Listen. It has been a week. It hasn’t been a bad week at all; it’s just that my work usually gets super hectic between Thanksgiving and Christmas, and YES. That has certainly been the case so far. But in the words of Shawn Mullins in his hit song from 1998, “Everything’s gonna be all right. Rockabye. Rockabye.”
I have no idea why an old Shawn Mullins song just popped in my head. The brain is a strange and wondrous thing.
A couple of days ago I accidentally published a post that I had not in fact edited (I am an obsessive over-editor; in fact, the only reason I don’t continue to edit posts from, oh, 2006 is because I won’t let myself read them…the temptation to edit would be too great). I thought I would get that post edited and then put it on the blog again, but alas, I have not. Maybe next week. And telling you that wasn’t even the reason why I started this post tonight.
The reason I started this post tonight is because I just watched this week’s episode of Survivor.
All righty. Let’s talk about it.
Hayden is my favorite. I think he’s kind and loyal and it’s kind of endearing that he doesn’t do so great in the challenges. I very much appreciate that Tyson has played a brilliant game, but I haven’t loved the in-your-face aspect of it (I’m gonna eat all the food, I’m gonna talk about how delicious the ribs are while the rest of y’all rub blisters on your hands trying to win immunity, I’m gonna be lazy because I can, etc.). And I like Gervaise, but in this last episode he didn’t do himself any favors with his attitude at tribal council. Too much pride on display – and too much smack talk way too soon.
Anyway, Hayden needed a big move, and my word did he and Katie ever make one. It didn’t work out exactly like they hoped (I was sad for Katie), but it gave me some hope that Tyson winning won’t be a foregone conclusion. If Tyson makes it to final tribal council, I think he’ll win, but maybe – just maybe – Monica (who is tough as nails, isn’t she?), Ciera, and Hayden will join forces before that happens. It seems like Ciera has decided to shift loyalties OR see to it that Tyson and Gervaise make her some guarantees. There was a moment at the end of this last tribal council when Ciera looked at Tyson and said, “Don’t glare at me” – and oh my word, I laughed so hard. Because I know he has the immunity idol, but I also think he knew that she meant business.
One more thing: I’m ready for Tina to get back in the game. I don’t know if she’ll make it off Redemption Island, but I think she’s a phenomenal Survivor player. She’s unflappable – one of the few players who is relentlessly upbeat and positive.
Are y’all watching? What do you think? Is there any way to stop Tyson?
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