Please Join Us As We Continue To Live On The Edge

There was a period of my life – back in my early twenty-something days – when the arrival of the weekend signaled the beginning of all sorts of activities. There were movies to see, bands to hear and parties to attend, and at these things called parties people would wear festive clothing and celebrate festive occasions like engagements and weddings and birthdays, not to mention the fact that hey! it is the weekend! and we are young! and it is time to enjoy ourselves! by participating in all the festiveness!

But now? On a Friday night? Nothing makes me happier to be in my pajamas by sundown. With some delicious take-out food by my side, an ice cold diet Coke on the coffee table and the DVR remote in my hand.

The times, they have a-changed.

The little man actually has a birthday party for a couple of his friends this afternoon, so I may not achieve my goal of pajamas-by-5. But I can’t even tell you how happy it makes me to announce that, aside from this afternoon’s birthday party and our usual Sunday morning routine, we do not have a single bloomin’ thing on our agenda this weekend. No special events, no commitments, no deadlines, no errands.

We’re just going to be AT HOME, and I for one could not be more excited. Especially because I just realized that this comes on CBS tonight, and OHMYWORD, I JUST ADORE HIM.

And also because there’s a State / Ole Miss basketball game tomorrow afternoon at 4, and I have big plans to sit (or stand. or pace. or vacuum. whatever it takes.) right here and watch the game on TV and scream “COME ON NOW, SON” and call my sister 74 times in the first half alone and maybe even ring my cowbell.

While eating chips and queso, of course.

So while this weekend won’t look even remotely like my twenty-something ideal, it’ll be quite festive just the same.

Because I’ll be in my house. With my people. Wearing my pj’s. Watching all manner of quality television programming.

And that’s some serious thirty-something perfection, my friends.

Hope y’all have a great weekend!

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  1. AMEN!! I’m with you on the PJs by 5, and I’m trying for that tonight myself! Have a good one!

  2. amen for no weekend agenda! just me and my baby girl both in our pj’s by 5 p.m. boomama, i sure wouldn’t have pegged you as a Garth fan…are you a fan of “Chris Gaines” as well?

  3. It’s almost 1pm here and I’m in my jammies… because I never got out of them. I only have the baby with me this weekend and have not a single plan other than to sit with the remote in hand (because I now have cable ;)) and work on an afghan I’m sending to the Sandy Spot–oh, and nurse the baby. He needs food now and again. What an exciting life we lead, huh?

  4. OH GIRL. Wait until you are in your 40’s. And you aren’t able to stay awake for the movie. And what wakes you up is your own snoring.

  5. What does it say about me if I’m one of those early twenty-somethings and my idea of a good time is the tv-watchin pj-wearing option mentioned above? I’m going with “ahead of my time.” :) Have a great one!

  6. Friday nights are “down time” for us usually. Kind of an end-of-the-week sigh.

  7. “There’s no place like home.”
    Especially when you’ve got on pj’s and shows on the DVR.

  8. Oh, yeah. I am totally down for that kind of fun, too. What happened to the outgoing, activity-hopping someone I used to be? Now, a night at home is a victory, not a sign of social rejection.

    (And a cold Diet Coke sounds perfect right now.)

  9. It sounds like Heaven on earth to me. Only I will be in my velour track suit and book by my side on the couch with my boys.

  10. Let’s hear a W00T W00T for the weekend! My weekend looks a lot like yours and I’m STOKED!! :)

  11. Pj’s and take out is heavenly. The less we do on the weekends the better. We are so old.

  12. God bless pajamas. And weekends.

  13. I’ve got a few months until I’m 30 & I already love these weekends. With 2 small kids, I look forward to the weekend just so I can share all the work, I mean fun, with my husband!

    Oh, and thank you for reminding me of the joys and glory of Diet Coke. We are out and I’m trying to resist the effort to go buy more because I’m trying to cut back. But, oh, the delight of the Diet Coke……..

  14. lol! I’m in my mid 20’s and your weekend sounds great. Relaxing by 5? That’s a dream.

  15. Don’t forget the Jane Austen-a-thon going on on Sunday nights on PBS! NO ONE MESSES with My Weekend Plans!!!

  16. Sounds HEAVENLY. Unfortunately I have to go out in this heinously cold weather to our church’s very first ever boys and girls club. Woot. Not. Sigh… I’m such a grump. I’d rather be in my pjs by the fire with the DVR.

