EDITED: Want an update on our total so far? Click here. Â
I can’t even tell y’all how excited I am about today – and how much I want for us to just bless the socks off of Kelli and her family (if you have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, click here).
So, click on the “make a donation” button at the bottom of this post to make a contribution. My only request is that $1.50 be the minimum – but you may certainly donate any amount you wish. You do not need a PayPal account in order to give; Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover are also accepted. The PayPal account where you’ll be donating is already linked to Kelli’s bank account so that she’ll be able to access what she needs as she needs it.
Email me if you have any questions or problems…I’ll be posting some updates on our progress throughout the day.
Also, remember that Susie at Bluebird Blogs will be donating 20% of all blog design orders between now and January 21st to the For Kelli fund. Be sure to stop by Susie’s place if you want a fresh, fun look for your corner of Blogland.
If it’s not a good time for you to donate money – or if you simply don’t feel led to give – I know that Kelli and her family would be forever thankful for your prayers.
One more thing: if you have donated, prayed or linked to this effort, please leave a comment that says, simply, “I’m in!” When Kelli gets online later today, I think it would be awesome if she could see a visible representation of all the people who have given their money, their prayers, or their blog space for her cause. I hope it’ll be a tremendous encouragement to her and her family.
Many thanks in advance, everybody.
Your transaction will be secure.
A family will be blessed.
And, above all else, God will be glorified.
Hello In again, I have a friend who wanted to donate anonymously, so I set it up for her. God is so good!
I’m in. God Bless Kelli!
I’m in.
We are in!
Love, prayers, thoughts and hugs!!
I’m In! Praying for amazing things!
I’m In!!
I am in! May many blessings be in store for Kelli and her family.
I’m in!
I have a friend who had a transplant last January. Amazing year 2006 was for us to say the least.
Praying for your family.
I’m in.
We are in…and we will be lifting Kelli and her family up in prayer!
I’m so in!
I’m blessed to be in!
I’m in! My family and I will be praying for you and yours!
I got an answer to a big prayer yesterday, I’m in too.
Good luck, Kelli.
I’m in.
I am just so blessed by seeing all these loving hearts helping another.
I’m in.
I’m in too! :)
I’m in!
I’m in and praying!
In. In. Inny-in-in.
Count me in!
I’m in and have posted asking my personal blog readers to consider helping as well. I’m also going to post about this on my educational blog. I pray the donations add up to a HUGE amount! Praying for Kelli and her family.
http://ourfamilyporch.blogspot.com -The Porch Light
http://littlefunlittlelearning.blogspot.com – Little Fun; Little Learning
I’m in.
I’m in – and I mentioned Kelli on my blog.
I pray that this effort snowballs, that the Lord multiplies the donations, and that Kelli receives healing.
In Jesus name.
I am in too. Bless your heart Boo Mama. :)
I’m in….
I’m in!
I’m in!!! You are the best! The whole world is seeing the Boomama that I have known for years! God bless you and God bless Kelli.
I’m in! Thanks for giving us the opportunity to bless Kelli and her family in this way. :)
I’ve posted another reminder, I’m praying and I’m in.
I’m a mother of five and know how tight things can be, and we’ve gone through some tough times with no insurance and some tough times with insurance that cost us even more, but was so worth the money.
God bless all of you!
Cheerfully in! Thanks for setting this up.
I’m in.
I’m in!
Im just a kid, but my mom is going to be giving. I guess all I can do is pray for her!
I’m in!! Cause I’m so blessed.
I’m in!
I’ve donated. I am soon facing being health-insurance-less (or having to buy it for our family) and I can’t imagine being in the situation she’s in. But God is in charge and His will will be done. God bless you and your family, Kelli.
I’m in!!
I’m in! Blessings to you and to Kelli!
I have been reading your blog and love it! This is my first time posting and I’m glad it is for this reason – I’ve made my donation and am praying for you Kelli.
I’m In!!
Being a Registered Nurse with my speciality in kidney dialysis for 13 years… Kelli holds a very special place in my heart!!
Thanks for allowing us to come alongside her in such a tangible way!!!
It’s a no brainer… I’m in.
I’m in and just think this whole thing is amazingly Wonderful. Best wishes to Kelli!
Ok … I’m in tears … I am so in … Sooo blessed … so thankful that this time God’s allowing us a chance to make a difference. SO often we don’t get that chance and this year I have been exposed to so many where money couldn’t help. SO I feel very blessed that booMama is doing this and that God is letting us get to be part of it all. … and to think … it’s only 11:30 in a.m on the east coast and some of the world hasn’t even woke up for the day!
God is still so great at multiplying those little loaves and fishies … I can’t wait to see what happens next!
I’m in. Praying for all. God Bless you!
