Breaker 1-9, Internets, Breaker 1-9

I really don’t think there’s a retail establishment within a two-mile radius of my home that we haven’t patronized over the last three days.

Or at least not a retail establishment with the word “DISCOUNT” in its name.

And I’m not saying that I’ve wanted to blog more than I’ve wanted to visit with family – because that is most definitely not true – but it was quite the tender moment a few hours ago when the computer and I reunited. I gave her a big hug, and later on I’m going to brush and braid her hair. Because I’ve missed her.

We had a great time with Mama and Martha, though. And I thought about EVERY STINKIN’ ONE OF Y’ALL last night during a conversation Martha and I had. We actually ended up talking into the wee hours of the morning, and at one point she started to ask me about This Thing They Call A Blog.

Martha wanted to know how someone would go about finding my blog on the internet, and she asked if there was a special name people needed to know in order to read what I’ve written.

I didn’t understand her question, so to clarify she said, “Well, I mean, I doubt you just have something called [my real name].com! I can’t imagine that you’d have [my real name].com! I know lots of people have the dot coms, but I just can’t imagine that you’d use [my real name].com because of, well, privacy and safety and things. So I thought maybe you, had, you know, a handle or something.”

“A handle?”

“Yes! You know! A handle! You know like the truckers? On the interstate? How they talk on those radios, those CB radios? And they have names like ‘FoXy $eXy Mama’? And I mean, I know your handle for your blog isn’t ‘FoXy $eXy Mama’ or anything like that, I mean OF COURSE NOT, HEAV-ENS NO, but I was just wondering if you had a special handle or something so that people can find the stuff that you’ve written.”

[long pause]

[trying to absorb the fact that I just heard my mother-in-law use the phrase “FoXy $eXy Mama.”]


And once I composed myself:

“It’s called ‘BooMama.'”

“B Mama? What Mama? B Mama?

“No ma’am. BOO Mama. You know how we call Alex “Boo”? Well, I’m BooMama.”

“OOOOOH. Okay. Well. That’s catchy! I mean, I guess it’s catchy. Well, I’m sure it’s catchy. It’s adorable. It’s just adorable. Adorable!”

She still hasn’t read the blog, mind you.

And granted, the title is nowhere near as catchy as “FoXy $eXy Mama.”

But I reckon it’ll do.

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  1. I definitely think you should change it to “Foxy Sexy Momma.” :-)

  2. I like Martha’s idea, but if she HAD read your blog she would most certainly have said “Foxy SASSY Mama,” because SASSY is, like, your word, isn’t it?

    And just what is Martha doing listening to truckers talk on the CB radio?

  3. I guess you know that “Foxy $exy Mama” is going to resurface here on the blawg at regular intervals, don’t you? :-)

    And I know this will shock and possibly sicken you, but in my teens I had several CB radios, and my handle was — “Big Mama”. Even though at that time I wasn’t all that “big” and I definitely wasn’t a “Mama”, not even close.

    My apologies to our friend M. who blawgs at “”.

    I wonder what kind of site could be found at “Foxy $exy”??? ;-)

    Have a great holiday weekend, S.

    Love and hugs,


  4. Foxy Xe$y Mama – that cracks me up and even more so to imagine Martha coming up with it.

  5. you seriously might have to think about changing now – that is too good. I am sure your son and husband would understand…. just think of all the “great” things that would come up when someone googles FoXy $eXy Mama….

    funny – too funny!!!

  6. My hunch is that Martha once saw one too many episodes 70’s crime-related dramas with trucker-related plotlines. Remember, even Charlie’s Angels went to trucker school….

  7. It surprises me how many of the people I write about have no interest at all in reading what I’ve written.

    If I knew someone near and dear was posting all manner of things about me on the net, I’d be checking it out and calling with edits.

    Yes, ma’am I would. As the famous Foxy$eXyMama would say.

  8. OK, you sooo crack me up. I didn’t ask, and I should have first; but I recently linked to your “stunt pillows” post.
    I guess I am sort of delurking myself here. Been reading you for a while but have never commented. Found you through my very good friend, Heth from Under the Laundry Pile. Every once in a while she pokes her head out for coffee or shopping with me. Thanks for lots of laughs.

  9. What BooMama said. :)
    That’s the answer right there.

  10. All that I know is that my family tree is seriously lacking on account of that fact that we have no Martha and no Sissie. What kind of heritage is THAT???

  11. My sister has asked me to never, ever mention her on my blog. Oh. Ok. So forget all of those posts about my sisters…. Actually I just never give her the blog address!

    Works for me!

