Edited at 8:08 p.m. – updated totals!
I have to tell y’all this: last week, when this little idea first started to take shape, I mentioned to my sister that IÂ hoped we could raise $1000. I kept telling myself that it would be okay if we didn’t raise that much, that even $300 would be a wonderful contribution to Kelli and her family.
But since I know how many people read this little blawg everyday (because Site Meter tells me things – BLOGGY things), I held on to the thought that if most of the people who read here threw in a dollar, we could come up with $1000. Then I figured I’d make the minimum $1.50 contribution because hey, I’m all wild and crazy like that.
And then?
And then?
And then you people go and give over $6,000 and make me cry and ruin my mascara and get all speechless and overwhelmed and stuff.
Plus, there’s this little bit-o-news: some family friends of Kelli’s found out what was going on here yesterday, and they – along with some bloggy friends - surprised her family by mailing them checks that total $2400.
So let me just add up those numbers for you because I might not be able to string together coherent sentences right now but I can still add, baby!
For Kelli.
And God gets all the glory.
I think it’ll probably take me a few days to put words in their proper places, to express myself in a way that goes beyond “!!!” and “WOW” and “!!!” and “[BUG-EYED]” and “!!!”
But here’s what I know for sure: having the privilege to witness what you’ve done for Kelli, having the privilege to talk to Kelli on the phone and hear the wonder and gratefulness in her voice, having the privilege to see a group of people come together and love on a sister in a time of need, having the privilege to read your sweet emails about how you gave everything that was in your PayPal account, or how you only had a little bit to give but you wanted to help, or how your kids emptied their piggy banks, or how you gave extra to stand in the gap for the people who couldn’t give, or how you couldn’t give money but wanted to send Kelli a quilt, or how you have committed to pray for Kelli’s family, or how you have faithfully linked to every single post where I’ve mentioned this For Kelli idea, or how you have, by doing any or all of those things, lavished on Kelli’s family a love whose Source can only be Jesus – well, it has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite like it.
But I have a feeling that it’s a little teensy glimpse of what heaven will be like.
Thank you so much. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you.
Y’all are the best internets in the whole wide world.
“For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” – Ephesians 3:14-20Â
Wow—what generosity from everyone. I consider it a privilege to help her…Thanks,Boomama,for putting this together and making it so easy to give.
I will be praying for her!
I stand in humble awe, but then why should I be amazed. We all serve an amazing God.
Oh my! WOW! I’m speechless. We do serve a mighty God! Praise HIS Holy name!!!!! Thank you BooMama. I’ve got tears in my eyes.
Awesome!!! Thanks Boo for hosting this. You are an amazing person and you have put this blog to good use.
Thanks for “being all wild like that”–there is no limit to what God can do through us mere mortals when we grasp the endless possibilities of his power and love. I hope Kelli can rest a little easier as she sends the COBRA people their check. :)
Tears, tears and more tears.
ONLY the love of GOD could do such a thing.
I am just overwhelmed myself at the generosity given by mostly strangers.
Even though I am amazed I keep telling myself I’m not really amazed, because that is how God works, through people like you, and all those who participated.
The great thing to me though is that everyone gave without anything in return. They didn’t get to hear a night of gospel music, or get a smiley face to stick on their shirt, or a symbol pin, or even a t-shirt. But if they are like me they did get something….and they felt it in their heart. That is much better than anything tangible they could have received.
Thank you Jesus for loving me and allowing me to see your love unfold through your children.
I am glad we could be a part of this. thanks for the tears lol.
I have a sixteen-year old brother whom I fear will one day be in Kelli’s situation. This project and its success has meant so much to me.
Congratulations Kelli. Give those two angels hugs for all of us.
A lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.
God is good.
That’s truly amazing. What an awesome testimony. Please keep us updated on her progress!
Thanks for the opportunity to help. It was an amazing experience.
It is amazing … and just the beginning, most likely! This is a wonderful reminder to me to open my eyes and heart to the needs of those around me, friends and strangers alike. We just never know how God will use our willingness.
WONDERFUL !!!!!!!!!!!