  17. Stephanie says:

    Those kinds of weekends have always been my favorites, even when I was young. I am still in my jammies, so no need to even change. :) And is this the right time to mention that Garth lives in my town? And that my very own husband saw him and Trisha walking hand in hand, shopping, just before New Years.

  18. Tried out Newk’s last night with the hubby. Yummmm. Thanks for the tip.

  19. This thirty-something had to work today, so the goal’s closer to 6 for PJs. Other than that, I’m there–not for the Garth (sorry,) but for the weekend. I, too, have no pressing agenda for the weekend (for the first time in several months.) PJs and take-out it is!–Oh! Or, maybe I can even make delivery happen….

    Gotta go start making this happen. Enjoy your weekend! I’m sure I’ll enjoy mine.

  20. I love pjs on a cold evening (I’m in Canada). I have wierd weekends due to working half of Saturday and half Sunday but i sure love pjs on Sunday afternoons… Please call before dropping by!

  21. Oh, that sounds like a great weekend, but it would be Ohio State basketball in my house or hockey, or whatver Ohio State game the Big Ten Network is showing…(as long as it’s my scarlet and gray.)

  22. This very concept of staying home and just being family is a really cool deal in your 40’s too so you got nothin’ but fun to look forward to…oh uh yeah and a few aches and pains and hot flashes…yeah, that’s totally rockin’ too!

  23. Go ‘head girl! It’s 5 pm and I am so already in my jammies. Although – you said queso…I wonder if La Botana would mind if I dropped by in this getup to grab some salsa and queso? Cheesy goodness. There is nothing like it.

  24. OHMYGOD, you have just described my weekend. My college self would be HORRIFIED. But I am thrilled.

  25. I’m picturing you walking back and forth in your living room eating chips and queso and vacuuming up right behind yourself.

  26. You and I are so much alike! Too bad you don’t live in B.R……I am sure we would be fast friends! I always say “What has happened to us?” We have become Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw. We too are staying in tonight, and I couldn’t be happier! It’s raining and 40 degrees here in Baton Rouge. So, how lovely to stay indoors. I too have a DVR full of things to watch. First and foremost…the Biggest Loser….we love that show!!! Oh yeah, I forgot to correspond after the big LSU game! Geaux Tigers!!! National Champs!!! And what a game it was!!!

  27. “I’ll be in my house. With my people. Wearing my pj’s.”

    With my people…I love that! I have to steal that line.

  28. Oh my word! I thank the Lord that you blogged about the Garth special tonight, b/c I would’ve run across it about an hour in tonight and been SO disappointed that I had missed some. OH, I can guarantee that my DVR will be working overtime on this one, and that I WILL set this one to save until I delete, and I will NEVER delete it (at least not until I achieve my dream of getting to sing with him)! I am the biggest Garth fan out there and unfortunately, I have never had the opportunity to see him live in concert, so this (and the concert DVD set I got last Christmas) is the closest I will come. THANK YOU BOOMAMA, for if not for you, I would have lamented missing this show!!! Oh, and when he reads this post – as I’m certain he, too, has to have his daily Boo-fix – please feel free to give him my e-mail addy when he asks for it so that he can let me know when I need to fly to Oklahoma for our jam session.

  29. I usually try and get my house straightened up on Fridays and my grocery shopping done so that I can relax on Saturdays and just watch my VOLS or a movie or whatever and there is nothing like being home in your jammies. Today, I was wild and did something I don’t usually do, I stayed in my jammies all day and climbed into my bed and turned the t.v. on and watched a little Food Network, and HGTV and took a long nap. I then proceeded to take a shower(around 3:00) and put on fresh jammies. I am now deciding pizza delivered or some other take out. We always eat out on Fridays and tomorrow the only thing I have planned is eating out again. I do cook on Sundays. This Sunday, my famous pot roast. Don’t you just love the weekends?!!
    On that note, have good one! :o)

  30. I loved your post today. It is rainy and in the 40’s here. When I read it I thought it is exactly what I love to do on Friday nights…especially cold, rainy ones. I won’t be able to do that tonight though. My daughter has a slumber party to go to, my 15 yr. old son is attending a high school guys Bible study and then wants to go to the movies with a group of friends. Looks like I’ll be playing chauffeur (sp?) tonight!! I can wish though, can’t I? Have a great weekend!!

  31. Jammies, and remote….that is what I live for…that and chocolate.

    Have fun!

  32. That, my friend, is how I roll!

  33. O.k. I’m just trying to get out of my p.j.s by 5:00 today.
    Have fun!

  34. Hey, I am all for spending a day at home with some take out and my favorite PJs. Not to mention one or two good movies or TV shows. AAahhhhhh! The good life.

