also I am totally buying that book AND some of those Cheez-it’s.

  42. Napping in the bookstore has got to be better than napping at your desk. at work. just sayin’. And, have you tried the White Cheddar Cheetos? another heavenly foodstuff. Our Fred Meyer Stores stock it in the Health Food section—it must be good for us then, right?

  43. I bought these today just because you said they were good. You did not lie. My 3 year old is gobbling them up quicker than her hands can get them to her mouth.

    I also made PW’s salsa, and OH MY WORD AT THE YUMMY! I left out the jalepenos, but I could eat it with a spoon!

  44. That’s funny because I saw them somewhere recently and I thought – I wonder if BooMama knows about these.
    And then I immediately thought, It’s a Cheez-it – of course she knows about it! ;)

    Glad they are delicious! I’ll have to try some!

  45. Hey, I’m a new reader and first time commenter here. Loving your blog! And I had to comment for a number of reasons ~ I’ve always been convinced a bookstore woudl be the perfect place for a nap. Don’t you just feel intellectual when you step into a book store? :)

    And Cheez-Its? Totally made by God! And I betcha it rains Cheez-its in Heaven!

  46. “The ones that God makes.”
    Ooooooh, I do not think I can stop laughing! Don’t ever stop writing, BooMama!

  47. strawberryrose says:

    Love bookstores. Could spend hours in them.

  48. My son (Alex’s age) says his favorite food is Cheez-Its when anyone asks. It’s hilarious. We’ll have to give this new box a try.

    LOVED this post for all the reasons I love reading everyday. So funny!

  49. No mom could live out them! Thanks for a little laugh first thing in the morning! Oh, and second the bookstore thing!

  50. My husband and child are looking at me funny as I am laughing so hard at my computer screen. :) Just the right mix of self-deprication and sarcasm. Love it! :) haha!

  51. Also, WHERE is said salsa recipe?!? I always love a new salsa, so I feverishly went searching for it and didn’t find it. Do you have a second blog where it can be found or am I just overlooking it? :)

  52. Funny you would post this….my friend called was just raving how much she loved them….and how I HAD to get some :)

    I guess I I will check them out :)

  53. Haven’t tried that flavor yet as we are totally addicted to the Pepper Jack Variety!

  54. “The ones God makes.”

    BWAH_HA_HA. . .that was stinkin’ HILARIOUS. I have partaken of that particular manna today myself. :)

  55. Cheezit is actually manna but in English isn’t it?? Just thinking how yummy it might be to pound out a piece of chicken breast moderately thin – dip into an egg wash and then coat well with crushed tabasco cheezits? Bake or fry as your heart desire – oooh might make fabulous chicken fingers! You are a trouble maker Miz Boo’s Mama! Now I may have to go buy cheezits and I thought I was done at the store for the week.

  56. Beth Moore – book purchased, reading has commenced, but how can I find more time? I may have to have a snow day to get it in! Thanks for pointing to such a fantastic book.