This week Big Mama and I tackle some really tough issues: the challenges of parenthood – including but not limited to vomit and scissors, the use of wild game in home decorating, the ongoing debate regarding skinny jeans, and Can Hillary’s Hair Be Saved?
We also have answers to some of your questions AND the first-ever podcast anecdote about Martha, not to mention Delightfully Cheesy (although perhaps temporary) theme music and some bloopers, to boot.
Really, it’s just like Christmas.
Only not.
But we do hope you enjoy it.
And if you don’t, please don’t tell us. We’d prefer to live in denial.
Thank you and have a lovely Labor Day weekend.

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Wow! The theme music really sets the tone for the whole episode!
Love the theme music!! It makes it all seem so official and professional. Although, I only got as far as the throw up story and now my 5 years old wants to get on Webkinz. Sorry, ladies it kills me, but I have ot put The Big Boo Cast on hold for some Webkinz time. I guess I’ll list that as my most challenging thing about Motherhood! I’ll be back!
We (17mo old Troy and I, that is) are only as far in as the music and I have to say you have our vote to make that the official Big Boo Cast theme music… you know that Monk & Neagle dance I told you about? He’s now applying it to the Big Boo music as well. :wink:
And now you’re both speaking and he’s in awe…
I think the 2nd Big Boo Cast was even better than the first — I didn’t think it was possible. And can I say — I LOVED the bloopers at the end. Hands down, my absolute favorite part of the whole thing!
Oh. Mah. Goooooodness! I’m laughing so freakin’ hard I cannot breathe. Thanks for the asthma attack, y’all.
Coffee and cake in NYC? Please forward the email. :)
Great 2nd show, girls. :)
Love the podcast!! We are originally from Kentucky and moved back in April to Kansas. I get “accent” remarks all the time!! I love hearing yours!!
Should I tell you that one day, my husband came home to my craddling my daughter in the middle of a livingroom that was dotted in kitchen towels everywhere? What was the reason for the kitchen towels? To cover up spots of vomit all over that she had deposited. I think that it was Big Mama who said that she gets as far away from it as possible. Me, I just cover it with a kitchen towel and wait til the hubby comes home to clean it up. But, my excuse? I was being the mama and taking care of the baby. No time to keep up, honey! Yuck!!!
Sooo much fun!! Don’t you think a round brush would help Hillary’s hair immensely?? Thank you for a great laugh this morning.
LOVED the bloopers!! Well, loved the whole thing, but really LOVED the bloopers. It’s fun to hear you guys laughing SO hard you cry. The laughter was definitely contagious.
The tears are flowing from laughter about the bobcat rugs. That is certainly a treasure!
I hope I don’t have bad dreams tonight about those bobcat rugs.
yall are hilarious..made my your voices!
Ok…let me wipe my tears away from the bloopers at the end….seriously, i’m sitting here ALONE crying and laughing out loud at my computer!!
I took notes and these were my favorites:
skinny jeans and units are a “no-go!”
People AKA Fox News
Aggie and MSU football
BOBCAT RUG was too funny
Of course the bloopers at the end!!!
Just can’t stand it….too too funny. Can we just all hook up in Nashville for Deeper Still and laugh and cry and laugh and cry??!!
now, i must go be serious and productive!
Poor Howard! Perhaps your pediatrician should give you a prescription for those ear-numbing drops for when he has those earaches. They save the kidlets so much pain when those ear infections come on, and so much wear and tear on the mamas.
i LOVE your theme music!
its dripping with irony.
Ladies, ladies, ladies. Thirty years from now, when your feet are crippled by your high-heel induced bunions, and I am comfortably still hiking through the woods, I will remember your hatred of flat shoes, and I will laugh evilly. “Mwa-ha-ha-ha!”
But you are right about one thing – fried okra is manna from heaven.
Y’all are a hoot!!!!
AMEN to the cornmeal-encrusted, Crisco-fried okra. Excuse, me, but I think I need a moment.
I live in a place where most people have never heard of okra. Sad, sad state.
Okay, I love to hear that Martha’s stories are even better when you say them instead of type them. HILARIOUS!!!
Okay, the music was completely unexpected and it had me laughing out loud. Then the bloopers at the end were the greatest!
Thank you for all of the helpful and entertaining advice. You girls do not disappoint!
Can’t wait until the next one!
I listen to your podcasts from New Zealand. Not sure what okra or units are but loved it anyway!
Is it a coincidence that the little podcast player is called the “pickle player” (hearkening back to one of your greatest posts…)?