  35. What about Food??? That’s all I can think about when we have a relaxing no plans weekend.

  36. Pajamas by five sounds like an admirable goal to me. I’ll have to add that to my Friday night line-up which includes Monk, thin crust pepperoni pizza and all the Coke you can drink. Chocolate recommended.

  37. 5:37 central time – I’m in my pj’s, cooking dinner and gearing up for DVR shows we didn’t have time to watch earlier in the week and I will go on record to say that I could not imagine a better way to spend a Friday night. :-)
    (We would be having pizza to go with out night but we are on a diet – so chicken breasts it is.)

  38. Oh how terribly sad that you just described my weekends… and I’m 24… and have no kids. :(

    Except, ask me Monday how I feel and I’ll be overjoyed because by that time I will be in Hawaii basking in the sun not caring that I had to get up at 1 am on Sunday to head to the airport.

  39. I love Friday nights at home. Sometimes I’m watching the clock wondering just how early can I get in my PJ’s and not worry about anyone stopping by. 4:00 would be good.

    Happy birthday to your son!

  40. Does Babystepper know you? Because her comment sounds like I picture you every since I saw your oven, cleaner than spotless, other than it had cake spilling over. And that wasn’t even burned.

  41. You know it’s a good Saturday when the alarm clock doesn’t have to be set to remind you it’s morning!

  42. You know, I was surprised when this (gradually) happened to me, too. All through high school, and even my first year or so of college, when I was at home I would be out with friends almost every night. Then it was less and less until I would pretty much only see my parents and the folks at church. And now, even with my own baby, I’m content to be home with her and Husband a lot of the time. I still want girl time now and then, but much less than I used to.

  43. Sounds like perfection to me! And OHHH, Chips and Queso…I think we may have to make us some of that! I hadn’t even thought about it, but now, NOW I can think of nothing else! My diet thanks you.

  44. AMEN! Preach it sister! That’s my kind of weekend, (except for the basketball game).

  45. Considering I’ve not left my house since Sunday morning – no, wait! I did go to the end of the driveway to pull the garbage cans back up by the house – and I’ve had several days when I didn’t get out of my pajamas, I think tomorrow my be time for me to venture out into the wide wide world. But you have fun hanging out at home for me. = )

  46. I LOVE thirty-something perfection!!! Enjoy your weekend, friend!

  47. Sounds sooo very nice. Can I come over?

    :) Have a good one!


  48. That sounds like THE BEST WEEKEND EVER! I love the times when I (we) can just stay at home and relax.

  49. I could join bigmama in the eating of cookie dough. Don’t you remember Miss America is on tonight!

  50. ahhh, ha…sounds like my kind of weekend!
    hugs, bj

  51. All I can think about is all those years of pajama-wearin’, do-nothin’ weekends that I missed out on while trying to be social!

  52. I’m with you about the weekend. After managing HS and MS students in my classroom all week, NOTHING sounds better than take-out at HOME for the weekend.

    Oh – – – Church on Sunday of course – – – but then back to PJ’s, take-out, and HOME!!!!

  53. Yes, thirty-something is a wonderful thing. Just the thought of having to attend a fancy function or party makes me break out in hives. In fact, as I type this (at 11:00 a.m.), I’m still in my p.j.’s. To have absolutely nothing to do and be home with the youngins….life is good, my friend!

  54. No kidding, we love pj weekends around here

  55. Hey, that kind of festive-nes is not limited to the 30-something crowd. No ma’am, we late 20-somethings enjoy that too. Good luck to your boys.

  56. Its 12:39pm and yes we are still in our pj’s with no plans what so ever to get dressed! We will watch kid movies and sit by a roasty toasty fire and we will roast marshmallows which is a high light of any cold day…
    I love Saturday~!
    Happy Mommy

  57. Amen sister! i didn’t even get out of bed today until 10:45! That would be 9:45 your time, which makes me feel a little less pathetic.

  58. I am so with you! I have the same set up on Friday nights! It’s the best!

  59. I will be honest and admit that you described my weekend as well..minus the husband and kids part! I love being a “bum” and not having a thing to do! Sometimes it’s just fun to hang out in your PJ’s and watch’s fun alot of the times. Darn that thing called a job! Ha..just kidding! Have a wonderful relaxing weekend..oh yeah..and COME ON NOW SON!! Love it!