  12. My FIL used to be big into the whole ‘cb radio’ know, in the seventies. His handle was ‘Milk Jug’. So I would definitely stick with FoXy $eXy Momma.

    You are sooo gonna get some weird hits from google on this one..:)

  13. Boo, I think Martha has been watching too much “B.J. and the Bear”!!!

    Definitely need to change your “handle”… just think of all the truckers out there missin’ out on your blog!

  14. Janet (aka JT) says:

    I’ll never forget my Dad telling me that he had set my Grandparents up with a computer and internet service so that they could stay in the family loop. So the next time I saw Pop, my beloved grandfather, I asked him what his email address was. He looked over at my grandmother in a very confused manner and asked, “Hon, do we have the www’s?” My grandmother looked all confused as well, so Pop turned to me and said, “Oh no, no, Jan, we don’t have any of the www’s.”

    I don’t think they ever received a lot of email.

  15. Oh my word. I love Martha.

  16. Oh that Martha! You just never know what she’s going to say. Much to our great delight!

  17. If you feel the need to change to “FoXy $Exy Mama”–and who wouldn’t– I support you 100%!

    Just imagine the hits you’d get then!

  18. Another LOL adventure with Martha–love it! What does your husband have to say about his Mom? Now that Martha knows your “handle” she might have a computer savy friend that will just dial into that handle and keep up with your blogging. :-)

  19. HOWEVER. Once you start sporting those skirts you got at The Ross, things could very well turn around for you. You could be Foxy $exy Mama before you know it.

    Although you might want to lose the dollar sign, as it carries, you know, IMPLICATIONS.

  20. that’s the thing about blogging. you never really think the whole name thing is important until you’re one year into it and you realize you’re stuck with the name you picked forever. i guess you should have consulted her first.

    sounds like a fun, fun time there.

  21. Oh, I’d love to be the fly on the wall when Martha comes to visit again. How do you ever keep a straight face???!!!!!!!!!

  22. suzanne says:

    Well, now it might be pretty funny if she starts to call you BooMama!!! =)

  23. What were you thinking when you called it Boomama? I think Foxy $exy Mama is way better for sure!

    We used to have CB radios in our cars when I was little. Here were our silly names…

    Dad ~ Gentle Giant (he’s 6′ 6″)
    Mom ~ City Slicker
    Me ~ Snuggle Bug
    Sister ~ Pee Wee

    Nothing half as good as what Martha could come up with for us, I’m sure!

  24. Bailey's Leaf says:

    I’m just waiting for the same person who sent you that fine red hat to mail off some “Boo Mama” handles. Literally handles with the Boo Mama page head printed right on them. Wouldn’t they look nice in that bar of yours? Don’t worry, when Martha comes, you could just cover them up with a nice chenille throw.

  25. Oh, sweet Martha, you do not disappoint, do you?!

    This reminds of a day last week when my family and I were going through old family movies and my Mama said to my Daddy, “Baby, I hope they don’t find any of our tapes in there!”

    She was kidding (SHE WAS, AND I REFUSE TO BELIEVE OTHERWISE) but it was a sad moment for my ears.

  26. Martha is sooooo funny! Where in the world did this sweet little old southern lady come up with such a handle anyway?

    I have a confession to make, Boomama. Speaking of CB handles……I graduated from HS in 1977 and almost everyone had their own CB in their car. By the way, I just attended my 30 yr. class reunion last night! (That’s another story for another time.) Anyway……about 8-9 years ago when I tried to think of a name for my email account, what do you think popped into my mind?? Yep! My email address is my old CB handle……and it doesn’t have foxy or sexy in it! Until now, I had never confessed that to very many people. I’m sure there is a “redneck meets techology” joke in there somewhere =)

  27. Christal says:

    Oh, Keep those grandma stories coming….they are just so-o-o-o rich!
    Love them, love them, love them.

  28. I think I’d love to have coffee with Martha. :)

  29. this made me laugh, and laugh, and laugh. I love explaining, to the older generation, about the blog. (or Blawggg… or Blob as my mother and grandmother once referred to it as.)

  30. Today I needed a good laugh. I can always count on one from you BooMama.

    You must have had some entertaining time. I can’t imagine having both my mother and mil at the same time for more than a few hours. Whew!

  31. It IS catchy!

  32. Oh wow. Foxy Sexy Mama. You know, Martha could run a side line in helping people name themselves for internet purposes, be it blogs or single ads. She has a flair!

  33. heh-heh-heh

    Well…My mama still has NO IDEA what a blog is, but it must be something like an email address and why do I need two email addresses. I haven’t even begun to try to explain my Squidoo lenses to her. I think her brain would burst!

  34. Reckon so!