I’m in. :)I’ve lurked around your blog for some time now. I have to say it is one of my all-time favorites. I read yours and a handful of other blogs each morning before I start the day. Your stories always make me laugh, without fail. We need more people like you in the world. Oh, and thanks for the button. I finally got it to work!
Praying for Kelli!
We’re in! (commenting through Hubby’s blog) -Mary C
I’m in! I’ve never commented on your blog before but I do read it often.
This is such an amazing thing you are doing for Kelli. There should be more people in the world like you, and everyone out there who has commented/donated to this, or something like it today!
I’m in! This has been amazing to watch as the day goes on. The total and the number of people commenting and participating are overwhelming. Thank you for responding to the Holy Spirit’s prompting, Boomama. I dare say that Kelli and her family will not be the only ones blessed by this! Above all, may our Father be glorified.
I’m in! And blessed to be part of this effort. My prayers are being sent as well.
I’m not able to give much, but I wanted to do what I could … thanks for giving us this oppurtinity!
I’m in too, now where did I leave my purse… LOL!
It wasn’t much, but I didn’t want to let that stop me. I think it’s wonderful that you went with your heart on this and we could all be a little part of it.
Now she just needs that kidney!
I’m IN, Boomama! Kelli, I am praying for you…
BooMama, I am Kelli’s mom.
I want to give my heartfelt thanks to you, and all of the friends who have given their support in so many ways to Kelli and her family. God bless every single one of you.
I’m IN!!!!
I donated and (if it worked) sent a comment with it. I don’t have much, but it’s nice to know that I can help in my small way. Thanks for setting this up.
I just found your blog today, I think that I may have visited it before. Anyway, I added a button to both my blogs!!!
I’m in!
What a day! What an incredible day!
I’m in!
Wow, what a list! I’m in, too.
I must have checked the total 15 times already. Can’t you be like QVC and give a running tally on the webpage. (Just kidding, but wouldn’t that be cool!)
This was a terrific idea and will really bless Kelli and her family.
I’m in!
I’m in, and tickled to death to be able to bless someone else! TYVM, BM!
I’m in!
we’re in too!
WOW! I am completely shocked, yet so proud of what a few “moms” can do with a little help from everyone!!
Again, WOW!
Thanks for doing this for Kelli!
I’m in! Praying for Kelli!!!
blessings, Zuda Gay
I’m in! Along with my prayers.
I’m in. Praying for Kelli and her family. God bless.
I’m a long time reader but have never commented-this is worth commenting. You are the hands of Christ in action-what an example you have set.
I’m in! God will provide.
Wow! I’m in! Thanks for hosting and letting us be a part of this. It makes me think of the Bible verse Jude 1:22 “And some having compassion making a difference” Kelli will continually be in my prayers and I’m excited to see how God is going to work!!
I’m new, don’t know any of you ladies yet. But I’m in, and I’m praying.
I am gladly in, my dear mother passed away last spring, she had kidney failure. May God greatly bless Kelli, and her precious family.
I’m in… thanks for doing this for this sweet family.
I’m in!
I am in! I have linked on my blog, have the button and I donated. What a sweet thing to do BooMama, and I am so proud of blog-land!
I am praying she gets that kidney soon.
I am in and praying. Hugs for Kelli and BooMama for arranging this sweet gesture.
In for the day and praying for the future! Blessings! What a great way to use the internet for God’s work!
This…….THIS……is what it is all about. I imagine this is how Christ’s church would function. To help a Sister.
Kelli…..you are in my prayers. You are a worthy, wonderful, beautiful daughter of God’s. You are lifted up Dear One…may you sing and dance, and hear the whispers of our Lord’s tonight!! Many, many, sweet Blessings!
Mrs. Martin
I’m in! Kelli and family are in my prayers. “Lord, you know the hopes of humble people. Surely you will hear their cries and comfort their hearts by helping them.” Psalm 10:17
God Bless You!
I’m in!
I’m in… longtime lurker and I figured this is a great time to join in!
I’m in too!!
This is awesome! I’ve been back like four times to see the updated total. God and His people are amazing!!
God is good, all the time! Praise Jesus!
In–because we lived on Cobra & high risk insurance & even without insurance & now it’s time to pay it forward!
I’m in!! I hope we can make it to $5000!
I’m in….a little late, but I’m in! I’ve been ‘lurking’ for a few months now (OK, several)…LOVE your blog, BooMama…it’s always one of the first I read each day. :) Hoping to jump into ‘Blogity-ville’ myself one of these days soon. Thanks so much for doing this for Kelli…she is in my prayers!!!
WOW!! I am loving that total. I can not wait to see what it ends at. ((hugs))
I’m SO IN!!
I’m in!
I’m in!
I’m in!