  60. Woo Hoo for comfy jammies and free time!

  61. Amen to pj’s and being able to stay home for a change! I am such a home body. I do love to go out and do but also love being able to stay home for a change. When life gets too busy (as it often does) I get a bit cranky and resent the demands on my time. But time spent at home helps keep me sane so it balances out.

  62. Ruff ruff!! How ’bout them DAWGS!?!?!?!?!
    Ole Miss OVERRATED!!! My hubby is ecstatic :)

    And a Roll Tide for my Bama. We’ll see your DAWGS in about a week. Bring it!

  63. You know you are heading toward middle age when you stay home on a Saturday night and the phone rings and you hope it isn’t for you!!

  64. Enjoy Mr. Brooks and I hope your team kicks the other team’s boo-tay. =)

  65. That sounds delightful. Thanks for the podcast on blog etiquette. Really good stuff.

  66. Yeah, and who says that getting old doesn’t have any perks. I second your idea of a GREAT weekend!!!!!

  67. amen! and the hubby bought me new PJs today. And not the recreational kind. The soft blue flannel stripey kind. I’m so with you!

  68. I’m with you all the way! My husband doesn’t get it – this feeling of comfort at being able to stay home, not having to go somewhere. I love when I get to stay home, preferably to do nothing, but I’m perfectly happy being in my pj’s at home rather than out doing “something.”

  69. I can so relate! I remember when (way back when) I used to start planning my Friday night agenda first thing on the previous Monday. I used to ask “What are we doing on Friday? This weekend?”

    Then, at some point, I started asking “We don’t have any plans, do we?” Because, now my response to that is “Oh, good! I just want to stay at home.”

  70. Oh I am so longing for a day like this. You said it right – you’re living on the edge. One of these days I’d join you.

    By the way, thank you for your help on my bunco belle plea. I won!!!:

  71. This is definitely my idea of a great evening!! I’m with you. In fact, I stayed in my PJ’s all day just until it was time to take a hot bath and change into fresh PJ’s. How often do we actually get weekends where we can do this? This is my first one in a long time. I went outside for the first time this weekend to get yesterday and today’s newspaper. This weekend ROCKED!!

  72. I hear ya!! Most of the time that’s what this ole 51 year old mama does too. But last night was different. I blogged about it, if you’d care to read. We had a good time. :-)

    Love~ Pearl

  73. Yeah, I really don’t need much besides jammies, diet coke, and good take out. A good book to read if Celebrity Rehab isn’t on, but other than that… ;)

  74. Wait til you’re in your 40’s! Sometimes I don’t get out of my pj’s on Saturday! And most Sundays, I’m in my pj’s after I get home from church and lunch! LOL Today was no exception!

  75. I am soooo envious. Someday I’m going to slow down. But right now, if I want to have a nervous breakdown, I’d have to schedule it . . . say . . . sometime after April….no mid-June would be better!!

  76. I spent my weekend in bed, because I think Melanie sent me her virus via the internet :) No really, but, O I feel her pain. It was indeed the yuckiest I have ever felt.

    I’m so glad for your restful weekend with your fam. I wouldn’t trade a thing for those younger days, would you?

  77. Ditto here :)
    Yep, the times have changed, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

    Life is good in our PJ’s!

  78. The only thing better than in your jammies with take out and diet coke on a Friday night is if you’re listening to rain hurling against the windows and you know you don’t have to get out in it. And seeing the BULLDOGS(!!!!) whoop the fire out of the rebels was icing on the cake, was it not? I’ve even been watching Sportscenter to catch that replay of Jamont Gordon’s behind-the-head pass to Charles Rhodes for the slam (he slammed it in the goal, as Jack would say!)

  79. So we got invited to go out w/some other peopleFfriday night for dinner…at 6:00. We said, you all go at 6? But the wait, it will be forever long and we all have kids (they only have small babies). The waits were 2 hrs! We decided we are officially old, because everyone was ok with that wait, and we were thinking about how we get there at 5 sharp to “beat the crowds”. I even found myself going on and on about the traffic on a Friday night. I need to get out more I guess. Haha!

  80. Wait, by saying “be in my pajamas by sundown”, means you get out of yours on Saturday? Well I’d say you have bit more of a wild streak than I, my friend.

  81. Sounds wonderful! Hope you had a great weekend. Thanks for giving us lots to laugh about – it does a heart good.

  82. Oh, I have been all over the Complete Jane Austen, and I never turn on the TV normally. I am so old before my time. Especially since I watch it with my wireless headphones on, because no one else in my home is even remotely interested.