I’m tearing up just thinking about this. It is so wonderful that so many people came together to support Kelli. And you are wonderful for putting it together. Thank you and God Bless Kelli!
Amazing, simply amazing. I’m so proud to have played at least a small role in such greatness!
Dang it! Now you’ve made me go and spoil MY mascara!
Mascara was never sacrificed so willingly.
Bless your heart, Ms. BM, for the good work you went and did in His name.
Bless your heart.
Praise God for the miracles He allows us to witness. Who would have ever thought a bunch of internet gals could scrounge up so much money. Thank you BooMama for having the get up and go to make this happen…you’re the best.
As I was reading this, I just kept getting the same hymn stuck in my head:
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Our God truly is an awesome and loving God. You have demonstrated that God cares about us and loves us and that the best way for us to show our gratitude for that care and love is to turn around and show it to others.
Philippians 4:18-20 (The Message)
And now I have it all—and keep getting more! The gifts you sent with Epaphroditus were more than enough, like a sweet-smelling sacrifice roasting on the altar, filling the air with fragrance, pleasing God no end. You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, his generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus. Our God and Father abounds in glory that just pours out into eternity. Yes.
I’m praising God for his love and mercy that he showers on us and for the lavishing of love that he gave to Kelli through everyone. It really does amaze me how God chooses to fulfil his plans.
I’m just glad to know that I was one of his game pieces in this love offering. It makes me want to jump up and down, waving my hands in the air, shouting “Pick me to use again! Pick me to use again!” That was so satisfying – I can’t wait to see how God will use us next.
Bless you BooMama for acting on this little nudging from God.
I am not surprised really I know first hand the power or the Lord and his people. I would not have made it this past few years had not another set of God’s people interviened in my life and the life of my children. Only God gets the glory.
The money is just the half of it we all must continue to lift our sister in Christ to the miracle worker, God so she can be healed.
It is so wonderful to be a part of fellow Christians even through the internet, amazing Blessings for Kelli and her family to have this burden somewhat lifted.
Thanks Boomama
It is just… amazing, truly awesome, to see what God can do. I was unable to be “in” yesterday (due to a difficulty on our end with Paypal), so when I hopped over here this morning to put myself “in”, I grabbed my Bible intending to add to my comment the very verses in Ephesians that you posted above. Indeed, “To him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or *imagine*. . . to him be glory…”
The best spent money this year, that’s for sure.
Something tells me it’s not over yet.
this is just beautiful and amazing!
To God be the Glory!
Now MY keyboard is wet! Thanks, Boomama, for giving us the opportunity to give!–Mary C
Thank you for listening to the voice of God!
I’m speechless.
Boomama, you rock! Don’t forget that Susie will be donating 20% from the blog makeovers, too. There’s more to come!
Isn’t it great how you can’t do something for someone else without feeling great about it?
God is working through you! Keep your sails open for his breezes!
God and His people make a great team, woo hoo!!!
Thank you so much for providing this opportunity! I’m speechless.
You are a blessing to us, BooMama. The money is wonderful. But the very best thing is that Kelli and her family have hope again. What an amazing thing this is.
absolutely amazing. You’ve facilitated something incredible. Thanks for giving everyone the opportunity to take part. Thanks for making me teary eyed and overwhelmed this afternoon;-)
I would like to think somebody would do the same if it were me. Will you be doing this again soon for Kelli?
Praise the LORD! We have stood on Holy ground during all of this and it feels AMAZING. God is good, and BooMama, thank you for letting Him use you to further His plans. (“Plans to prosper…..”)
It was truly, truly amazing to watch God work through some willing hearts to help someone in need. God is sooooo good.!
Thanks Boomama for knowing how to set it all up so we could all be a part.
Honestly, I’m not blown away at all. I just knew God was going to do wonderful things through His people yesterday! I’m so glad we were all able to play some kind of role in helping this family out. I can’t wait to see what miracles He has in store for them next!
You are making me all teary too. I am so thrilled for Kelli. And I am so proud of you. I love it that you make us laugh right out loud with your very gifted writing, but I love even more your tender heart. Thank you for taking the lead on this. And thank You Lord for Your unspeakable goodness.