Roflol at Shannon’s comment above, re: “pickle player”… I was JUST thinking about that post yesterday and had a fit of laughter remembering it… oh goodness, this podcast thing is just too. much. fun. :)
Excellent theme music. Also I am glad you addressed your serious problem of claiming too many BFFs. However after hearing your favorite movie was “Waiting for Guffman” I would like to be added to the list :)
On iTunes it cuts off at 17:34 right before you discuss movies. :(
Loved it.
My hubby is at a college football game tonight so you and Melanie were my ‘date’ and I had a blast! You guys are so fun!!!
Opps! Now you know I’m from out west. I mean y’all are so fun!
I am LOVING all this FriedOkra talk, girls!
Also, Units? I used that little belt, headband, tupe top thing as a MINI-SKIRT! WHAT was I THINKING?
I tried on a bunch of trouser jeans today at Ann Taylor Loft, and you’re right about the pockets. Can you say Battleship Hee-yups? Oh.My.Granny! Sigh. I cannot find a pair of decent looking jeans to SAVE MY LIFE!!
Oh, shootfire, I didn’t get to the okra part because my kids wouldn’t quit hootin’ and hollerin’ so I had to turn it off and will continue later. We did have fried okra last night, though. What would summer in the south be without it?
You girls are so funny! I am enjoying these podcasts immensely, and I did pick up some Lipslicks in Daring. I. LOVE. IT.
Units? – Guilty
Fried Okra? – Love it!
Toothless Bobcats? – Priceless
Future topics idea – the upcoming fall TV season. LOST, Gray’s Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, Survivor. I get giddy just thinking about it!
Okay, I’m all caught up now.
Let me just say that I am against the fried okra with batter. It MUST have cornmeal and be sliced very thin. Also, you HAVE to watch Lonesome Dove! It is a classic! Thirdly, I used to have a serious crush on Jon Bon Jovi. Oh, who am I kidding? I still do.
For future broadcasts would you think about discussing what on earth happened with Renee Zellweger and Kenny Chesney? What was up with that 2 week marriage? I NEED an explanation!
Ok…I’m sitting here watching UT (that would be TN Vols) and they just showed a shot of the coaches in the booth and I got a little tickled thinking that is what you and Bigmama look like with your headphones and mics on…..however, the coaches weren’t having nearly as much fun as you! You rock!
Question for future show: Cable or satellite dish?
I have never in my life heard of Waiting for Guffman??!
You girls just warm my heart. I love to listen to ya’ll!!
AND Break-away…at A&M?? I’m thinkin’ Melanie that we had to be in some business classes together (I graduated from A&M in ’93).
Cool beans, ya’ll…lots of fun!
Keep up the fun!
OH, and a question: College savings plans for your children or not?
Look what I found!
That was awesome. Especially the last blooper, I have no idea what I was laughing about, but it sure was funny!
I don’t know what it is about hearing someone laughing like that, but I just sat here and laughed right along with you!
I love these podcast, they are so fun.
So, are you two going to be at the Siesta Fiesta?
I had to add Waiting for Guffman and Best in Show to my Netflix queue. I haven’t seen either. You two crack me up. Looking forward to the next one already!!
Love the skinny jean conversation…I agree they are from the devil himself. Great podcast…you two are hilarious!
Thanks for sharing your vast knowledge and opinions with us!
This CA girl, now living in AZ, had to google “Wedding for Guffman” (because that’s what it sounded like you were saying to my non-southern ears) and thankfully “Waiting for Guffman” popped up right away.
Have never heard of it, so now I’ll have to rent it when my man is away some evening! (Doesn’t look like his type of movie!)
You ladies crack me up! I’ve had Christopher Guest quotables running through my head all morning and now can’t seem to stop singing the Stool Song :)
Here’s a question for the next podcast that was prompted by the WFG quote “I had a hankerin’ to be an actor when I was a young feller when I got out of the Coast Guard, but I went to taxidermy school instead – well, I took a correspondence course.”
Is there anything (profession or otherwise) y’all had/have a hankerin’ for that remains unrealized?
Ya’ll so totally rock. I wish you both lived next door. San Antonio isn’t that far from Austin… but I’m afraid Alabama is a bit of a drive. Just the word “skinny” mixed with the word “jeans” should be a factor in why you should steer clear of them. I’m quite certain that half of my organs have been re-arranged by tight-fitting jeans in the past. I’m finally in revolt against all manner tight-fiting-ness. I have resorted to wearing skirts, dresses and slacks. I don’t care if that makes me look like an old lady. Comfort is king!
Keep up the podcasting. You girls are doing a smash-up job of it!
