Email Uh-Oh

I won’t bore you with the details, but I just realized that I have what you might call an Email Sitch-Yee-Ation.

And my sitch-yee-ation is that every single email in my inbox that belonged to my old BellSouth email address or my current Gmail address HAS GONE BYE-BYE. The stuff that I’d answered and filed is okay – but the unanswered messages in my inbox are toast.

The irony, of course, is that I told a friend of mine this morning that my goal for the day was to tackle my inbox and get it down to zero. So I guess in a way I accomplished my goal – by, you know, accidentally deleting everything.

All that to say: if you have sent me any sort of email that requires an answer in the last month or so, then you might want to send it again. I’m just as sorry as I can be about that inconvenience, by the way. All I know to tell you is that I have absolutely no business trying to act as my own tech support person, and I am firing myself from serving in that capacity EVER AGAIN IN MY WHOLE LIFE EVER.

Now do have a lovely afternoon.

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  1. Shall I say “good job” since you accomplished your goal of cleaning your in-box? hhmmmmm maybe not. ;)

    But we do understand – this happens. Don’t feel bad. We still love you.

    And just a word of encouragement, this post made me feel better today (knowing that I am not the only one who fired myself from being my own tech support).

    Liza’s Eyeview :
    and A Maui Blog.

  2. What an ever-living blessing!

    I love a clean slate, don’t you?

  3. and surely you checked in the ‘all mail’ section of your gmail? or the trash?

    *sigh* I do hate a technology sitch yee ation

  4. Great post! HA! Just wondering if you could tell me how to do the “Mr. Linky for people to add their blogs for a certain topic. For example, your American Idol post. How would I put a “Mr. Linky” on my blog?


  5. Sorry this doesn’t help with your sitch yee ation, but I thought you might want to check out! =)

  6. You’re too distracted by March Madness!!

  7. While trying to fix our compter problems, my husband accidently deleted my calendar – not a big deal since we didn’t have anything comeing up. But he also deleted my address book. All of it totally gone. My parents’ new phone number? gone. My college roommate’s info? gone. All of it gone.

    So I feel your pain.

  8. I think that you were just jealous at Melanie’s situation the other day and wanted to one-up her in the technologically affected category. :)

    Good luck playing e-mail retriever. Personally, I’d rather just have the golden variety myself!

  9. Well, while your tech support person may now be unemployed, I bet your cook, maid, and laundry wench deserve a raise! ;)

  10. I just switched over from the old Bellsouth/ATT to the new ATT/Yahoo or whatEVER it is now. And I didn’t read all the fine print and just did the switch, and for about 5 or 10 minutes, I thought they’d dumped EVERYTHING from my Bellsouth acct, including address book, saved stuff, mailing lists, etc. I tried the online chat function, and after snail speed responses from the rep, she finally responded that I’d have to CALL the 1-800 number because their chat DIDN’T SUPPORT the old Bellsouth accounts. Tried to be like Jesus on that one and acted all nice. Called the 800 number, and the stupid automated attendant didn’t give me any viable options and put me through to “order new services”. Yes, I might have screamed at the phone a time or two; figured the phone didn’t really NEED Jesus,so I’d be OK. Next tried to email someone, but THAT had been disconnected, and chat and phone were the ONLY options. It was not a pretty sight in my basement; I was ready to call Clark Howard or Bill O’Reilly or SOMEBODY. Finally found a backdoor way to get through and my stuff all came over to dark side (I am NOT happy about having to change… again). I truly feel your pain… I really thought I might burst a blood vessel for a while…

  11. Hee hee hee hee hee…

    I deleted about six months of my inbox not too long ago…it was both devastating and freeing at the same time. (Well, the “freeing” part came about 24 hours later. After I patched up the hole I put in the wall.)

    (I kid.)

  12. I have a friend who accidentally deleted her entire blog! She was postpartum tired and thought she was deleting a post and deleted the entire blogger blog. Poor thing has been trying so hard to retreive it from blogger and all of our rss feeds.

  13. Hi! My husband used to work with your friend, Daphne Shannon, so I found your blog through her. I LOVE it! I am trying to get my own blog started. My husband is a “computer guy” so let me know if you need any more tech support!

    Take care!

  14. Well, that’s one way to empty your inbox [smile].


  15. You know what? This made me laugh. Not at you or anything, more in relief. I did this a couple weeks ago and felt somewhat torn between amusement and stupidity and it’s just so nice to know I’m not the only person who accidentally deletes her inbox.

    We rock! =)

    Good luck retrieving them from the servers, if you’re going that route, or congratulations on not having to answer those e-mails, if you’re going that route!

  16. And this is exactly why I am never my own tech person! I just call my husband. :)

  17. How strange that the day after Melanie has a freak out with her blog and her e-mail, you have a situation with your e-mail. Could there be a conspiracy a-foot?

  18. This happened to me once…. guess what… I found EVERYTHING in Outlook (or Outlook Express)! Apparently, I had accidentally opened it up and it automatically downloaded all my email. It was there… not out in cyberspace, but on my own hard drive. I know how frustrating it is when technology fails. Blessings!