Amen :)
God is so good and so are the wonderful people of Bloggityville! Hallelujah!
“God is good, all the time! He put a song of praise in this heart of mine, God is good, all the time, through the darkest hour, his light will shine, God is good, God is good, all the time!” Hallelujah!
I’m in!
Absolutely Awesome-God, and the money that was raised. Thanks for being the one who got it all started!
I saw the button for this little initiative on a blog I read and while I “know of” you, Boomama, I don’t “know” you. But for whatever reason, God put it on my heart to participate in this fundraiser for someone I don’t know. And I felt like $1.50 was such a piddly donation for someone as blessed as I. And I am really touched to see that so many others felt they could spare more than a little change as well.
I didn’t give enough to make me feel uncomfortable, and now I wish I had. But being a part of such an incredible blessing for a woman I don’t know…. This is definitely a great way to start the year.
Bless Kelli. And bless you, Boomama for spurring so many into an action that surely has changed lives, at least a little bit. God is good!
Somehow Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus comes to mind…….amen and amen!!!
Thank you for allowing and inviting us to all be a part of such an amazing outpouring!! What a privelage!
To God be all the Glory!!!
I have this image of you with hair askew and tears running down your face furiously working and re-working an adding machine. Outdated numbers on white slips of paper all around you as people keep giving and giving.
It is a beautiful thing. God is amazing. To God be the glory!!!
WOW!!!! I feel like I just witnessed a modern day version of Jesus multiplying the fishes and loaves! How awesome to see what unity does.
I knew it would be like this. How awesome is the power of prayer and the hearts of loving generous people around the world coming together. I am honored to be part of it. And the prayers don’t stop.
An amazing demonstration of the “body”…
Thank you for providing the impetus…it’s a privilege.
Prayers for Kelli and her family will continue!
God is good. That’s all I can say.
That’s just an amazing testimony to the wonderful people out in blog-land. I really think God used you to work in all our hearts to inspire us to give everything in our Paypal accounts, everything that we could, really, and to wish that we had more to give. I hope you keep the account link up and open for a while, as if I make more from my business I’ll have more to give later, it’s really dependent on orders though so I have to wait :(.
Eph. 3:20 had always been my fav. verse, yet He still continues to surprise me over and over.
I still say it ain’t over yet…
Well..BooMama…Last night while at my Mom and Dad’s we all sat around talking about the situation at hand and watching the numbers steadily climb. While I know God still moves today, my dad shared a story of how God let him know he would send us full time in the ministry and provide for us some 14 or better years ago. Someone planted a seed and God multiplied it!! We all watched him multiply the seed you planted and today when I called my mother to check the total…Praise God…his work was VERY evident and makes this girl wanna shout Amen!! Kelli, you and your family are all in our prayers. We lift you up and Praise God NOW for the blessings he has already given us and the ones he continues to give us on your behalf and in our own lives. BooMama…What a blessing to know you are out there influencing so many. Thank you God for giving us obient servants! I forgot to say….I’m In! Much love and prayers…Lisa
I am. Humbled. To God be the glory.
Oh, my goodness! I’m just sitting here crying and I really don’t have time for a headache because I have to start teaching a mythology class in the morning. Okay, where was I? I just received a comment on my post about Kelli from a woman who had a kidney transplant in 2005. She left me the following note:
“Please contact me about how to give to help the woman needing the transplant. I had a kidney/pancreas transplant in Aug. 2005 and am doing great. I’m in SC and have set up Google alerts to send me any type articles, blogs, etc about transplant fundraisers. There is help out there. For example the churches in the city where I had my transplant had established homes where people who had to stay in the area for at least 3 weeks (like transplant patients & their families) could stay for free. Thank you.”
I’m following through with it and hope something good comes of this, too.
Yesterday was really awesome, huh?
Amazing. Simply amazing. Our God is an awesome God!
What a great testimony of love and concern for our fellowman. God must be smiling and rejoicing because his people are doing as Jesus asked us to do…loving our neighbor as ourselves. Love plus gifts from the heart will work miracles.
Wow! I’m so glad that we were able to help Kelli in some way. And YOU are truly a blessing to her and her family. Thank you for this amazing idea.