Loved the podcast. “Here’s the Remains of the Day lunchbox. Kids don’t like eating at school, but if they have a Remains of the Day lunchbox they’re a lot happier.”
ugghhh…i am sooo trying to listen but on my dial up it just might kill my poor laptop and i havent come up to the speed of getting a i pod yet.
am guessing about some things…
i was totally into UNITS in high school…as a matter of fact that was my entire wardrobe for a trip to russia. had to pack enough clothes for 26 days in one bag and it had to be less than 40 pounds. that was the ONLY way to go. of course the thought of putting any of that on this 36 y/o after 2 kids no longer a size 6 body is totally repulsive.
thanks for the giggle…
and if you go for a show please go with one of the networks that do satellite and cable
Love it ladies!! awesome podcast!! I’m up here in Southern Alberta, Canada and ummm no fried okra here!!LOL
Here’s a question for you guys, what are your favourite ways to relax and un-wind? Bubble baths? Walks? I have six kids, so I’m lucky if I can go potty by myself most days!!LOL But, I love to get out with my BFF and we hit the nearest Starbucks for some yummy latte’s and good conversation!!
Keep up the fab job guys!!
God bless you both!!
Everyone is sleeping and I’m afraid to wake them (I need my quiet time!)from my laughter so I’ll listen later! I can’t wait!
God bless,
Ok to my northern ears, I thought it was Wedding for Gotham. I played and played it and still couldn’t get it. LOL But thankfully Jill and Holly deciphered it for me and now those two movies are on my list. Also I did buy the lipslicks although I had to search the Cover Girl section at Walmart. Finally found them and yes they had “Daring”. Ok was I daring or was I a wuss? Went for it – it’s a perfect color, not too much! While I don’t have parchment skin, I am blonde so it was a big decision! *snort* Also if you could, plz comment on those skin tight capri pants – you know the ones with stretch that hug every curve. Oh my word, if you have big thighs, which is who I see them on, that is monstrous! Would you agree?
Loved the first and second podcast and the theme music was titallating.
To find two people so much alike on the internet is amazing and you (like) finish each other’s sentences. I love it! LOL
Hugs from Minnesota
p.s. I don’t have a blog
It is just insulting to me when people CANNOT tell your voices apart. Yankies really need to TRAVEL more!! And I’m sorry, but I’m gonna lump in Californians with the Yankies. They’re all the same, only the Californians don’t have weather.
Seriously, when my hubby was in medical school at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, our group of friends consisted of people from various states and ethnic backgrounds, and whenever my sister would come to visit (from East Texas), I had to act as translator. She would say something, and LITERALLY, everyone in the group would immediately look at me to translate what had just come out of her mouth. It was too funny!
Boo, you and Big sound nothing alike to me. I could tell you apart blindfolded. Wait a minute…since I’m not blonde, that must have been the Aggie in me showing.
Did she just insult me? I never said you sounded alike. hmmm
I meant you are so alike in your opinions, your wit and your lives.
Well hugs anyway from MN
I love the theme music. And the bloopers had me cracking up. Y’all could so totally have your own show.
OK I’m really trying to listen to this…I’m on dial up so its gonna take me a bit of time for it to load. Still haven’t been able to get the first one to load completely but I’m not finished yet!
It only took a couple days to get the Casting Crowns clips to play but it was worth it. hehe
Off to get these loading!
OK i finally did get to listen. it took 5 hours to download but I listened to it…LOL
I love it. I wish I could get it on regular radio or the like but will have to suffer w. dial up….LOL
I loved it. On fried okra I dredge mine only in flour and fry in hot hot wesson grease. My DH makes his with cornmeal tho.
How about other southern foods like barbecue?
Ya’ll are so stickin funny!
I listened I laughed…my hubby thought I was crazy!
I hate those thin/tight leg pencil (or whatever you wanna call them) pants!!
Ohh and fried Okra…I grew up in a small town NC and I swear by the local restaurants okra! My big brother has been in the Navy for 7 years and his FIRST stop when he comes home is Pennys Place for their OKRA! mmmmmm:::drooling:::
Good job ladies! I could just picture the two of you with your headphones and mics and when you got so tickled in the bloopers, I had to hold in the giggles. Have GOT to stop listening to you at work!
LOVE the podcast!! I listened to the first one driving in my car – i must be more careful next time. Ya’ll help me keep up my southerness. Can I pretend ya’ll are my BFF’s
Oh my goodness! First class audio entertainment once again!
Ted Turner better watch out because you guys (here in Chicago, I admit people actually say yous guys) are going to put him out of business with news, sports and fashion talk.
That was so fun to listen too…can’t wait for the next one!
How can Tim and Faith be your BFF’s? They are already MINE!!
I really want to listen to your second podcast…but…it wont let me :(
last time I was able to listen to it fine on the “mp3” link but cant seem to get these ones to work…have any suggestions?